OMG!! Genius!! I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself!! Although I initially mis-read 'Lisa Marie had just finished a 12 hour long Shift " and wondered where you were goign wth this Seriously.. I've scared the bejesus out of my flatmate by laughing like some kind of Harpee. Well done JaegerORF. Good Work Soldier. xxx Posted by LML
Glad you enjoyed it, just a shame i wrote it during the amnesty or there might have been a different role for you
In Response to Re: SkyPoker Panto Season Begins : If only for the part where you get to BATTER Mccririck into submission!! I'd PAY to see that xx Posted by LML
Excellent work plop...just a shame i missed it last year...I must have had a life then ;o)))) xx Posted by TRIP5
twas an excellent parody..... cheered me up no end after Irene told the world last night that she could never have a scotsman.... after all we went through with the yellows...... devastated lol
In Response to Re: SkyPoker Panto Season Begins : twas an excellent parody..... cheered me up no end after Irene told the world last night that she could never have a scotsman.... after all we went through with the yellows...... devastated lol Posted by kaymac
I have it on Good authority that Irene loves the Jocks.........its just the welsh she detests !!!!!
OH NO IT DOESNT..........
oh btw is the amnesty over yet?? xx
sniper jaeger
n Response to Re: SkyPoker Panto Season Begins:
Of course it's not OVER..
If only for the part where you get to BATTER Mccririck into submission!!
I'd PAY to see that
and thanks for the kind comments folks, think my talents are wasted playing donkey
Follow the straight and flush Draw,
Follow the straight and flush draw
Follow, Follow, Follow Follow
Follow the straight and flush draw
We’re …… off to see the dealer, the wonderful dealer of Draw’s
He really is a dream of a deal, if ever a deal there was
If every a dealers of draws there was, he is, he is Because…..
Because of the wonderful cards he draws
We’re off to see the dealer,……..