Ok guys see if we can get 50 runners today, little disappointed yesterday. Again i will probably record. If your not happy with this let me know - Chew
will try and make it, all depends on a phone call from hospital, that`s why i`v not played last few day`s IF I DO MAKE IT then i don`t mind being filmed, ( give more info later`s )
Ok guys see if we can get 50 runners today, little disappointed yesterday. Again i will probably record. If your not happy with this let me know - Chew 4 in 2.20 mins to go Posted by The_Don90
i would enter if i didnt spew the 30 in put in yesterday i have the worse bankroll management ever (even worse that orford *sigh*)
In Response to todays deepie @ 2.20 : i would enter if i didnt spew the 30 in put in yesterday i have the worse bankroll management ever (even worse that orford *sigh*) Posted by iBLUFF
In Response to Re: todays deepie @ 2.20 : pffft ill be movuing up again soon, u know my BR doesnt stay sane once im over the £100 mark Posted by The_Don90
1.10 to go 6 in Disappointing guys come on, if you pawn me ill even give you bragging rights to ur mates, you can say i pawned the don90 look its on UTUBE Posted by The_Don90
i will rail m8 and watch u own the rest of them, but i got 0.00 in my account wiiiiiiiiiiiii
Ok guys see if we can get 50 runners today, little disappointed yesterday. Again i will probably record. If your not happy with this let me know - Chew 4 in 2.20 mins to go Posted by The_Don90
" Again I will probably record " sorry Don I don't know what thats about, Sporny, said he does'nt mind being filmed, I also don't know about that either. Kind regards
In Response to todays deepie @ 2.20 : " Again I will probably record " sorry Don I don't know what thats about, Sporny, said he does'nt mind being filmed, I also don't know about that either. Kind regards Posted by ALIVEHAT60
well there goes my claim to fame
1.10 to go 6 in
Disappointing guys come on, if you pawn me ill even give you bragging rights to ur mates, you can say i pawned the don90 look its on UTUBE
andysace015000 ash19995000 deuceman25000 efcmik5000 fr4nkie5000 jjjach5000 littlele275000 mattlea065000 stackmeup15000 The_Don9090000 weescud5000 WHEELS71615000 yidette95000
Kind regards
HU Challenegers for recording welcome. - no more challenegers till i get some of these done please