....the following Featured Four Tourneys.
I'm actuallly in 5 Tourneys (I start with the 7pm tikay Sleepie) but the Last-longerer will ONLY be the Featured Four as follows.....
8pm Main Event, Double Stack, £22, £4k Guaranteed.
8.30pm, TOTTY, £5.50
9pm, Standard NLHE, £11, £1k guaranteed. (Got 160+ runners last night).
10pm, TSP Classic, £11, £2k Guaranteed. (233 runners last night).
Don't forget, the TSP is also part of the TSP Classic League, where after only one Event, I'm nicely poised, Lester Piggott stylee, right on the shoulders of the leaders, ready to make my move.
MereATM has agreed to be Bill Frindle for the evening, & produce the Spreadsheets & stuff, so many thanks to him.
Last night's fun Last-longer was won by myself, with Solly, DaiBoot & CoxyLBoro all blown away in the minor placings.
Can they do better tonight?
Frankly, I doubt it.
See a few of you later, I hope. Tonight I will be "tikay1".
Bring it on.
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ok tikay im in
oh really?! ;o)
i'll be in all 4. might play the sleepie too dunno if i'll be back in time tho
Good luck all.
I'm going to warm up by playing the 7pm tikay sleepstack. Might even play a hand in Hour 1.
See you at 8pm. Be afraid.
ok, im in!
and trying to play with Orford's balls at the same time
Could be busy, and there wont be much chat from me tonight...
Let's have fun, innit
Well if I can't outlast Scotty, Hoggers & Solly, things are really bad.
I might play with one eye closed, to give them a chance.
RULE CHANGE as at 7.20pm.
I think we should include Results from the tikay sleepie. All those in favour say "aye".
"Play every hand" Wacko is in - Happy Days!
The current standings for tonight's select few are: