Count me in. Playing as "tikay1" tonight. I'll play the 8pm Main, & TSP Classic, too. Bring it on. PS - I'll Tweet & FB it too, Solly, well done for the reminder. You are a better publicist than poker player, I'll say that for you. Posted by Tikay10
I'm also doing all 3 tourneys- where I will outlast Tikay in every one of them.
In Response to Re: Take on Tikay £11 jobbie : I'm also doing all 3 tourneys- where I will outlast Tikay in every one of them. The End. Posted by RICHORFORD
I wouldn't get so cocky Richard. Knowing, as I do, what he is going to do to you at the final table of the WSOP Main event in 2011
In Response to Re: Take on Tikay £11 jobbie : I'm also doing all 3 tourneys- where I will outlast Tikay in every one of them. The End. Posted by RICHORFORD
Marv, out of the Main too now, about 90th, I think.
Limped to me in the BB, I check with Q-J, flop comes 9-10-2. I have about 11 x BB, & I think I prob have about 14 outs, so decided to jam, & the wily Ebberdon snaps me off with cutely played Aces on the button. GG me.
Still, some consolation, both Ordord & DaiFish exited very early indeed - almost before it began, in fact.
So, 1-1, & all to play for in the TSP Classic. It's going a treat so far, I'm up to 1,800 after the first orbit.
Stupidly, I got into a Raising war with a serial min-raiser, & somehow, in Level One (!) I found myself all-in pre with A-Q, a pretty dumb play on my part whatever way you look at it, & my friend had 6-6.
I thought I'd got off the hook when the door-card was the Q, but running 9-10-8-7 sealed the str8 for the 6-6 man.
Left with 125, I just jammed blind next hand & managed to triple up with J-4. Next hand I found Aces, but they all folded, next hand J-J, ditto.
Count me in.
Playing as "tikay1" tonight.
I'll play the 8pm Main, & TSP Classic, too.
Bring it on.
PS - I'll Tweet & FB it too, Solly, well done for the reminder. You are a better publicist than poker player, I'll say that for you.
Including top TV presenter Richard Orford!
And well known trend setter Tony Kendall!
Tonight is one of the rare times that I get to play on a Tuesday so count me in
chunks5772500 corbett042500 DAIBOOT2500 DELTA2500 DiggerMan2500 Kiwini4u2500 LEON12500 RICHORFORD2500 SHY-BOY2500 SoLack2500 tikay12500
16 now, if you include Daiboot. (I don't).
BIGSHANN2500 blizzard2500 chunks5772500 corbett042500 DAIBOOT2500 DannyMcs2500 daveydavey2500 DELTA2500 DiggerMan2500 Direwolf2500 duke30162500 GODFATH1002500 goldenb2382500 Kiwini4u2500 LEON12500 mickjenn12500 penguin72500 PUCPOUND2500 RICHORFORD2500 Sandez892500 SHY-BOY2500 SoLack2500 tikay12500 Uzi_lover2500
Outo, just short of the 1 hour mark.
Sat nice & quiet, played 2 hands I think, when I found A-K suited & re-raised an UTG Raiser. he jammed, I called, he had A-Q.
Binkity-bink-bonk, taxi 4 tikay.
Which would be bearable.......except that BOTH DaiBoot & Orford outlasted me.
One's cup runneth over.
Groan. Await incoming chirps.
Marv, out of the Main too now, about 90th, I think.
Limped to me in the BB, I check with Q-J, flop comes 9-10-2. I have about 11 x BB, & I think I prob have about 14 outs, so decided to jam, & the wily Ebberdon snaps me off with cutely played Aces on the button. GG me.
Still, some consolation, both Ordord & DaiFish exited very early indeed - almost before it began, in fact.
So, 1-1, & all to play for in the TSP Classic. It's going a treat so far, I'm up to 1,800 after the first orbit.
Oh my, Pete Tong of the highest order here.
Stupidly, I got into a Raising war with a serial min-raiser, & somehow, in Level One (!) I found myself all-in pre with A-Q, a pretty dumb play on my part whatever way you look at it, & my friend had 6-6.
I thought I'd got off the hook when the door-card was the Q, but running 9-10-8-7 sealed the str8 for the 6-6 man.
Left with 125, I just jammed blind next hand & managed to triple up with J-4. Next hand I found Aces, but they all folded, next hand J-J, ditto.
Not dead yet, but still in intensive care.
Up to 675, I called a min-Raise (only 30) in my BB, & floppped 2 pair, on the K-9-7 flop. Check check.
He bets 90 on the 3 Turn, & I dumbschmuck flat it, instead of killing the hand, he has to fold his 5-5 if I jam there.
River 5.
How to butcher 2 pair, by tikay.
Awaits incoming Orford & booty Chirpage.
Off to the Hi-Lo Omaha Tables to hide. Don't tell 'em I'm there.
I can't hear you, la-la-la.
And who am I working with on Saturday?