In Response to Re: post up here if you have not recieved your token : - ( : lol.......I hope I dont get a warning for this but you are making this guy look silly Posted by NODEAL
In Response to Re: post up here if you have not recieved your token : - ( : How, plz explain? Posted by dylan12
its just funny the way he exposes yours and others unflinching blind loyalty to skypoker... skypoker are good... but you take it to another level.. but your entertaining in a kinda iv got no idea typ of way
In Response to Re: post up here if you have not recieved your token : - ( : its just funny the way he exposes yours and others unflinching blind loyalty to skypoker... skypoker are good... but you take it to another level.. but your entertaining in a kinda iv got no idea typ of way god luv ya im kinda fond of you... mwuah Posted by NODEAL
So because I deal with any criticism with Sky privately I get exposed, interesting lolol
Side note : I am glad I read your posts - It de tilts me having to read them 3 times before I can understand what you are saying!
In Response to Re: post up here if you have not recieved your token : - ( : Have a go at me by all means but why bring tikay into it all - what has he ever done to you - why try and mock him? Posted by dylan12
I'm not mocking tikay at all as far as i can see, i suspect he has many members (like yourself) that would like him to be their dad, infact its a compliment
I think i know what i would like to do with my token. I would shove it somewhere, without going into details, but lets just say neildown could need to change his name to bendover. Posted by GREGHOGG
I did realise by posting the original comment it would upset the "spt gang" but to say you want to shove stuff up my bum greg is really showing your true desires and possibly a revealing insight into your private life
god luv ya im kinda fond of you... mwuah
I think i know what i would like to do with my token.
I would shove it somewhere, without going into details, but lets just say neildown could need to change his name to bendover.