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This Site....



  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited November 2010

    Heeellloooooo Guru87 welcome to the forum ;o)

    Sky at the bequest of the players have just increased the blind structure on the 8pm's to allow for better play rather than having a shove fest after 2nd break...however there are still speed/velocity tourny's available for those who prefer...also the BH tend to finish pre midnight also...Thusday's usually have a good gtd also...

    Yes, the traffic here is lower than elsewhere however this is due to a number of reasons...Sky tend to cater for the UK market though hence plaing in pounds and pence rather than dollars and cents...Also, it's one of the few 'independents' on the market place which means that it isn't part of a conglomerate of 15 skins pulling mention ipoker however every forum i have ever visited has nothing good to say about them...

    Coral on the other and I couldn't comment on as i haven't heard anything either way...

    A lot of regulars play here because it's fun and friendly and they can catch up with pals and enjoy the game..

    Not sure what problems you're having with held funds's not something that i have ever experienced - sorry!

    The shows on tv are excellent in terms of interaction and feedback and many players arrive at the site after 'finding' the poker channel on their sky, if they don't have internet they can still play via the tv platform - which again is very unique!

    You say you like it here which is nice to hear...hopefully, in time you'll also come to appreciate the closeness of the site - really we're a smashing bunch on here...

    Hope you decide to stick around but good luck whatever you decide

    Take care

    Irene xx

  • guru87guru87 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: This Site....:
    In Response to Re: This Site.... : I cant think of any!!!!!!!! And yes, god help me cos i watch the shows, well god help those that watch jungle, or x-factor, or the news fffffffffsssssss Thats why we are a democratic country, hold on i cant watch such-and-such on the telly cos so-and-so says its wrong. You also have your democratic right to play on other sites, nobody is stopping you The 8pm starting time is perfect for main events...............and its all paid out in POUNDS not dollars, no doubt youd be complaining of £-$ conversion rates if it was dollars. All in all, I say "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SKYPOKER" and its fabulous team of presenters and behind-the-scenes guys/gals. Oh, 1 other thing, i got a tax rebate earlier this week, but its not cleared in my account yet, come on sky your costing me interest!!!!
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    Ive heard it all now.

    Take your tongue out of skys rear and smell the fresh air.

    I've already said that parts of the site are quality, its just the bad parts are really poor and require attention.

    Stop giving the nonesense about democratic rights blah blah blah, staying in to watch sky poker is the mark of man sociablly unable to communicate with fellow beings.

    I couldnt care less if sky pay me in pounds, dollars, yen or punts. Makes no difference to me so maybe this is part of the reason why sky attracts no players? Maybe we could look at changing this to attract more european players?

    Tax rebate? Seriously, you'r argument doesnt even make sense. So if you place a bet in a bookies, provised they've the cash to pay out, do they ask you to wait 24 hours to see if the football match was fixed? Same if you win playing roulette in a casino? Ehhh NO!
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: This Site....:
    [ Not sure what problems you're having with held funds's not something that i have ever experienced - sorry!  Irene xx
    Posted by TRIP5


    Oh btw Irene, very well put.......your education is far better thasn mine :(
  • guru87guru87 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: This Site....:
    In Response to Re: This Site.... : I cant think of any!!!!!!!! And yes, god help me cos i watch the shows, well god help those that watch jungle, or x-factor, or the news fffffffffsssssss Thats why we are a democratic country, hold on i cant watch such-and-such on the telly cos so-and-so says its wrong. You also have your democratic right to play on other sites, nobody is stopping you The 8pm starting time is perfect for main events...............and its all paid out in POUNDS not dollars, no doubt youd be complaining of £-$ conversion rates if it was dollars. All in all, I say "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK SKYPOKER" and its fabulous team of presenters and behind-the-scenes guys/gals. Oh, 1 other thing, i got a tax rebate earlier this week, but its not cleared in my account yet, come on sky your costing me interest!!!!
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    Ive heard it all now.

    Take your tongue out of skys rear and smell the fresh air.

    I've already said that parts of the site are quality, its just the bad parts are really poor and require attention.

    Stop giving the nonesense about democratic rights blah blah blah, staying in to watch sky poker is the mark of man sociablly unable to communicate with fellow beings.

    I couldnt care less if sky pay me in pounds, dollars, yen or punts. Makes no difference to me so maybe this is part of the reason why sky attracts no players? Maybe we could look at changing this to attract more european players?

    Tax rebate? Seriously, you'r argument doesnt even make sense. So if you place a bet in a bookies, provised they've the cash to pay out, do they ask you to wait 24 hours to see if the football match was fixed? Same if you win playing roulette in a casino? Ehhh NO!
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited November 2010
    Going by his sharkscope graph I am amazed he has had any money to withdraw to be honest.
  • guru87guru87 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2010
    Hi Irene, thanks for the post, at last someone who thinks before they hammer away!

    People seem to think I am bashing their beloved sky, yes I am in a way but only in a way that improves things. Putting up with mediocrity is foolish when a few small improvements could yield a massive improvement overall.

    If I hated the site then its not as though there's a limited choice of competitors.

