Why oh why will SkyPoker never make it as a proper site.
Here are my main reasons, despite liking the site, several key areas are to be blunt a farce;
1) "Holding" of funds. What a joke this is. Honestly, why? Yeah we all understand blah blah blah about collusion but when its the same 5 people playing agianst you day in day out I hardly think collusion is an issue.
I've held off depositing any decent cash on SkyPoke for this reason. So you win a few pots and want to invest some winnings on a horse dog or footy ect. But oh wait, sky doesnt allow you. You need to wait to be checked out.
Despite being checked dozens of times, funds are still held. For how long is anyones guess, 1 hour, 4 hours, 20 mins, nobody knows.
Yeah you might say keep more cash online or deposit but I prefer my money sitting in a bank earning modest interest plus we shouldnt have to put up with what is effectivily theft of our own money.
Does this happen on WH? Ladbrokes? Coral? Ehhh NO! And you wonder why these sites attract large numbers?
2) Get Sky onto ongame ir Ipoker, seriously, the tourneys here are stale and boring. There are no decent tourneys to suit the working man. 8pm start every night? P1 s s off. Any decent run and your into the next day, impossible if you've an early rise to work.
This admittedly isnt sky's fault, its the lack of numbers, move to another network and increase players and tourney quality.
3) If you stick with this software then at least make it decent, let me re size windows, come on how hard can this be? Change the decks, the ones in use are rotten and if you sit to far from the screen then the hearts and diamonds are difficult to determine.
All of the above may seem like a gripe, it is but I enjoy skypoker because I can place the odd bet and if they ever realise your cash, withdrawls are fairly swift unlike other sites.
Listen to the players sky, stop being so stubborn, Betfair tried this and finally gave in and you should do the same. Cancel the TV shows and other guff and invest the cash properly and watch revenue rocket!
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great material to work with.
but before all the fun start i can let you know that you can change the card colours to help differentiate between suits... that is unless you are viewing on a black and white screen... otherwise the hearts are heart-shaped and the diamonds aren't.
this could be a fun thread... thanks for the effort you've put in so far.
Blinkered views of a certain few who refuse to hear a bad word said against the mighty sky that attracts 2,000 players at peak times.
I wonder how many people are actually logged onto skybet & vegas during these times and are playing poker elsewhere? Quite a few I imagine.
Fair enough you can change the colours but this isnt my cup of tea either, clearly defining the suits would be a decent place to start improving the site.
You seem to suffer from some delusion that skypoker is great. Whilst it certainly isnt bad, its not a patch on ipoker or ongame. Why wouldnt you want to open up to more players? Sure you can still keep your exclusive sky tournements but it would give others who dont have the luxury of staying up until 3am the chance to play some decent tourenys once in awhile.
Whilst you mock coral, why? Becasue they run massive tourneys that start at socialbe hours with huge prize funds? Oooh, that sounds bad....
Hold on, we'll all wait until 8pm each night and grind it out with the same **** waiting on kings to clash with aces. ~Whilst I enjoy playing these tourneys at the weekends, during the weeks its simply not feesible for those with a life to wait until such stupid hours to start playing. Start your tourneys at 6.30, then maybe you'd get more people playing, until then your in the mire.
But as always, the same clowns come on here, pick up on one point they see as daft and attempt to make a fool out of you. I see nothing has been mentioned relating to the other points, you are all bottle merchants too scared to raise the issue incase skypoker turn of the giant willy most of you seem to have wedged up your holes that were kindly donated by skypoker
To be fair the main event at 8pm is about right.
It gives most people time to get home from work, have dinner etc then sit down and play.
Sky's USP is that it has its own network. It can do what it wants.
And if you actually knew anything about poker you would know that the networks are all in a period of consolidation because they are all spread so so thin.
You don't like how Sky do things? Fine...go to the other sites you mentioned and play there. I love Sky but I also realise where it lacks and as such I do play significant amounts on other sites.
"Listen to the players sky, stop being so stubborn, Betfair tried this and finally gave in and you should do the same. Cancel the TV shows and other guff and invest the cash properly and watch revenue rocket!"
And sack Tikay? you must of been in the sun too long
I am referrring to the "holding period" of your cash. Obviously nobody has mentioend this as it is clearly too sensible a point for most on here to debate but I will anyway!
Sky's USP? Turn it up!!! Oooh, we have 400 players for you to play with and 399 of them are playing with each other! Yeah great seeling point.....
Traffic is spread thin? What thinner than on here? Must be one of the lowest elvels of traffic on the web when you consider just how many customers skybet and vegas have. Why cant sky get them onto their poker? Becasue of the shortfalls! Just admit it and take the blinkers off!
Have you not read anything I ahve said? Im having a pop at sky yes but I believe it has the foundations for a decent site yet the folk in charge are retards with some of the stuff that goes on.
8pm would be fine if they brought in 6 minute levels, just now its far too long for those who need to re-surface the follwoing morning to work
And yes, if sacking tikay and the other balloons on the box meant offering a better service then by all means do it. To be fair ive watched the poker on the TV and it wasnt bad but lets be fair, who really wants to watch it? If your staying in/up to watch then may god help you!
Starting the ME at 6:30 is a stupid idea ldo, and how much interest would you actually earn in the couple of hours sky hold funds for? If these pennies make a difference to your life you shouldn't be playing poker imo.
Its not the interest that I lose, its the actual point of someone taking my money from me and holding it.
Say you won a tourney in a casino, do you need to go back in 24 hours to collect? Unlikely unless your collecting millions. Why is sky the only site in the world that steals your cash?
No point debating about whether the money is important to me as "my dad will batter yours etc" and unless you post your wage slip on here then its all smoke.
Why is starting the ME at 6.30 a bad idea? Enlighten me then! This is supposed to be a forum but when someone comes on with ideas you people who apparetnly know everything have very little to say.
I like yourself work but at latest they will end 1am but often before 12, fair enough if you get up at 4-5am but still thats not skys fault
the rest though your chatting out your bumcheeks
but then the 6 min level idea makes me think even more that this is a joke.
seriously if u dont like how things happen on sky then go to Coral.
oh dear
bye then
Whilst 8pm may be the busiest time, get the people on at 6ish and they will be more inclined to play the cash games once ejected from the tourneys, if you get papped at 11 then you just hit the hay but if you get ejected at 9 then your much more likely to stay on and play.
Well taking a chance of staying up until 1 maybe later isnt really an option. Whilst it isnt skys fault that I need to get up early, I imagine more people than not would be up for starting the tourneys at half 6.
Lets be honest, you'll never please everyone and people will still ahve gripes but its better to please the majority, I feel that this site is ran by a few players who get what they want yet the rest have to like it or lump it.
Sample startnig the tourneys earlier and you'll see an improvement in the numbers, I guarentee it
It's clowns like yourself attitude that drive people away from skypoker, telling me to go to coral? I've already stated several times that I do play there but enjoy sky for other reasons ie they have a decent betting site and withdrawls are swift.
And you know for a fact that most people take an hour to get home? Maybe they do but 6 minute levels is certainly not a joke, just check out how popular the turbos are no the major sites and youll quickly see that times are rapidly changing and people are tired of donating 6 hours to tourney