god i was so card dead in this! AQ wasnt connecting, went out with top pair on flop commited got called by bottom pair with ace kicker, then turn when i shove he hit the ace :-(
97 runners, started at 9:15 entered with 2 seconds to spare as a last minute thing, played til 00:45 - 3 1/2 hours and where did i finish? 11th - the bubble - kapput, what a donkey!!!
97 runners, started at 9:15 entered with 2 seconds to spare as a last minute thing, played til 00:45 - 3 1/2 hours and where did i finish? 11th - the bubble - kapput, what a donkey!!! Posted by loonytoons
or you could say for 2 quid you got 3 1/2 hours
entertainment & lesson's from rover thrown in lol !
captain scot sailing well >>
captain scot is in full sail >>>>
just one of the hands...
its gone all red again >>>
all red still >>>
thought it was gona be my night!
pod is casting his shadow all over this .
whats greg doing here ?
hoggers hoging !
gret goes forth >>>
rover & hoggers out >
its a miracle ,
congrats ohmygod !
wd ohmygod & all cashers
97 runners, started at 9:15 entered with 2 seconds to spare as a last minute thing, played til 00:45 - 3 1/2 hours and where did i finish? 11th - the bubble - kapput, what a donkey!!!
or you could say for 2 quid you got 3 1/2 hours
entertainment & lesson's from rover thrown in lol !