Hi, want to know how to slow your machine down?, with the new download, I have just had to reboot & then uninstall the program, I use a Mac, perhaps that was the fault, however i doubt it very much, cos Macs work, since booting off your download the systems back up to full speed.
i have had the download for 3 months and it has not slowed my pc down at all(and its 4 years old)
I have a pretty decent pc designed for gaming, which means that a simple poker download doesnt affect it too much.
May i ask what are your system specs and i could have a look to see this, Also sky should maybe declare the sysytem specs that are required.
Do you have an old version of Air installed by another Adode program,they have a habit of doing that.
Try installing the latest version of Adobe Air for the mac.
for cryin' out loud, how on earth r u going to balance it on a hot water bottle without it slipping off.....jesus wept, some people.
PP's.............I emailed help desk to see if it would work.....they said yes they have been doing that for ages but be careful not to scold yourself.
The first production run has just started and they should be available in all good stores by Christmas - an ideal present for a loved one, may I suggest?
To those that are having a problem with the new download, can I suggest that you contact Customer Care who, although they may not be able to help at the time, will be able to pass on details to the Tech Team who, hopefully, will be able to sort the problem for you.
As for those who have suggested using a hot water bottle to keep your computer working in the cold PLEASE don't be silly......Everyone knows that an electric blanket works best.
Sky Mod4
He He
But beware of hidden dangers of balancing laptops in an inappropriate way