How do you measure the strength of your hold cards against pre-flop raises.
I often find myself in a situation were I get dealt decent cards in a late position but there is so much action before it gets around to me I find my enthusiasm for the hand reducing with every action.
Is there any system that can be used to allow you to have a strategy to deal with this
P.S. Can you pass this message onto Trevor Harris............ Ha HA HA HA
Hi Guys you're opening up wounds with the straight vs 55 hand there.
Just got back from my local casino having visited for the first time to check out the £20 freeze out.
Ground away for the first 3 hours eventually departing having flopped a straight (78) flop came 569, I bet out and was put all in by 55, next card comes a 6.... gutted.
O well I'll definatly be heading back, drowning my sorrows and enjoying the show!
In terms of coolers such as AA v KK, or set over set, is there any edge to be found in these situations or should you just view them as break even ‘drama’, because you will be on the winning side of such situations as often as the losing side in the long run?
Just got back from my local casino having visited for the first time to check out the £20 freeze out.
Ground away for the first 3 hours eventually departing having flopped a straight (78) flop came 569, I bet out and was put all in by 55, next card comes a 6.... gutted.
O well I'll definatly be heading back, drowning my sorrows and enjoying the show!
Pokerpicks x
Hi guys quick question:
In terms of coolers such as AA v KK, or set over set, is there any edge to be found in these situations or should you just view them as break even ‘drama’, because you will be on the winning side of such situations as often as the losing side in the long run?