hi, as im completely bored thought i would start this so here goes. what is the strangest thing u saw on the skypoker tables? it could be somethink someone said in the chat, a wierd hand that played out anythink..
i was playing the other day and some guy randomly opened the conversation with "come on now guys, I can't be the only person in the world who actually enjoyes the smell of ****"
i was playing the other day and some guy randomly opened the conversation with "come on now guys, I can't be the only person in the world who actually enjoyes the smell of ****" it was pretty funny at 4am Posted by Mr_Miyagi
In Response to Re: wierdest thing on sky poker tables... : im sure i once seen tikay play the first hand. May have been someone with a similar name though. Posted by The_Don90
Withdraw that scurrilous jibe, or I get my Legal-peeps on your case. I have image to protect.
In Response to Re: wierdest thing on sky poker tables... : im sure i once seen tikay play the first hand. May have been someone with a similar name though. Posted by The_Don90
Not unles he has AA, and the flop hits AAAAA, even then he may fold to a re raise
i was playing the other day and some guy randomly opened the conversation with "come on now guys, I can't be the only person in the world who actually enjoyes the smell of ****" it was pretty funny at 4am Posted by Mr_Miyagi
The smell of some peoples **** make me feel hungry and others make me feel sick. Strange but true!
In Response to Re: wierdest thing on sky poker tables... : The smell of some peoples **** make me feel hungry and others make me feel sick. Strange but true! Posted by Donut64
i sat down one day and ibluff had the nuts
it was pretty funny at 4am