Would you be interested in a lower buy-in Last Longer Comp
4 Tourneys less than a tenner
on a Monday night i thought we could do it with the following tourneys
best three results from the four tournaments will count
1. 7-05pm BH buy-in £2-30 100 runners
2. 7-15pm Deepstack buy-in £2-20 81 runners
3. 8-30pm Take on Tikay buy-in £2-20 84 runners
4. 9-15pm Deepstack buy-in £2-20 74 runners
Please Post on this thread before 7pm Monday Thank You
Here's how it is going to work.
The best three results from four tournaments will count towards your score.
Your score in each tournament will be based on your finishing position.
So, if you finish 1st, 4th, 5th and 92nd your score will be 1 + 4 + 5 = 10.
The four tournaments that will be included are listed in Michael's opening post.
I will be updating the table and posting the latest situation during the evening.
If you finish top of the table you will earn entry into Friday's £5.50 rebuy Totty.
If you finish 2nd or 3rd you will gain entry into Santa's Sack.
If 2nd or 3rd place already have entry into Santa's Sack they will gain entry into next Monday's £2.20 Totty instead.
If you have any questions I will try to answer them on this thread.
Good luck all and enjoy it.
If we get enough interest for this maybe Skypoker will throw in a Prize for the winner just a thought
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Hiya Kiwi have posted an appology on Tikays Thread as i had no idea he was doing simalar on a Friday thanks for telling me Michael
Cheers Denis
Thanks Lucky
There's absolutely no need to apologise Michael - Tikay doesn't have a monopoly on last longer competitions!
If you confirm which tournaments you are going to use and get enough interest, I'll happily keep score for you on Monday, if required.
They're good for a bit of fun - bragging rights for those that finish at the top.
Thanks Vince i thought the 4 tourneys in OP would do & would very much appreciate it if you could keep score m8
I'd suggest something like best three results from the four tournaments as not everyone will be able to play them all.
That sounds good to me Vince will add it to OP ty
Nice thread, & once again, what a top bloke Mere is for agreeing to "keep score" etc.
I'm not sure if I'm around on Monday, but if I am, & nobody objects, I'd deffo play it.
I'll also arrange for some Prizes, deffo some Santa Sack Entries, & maybe some other stuff. I'd counsel you to seek the advice of people who have run these things before, or else they can't half get in as mess, & then arguments develop, da de da.
I'm not around much from now until Monday, so good luck with whatever gets sorted. Please remember, as Mere said, I don't have a monopoly on running Last-Longers, anyone can do them, & if I'm made aware, I'll usually be able to arrange a few freebies. The ones I do are NOT part of my PTP remit usually, I do them om my nights off, & I love them, but anyone can do the same.
Finally, don't forget, tomorrow - Friday - we will be having a nice Linger-Longer jobbie, which will include the less expensive Deepies.Someone suggested the working title "Biggie Small". What you think? I think it's poo.
You're obviously not down wiv da kidz.
Thanks vincemerestatgeektopmanuis
Many thanks Tikay for your Support & arranging some prizes for this much appreciated,maybe see you in it as well & its great that Merenovice has offered to do the scores Top Man