    Ipoker, from my experience through Hills and BetFred is fine. Admittedly I've spoke with folk who have encountered trouble but only with skins that I've never heard of and sound suspect.

    If sky wanted to move to ipoker or ongame then of course you could still keep your tourneys and maybe  few £ tables. Whilst I applaud sky for attempting to change things by playing in £'s it only favours the UK players and not the millions of other europeans who are crippled by the exchange rate. Sure turning euors into pounds is good but if you won then you wold be shafted.

    If you've never experienced problems with held funds then it only adds to my arguemtn about preferencial treatment of some on this site.

    I've had over £600 frozen for well over a day before. In the end it was sky's own loss as I was planning on punting it no the footy and subsequently afforded myself a holiday whereby if they had released it I would of lost. Fair enough it worked out for me this time but the entire practise is still not correct.
  • guru87guru87 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: This Site....:
    Going by his sharkscope graph I am amazed he has had any money to withdraw to be honest.
    Posted by donkeyplop
    indeed, those 19 games are a true testament of a mans ability....
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2010
    Sorry for the delay in reply, I had to have a cup coffee to remove taste of skys rear from my mouth.

    Funds held - So what - I am GLAD they check for collusion and responsible another poster already said......if your that desperate for the money surely you should be looking elsewhere.........

    Communicate other people with can I??? Nope, im tooo busy posting on internet forums, such a sad life i lead
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: This Site....:
    Hi Irene, thanks for the post, at last someone who thinks before they hammer away! People seem to think I am bashing their beloved sky, yes I am in a way but only in a way that improves things. Putting up with mediocrity is foolish when a few small improvements could yield a massive improvement overall. If I hated the site then its not as though there's a limited choice of competitors. Ipoker, from my experience through Hills and BetFred is fine. Admittedly I've spoke with folk who have encountered trouble but only with skins that I've never heard of and sound suspect. If sky wanted to move to ipoker or ongame then of course you could still keep your tourneys and maybe  few £ tables. Whilst I applaud sky for attempting to change things by playing in £'s it only favours the UK players and not the millions of other europeans who are crippled by the exchange rate. Sure turning euors into pounds is good but if you won then you wold be shafted. If you've never experienced problems with held funds then it only adds to my arguemtn about preferencial treatment of some on this site. I've had over £600 frozen for well over a day before. In the end it was sky's own loss as I was planning on punting it no the footy and subsequently afforded myself a holiday whereby if they had released it I would of lost. Fair enough it worked out for me this time but the entire practise is still not correct.
    Posted by guru87

    So lets crippled the thousands of British players, who choose this site because its not in dollars or euros????
  • guru87guru87 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2010
    Nice, but I doubt it will belong before your next fill of skypoker love....

    Your glad that someone holds your money? What if I came and held your bank account for aday? Just incase you had a dodgy payment to/from someone? Fair?

    Fair enough the first couple of times you play yes but once they see you are a trusted player its a joke.

    I cant understand why people cant have a reasonable debate about changes? SO you think that this site is incredible well Im sorry to inform you that it is miles behind the quality sites.

    Fair enough if you like it then by all means play here but by responding to my posts you clearly want to try and embarass me in front of everyone and im not having reputation means to much to me.

    It seems you also seem to think you are a comedian, I've laughed at a lot of the replies Ive had here as they are quite amusing, you however, are as amusing as a kidney stone
  • guru87guru87 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: This Site....:
    In Response to Re: This Site.... : So lets crippled the thousands of British players, who choose this site because its not in dollars or euros????
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    Thousands? Thats being a touch adventurous but yes, lets close the doors to the tens of thousands of potential new players because a few right wing euro sceptics want to keep their own little piece of england on their computer screens.

    Its almost 2011 now, i say open the floodgates and welcome the Scandi's and however else is allowed to play online noW!
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited November 2010
    Hey Guru,

    I understand what you are saying about the European market and the TV channel in particular now stops it's live weekend shows at 1am which is more in keeping with the European time zone...

    however i do think that to model the site on the Euro would be a mistake due to the fragility of the currency...unfortunately as we saw recently with Greece,  the actions of one county in the euro zone can  severely affect the oversea exchange rate to all countries..not just the UK.

    Also  as the majority of players on here are in the UK to ask expect them to be at the mercy of the exchange rate is quite unattainable at the moment.

    As for a faster tourney at an earlier start time...the site is one of the most responsive to customer demand and unlike many other are happy to try new things at the request of the players..if it works it tends to stay..if it doesn't it tends to get dropped but at least they give it a go..

    The best way to request changes would be to e-mail Sky_rich, Tikay or one of the producers who will definitely take your request into consideration..

    Must sleep's been a long night ;o)

    Hugs, Irene xx

  • guru87guru87 Member Posts: 27
    edited November 2010
    Again Irene, thanks for the reply, thats what I am suggesting, some debate, maybe I am wrong or right I dont know!

    But in saying that, its an issue that nobody is right or wrong on, certain people seem to think they are but I am man enough to admit that I certainly dont have all the answers!
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