In the TOTTY, I Re-Raised an early raiser with A-A, & on the 10-6-4 flop it all went in, & he busted me with 6-4, hence I exited 95th or similar. (Villain said "I was suited").
Can you please arrange some suitable & compensatory anti-binkage for DaiBoot, please?
After that accident where I busted K-K with A-J (aipf), the guy recovered nicely. Then I busted his Aces with my Tens. I think that's a bit ott, to be honest. Can you just not sort out DaiBoot directly, to save me wreaking havoc against everyone else?
8pm BH tbc
8.30pm Totty
10pm TSP Classic
8.30pm TOTTY
10pm TSP Classic (EDIT: missed it)
8.30 - TOTTY
8.30pm TOTTY
Roll up, roll up, for all the fun of the fair.
Tonight's field is:
I went for a 1 hour nap with extensions at about 3pm, & overdone the extensions - just woken up.
Sorry for delayed PTP arrival.
WARNING - am grumpy when I first wake up.*
* The word "first" may or may not be omitted.
will be in 8-30pm Totty
Dear Lord,
Please let me finish above Daiboot.
That is all.
Thank you.
Dear Lord,
Can I have a word?
In the TOTTY, I Re-Raised an early raiser with A-A, & on the 10-6-4 flop it all went in, & he busted me with 6-4, hence I exited 95th or similar. (Villain said "I was suited").
Can you please arrange some suitable & compensatory anti-binkage for DaiBoot, please?
I'll leave it in your capable hands.
Best Regards,
Dear Lord,
Thank you for letting me bink the A when my A-J busted K-K, all-in pre, in the BH, that's most accommodating.
Next time, though, can it be DaiBoot with the K-K, it would just detract from the feel-bad, & add to the feel-good.
Much appreciated.
Leave it with you.
Dear Lord,
I think you need to back off a bit.
After that accident where I busted K-K with A-J (aipf), the guy recovered nicely. Then I busted his Aces with my Tens. I think that's a bit ott, to be honest. Can you just not sort out DaiBoot directly, to save me wreaking havoc against everyone else?
Take care now.
ME = 88 (10,10 busted by big stack with K,10 hit K on flop)
TOTTY = 90 ( Ad,Kd busted by AA)