Hi, Id just like to get some opinions off the community and the members of Team Sky..
I was involved in the £15K Bounty Hunter qualifier yest at 5pm, there were 130 odd Runners to start with and 26 to qualify..It got to the point where there were 35 left in and i was on a table where Each Player had over 10,000 chips. Everybody agreed on the table that we all fold and give each other the blinds to keep us in until the 26 were left to qualify!..It worked and we all qualified!!...But i couldnt help but think after is that fair to the other players and more to the point does anybody else do that at all?
Just wondered how others felt about this whether its within the rules or people might think its Unsporting and out of order?
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its a big no no i think
the fact that you said to do it and every1 agreed is collustion and is not allowed anytime
if you were all to do it without saying then yes to me its fine, as the aim is to get the seat
i cant see an issue with this.
if 5 had 10k chips and 1 hand 1bb and they all folded/let him nick some blinds then theres an issue.
but the aim of sats is to get to a level where you are comfortable to get a seat. all of those at the table did just that.
The OP stated that they "agreed" to do it.
That is as clear a definition of collusion as you are likely to get.
Nobody's denying it's common sense and had each player elected to do it sliently then yes, it's sensible, but when there's a dialogue in the chat box and everyone actively agrees it's another matter.
When you get 4-handed in a DYM with one player extremely short, then all players, barring the occasional blockhead knows not to clash with the non small-stack even with Aces, but it doesn't make it right to type:
"No we will all fold until shorty gets eliminated, OK"
into the chatbox
That's the issue, and if you think that that's acceptable, then quite frankly I'm stunned!
If people get the message without it being communicated there is no issue, but when people verbally agree to fold it's collusion.
You can guarantee that someone would have taken longer to catch on without being told, so they have gained an unfair advantage and it's quite simply CHEATING.
Players often check-down a pot with an all-in player - but if you type "Let's check it down to knock him out" it's collusion.
Applaud you for your conscience, but its a defo NO NO for me sorry