This happened to me yesterday and it did make me think that it was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen on a Sky Poker table. This was a £22(!) DYM level 1!!!
I havent seen a therapist for a while now I think they have given up on me! Or after meeting me they are having therapy themselves! :P Posted by Donut64
Not something I have seen but I heard a strange story where a guy shoved live, by staking his chips over his cards and pushing the lot into the middle.
This happened to me yesterday and it did make me think that it was one of the weirdest things I've ever seen on a Sky Poker table. This was a £22(!) DYM level 1!!!
Hand History #315733984 (21:07 07/12/2010)
Not something I have seen but I heard a strange story where a guy shoved live, by staking his chips over his cards and pushing the lot into the middle.

The hand was declared dead! lol