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Mastercash live tonight at 9pm on 865- with Rich, Trev and REDMOND!

edited December 2010 in Poker Chat
Yes, you read that right folks.

Back by popular demand- we have 4 live hours this evening of TSP member Redmond Lee aka Lolufold.

His previous, and to date only, appearance on the live show was a revelation- he was a natural in the front of the cameras and he was dropping A-bombs of wisdom on every aspect of cash poker which the Sky Poker community were lapping up.

Here's a man who not only knows the game inside out, but consistently puts his money where his mouth is on Sky Poker. He crushes the game on the site and he's definitely in a small elite of players that you should be paying attention to when they open their mouth on game strategy.

And for good measure we've also got the awesome Trevor Harris- another proven successful cash player who can cut straight to the chase and give you some seriously sound advice.
So, set your PVRs and grab your notebooks. You'll be learning tonight. :)

But don't worry- to counterbalance all the education and Grade A content- I'm hosting the show. And it'll be business as usual from me, reading out your emails and thread posts and generally not taking things too seriously.

Disastermind is back tonight- so if you fancy 30 seconds on general knowledge to win entry into the Santa's Sack  tourney on the 28th, drop us an email on with your name, alias and phone number and we'll endeavour to get you on the show.

Tonight's two topics are then-


Yes, here's your chance to probe the mind of one of Sky Poker's most successful cash players so you can emulate his success and sharpen your game. So fire away your questions on here and I'll pass them on.

And, 'just for fun' as they say in the business...


Yes, word reaches me that earlier this week Sky Claire walked straight into some glass see-through doors here at the new offices.

Both Sky Mandy and I have walked into lamp-posts in our time. And I also once stuck a rubber suction pad to my forehead, which, once I had eventually managed to pull off, left a perfect circle in the middle of my forehead which didn't wear off for about a month! Yes, my very own over-sized Indian bindi.

So, how about you? Make us laugh with your comedy injury stories...

Everyone who contributes tonight will be thrown in the hat and a TSP classic entry will go to a randomly drawn winner.

Looking forward to your messages and enjoy the show!

Oh, and did I mention we'll be in a new studio as well? See you at 9pm!


  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited December 2010
    Er, that's quite a long opening post isn't it?

    Well, I make no apologies- I'm just VERY excited about this show tonight! :)
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited December 2010
    Wiiiii, the first idiot to try out the new studio ;), cant wait to see you and Ed doing the goldfish when no sound is on, or doing a Norman Collier lolololol
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited December 2010
     gl tonight rich & all  in your new studio.
    in my opinion redmond  is Defo the best player on skypoker .
    now A tough question no probs if you want too pass on it redmond .

     in an interview on skypoker when you played in the wsop main event
      you stated one player kinda tilted you on one of the tables .

     who was the player & how did he tilt you ?
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited December 2010
    very similar to the walking into the lampost.

    Id had a few too many to drink well when i say a few alot too many. So i decided im going to the chip shop for a pizza, chips and fish. Only to discover i didnt have enough money on me. So cashline is just outside the chip shop. Perfect so i start to walk and walk in the wrong direction. I quickly realise turn around start to run for some unknown reason. I feel a massive thump to my right shoulder (which id got operated literally a year to the day before) and then a second to the same shoulder as i hit the ground at force. Ma bankcard and whats left of my money go flying.

    Morale of the story - drinking hurts for a good few days. It took me a week before my arm was in use again.
  • iBLUFFiBLUFF Member Posts: 1,244
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Mastercash live tonight at 9pm on 865- with Rich, Trev and REDMOND!:
    Er, that's quite a long opening post isn't it? Well, I make no apologies- I'm just VERY excited about this show tonight! :)
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    gl with the show tonight and the new studio as for comedy thingy ma bob`s lol, i once was in a football torney i was about 10 my other mate who was soppost to be playing with me went to hospitial as he broke his elbow the night before and i was laughing at him and making fun of him (as you do) anyway the footall match begun and my team won and we all won a trophy so i thought i would take my mates trophy to him as i picked it up i droped it on my  toe and broke it (the trophy and my toe!).Then as i get to the hospitial  i see my mate waiting for me and he says "oh that looks bad is it ok" and as i was gonna speak he picked up the trohpy and walked away lol
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited December 2010

    2 Questions for Redmond - maybe unfair, ask him if he's comfortable answering before you ask the first.....

    Now that his battles with K88 have finished, how would he rate K88 as a heads up player compared to the other regular opponents he's faced on sky? - What was the thought process behind his reducing tactic? - And was he up overall in the heads up games?

    Another question......that could help me out.....

    Did he ever have any psychological problems with moving up a level in cash games? 
    People say as long as you are rolled, the beats/losses don't hurt. 
    I've got a bankroll that can comfortably play £1/2 blinds, but am reluctant to even sit at a 25/50p table nowardays, coz I've been playing and beating my usual 15/30p level for so long. Any advice? Should I see a shrink?
  • SALT1R3SALT1R3 Member Posts: 319
    edited December 2010
    Hope its all plain sailing on the show in the new studio tonight Rich, we know you like to keep a tight 'ship' on there! :P
  • SpikeladSpikelad Member Posts: 406
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Mastercash live tonight at 9pm on 865- with Rich, Trev and REDMOND!:
    Hope its all plain sailing on the show in the new studio tonight Rich, we know you like to keep a tight 'ship' on there! :P
    Posted by SALT1R3
    Hi to all i really enjoy the Saturday mastercash show keep up the good work guys.Iwould like to ask Redmond and Trevor if they ever play limit poker(i suspect it would be to passive for Redmond) and do they think that a good limit player could prosper at no limit holdem.
  • TiaDalmaTiaDalma Member Posts: 454
    edited December 2010
    Gl 2 nite In the new studio Rich and Trevor. Hi Redmond. Considering the awesome amount of hours you put In on the tables, I was wondering, do you have a regular amount of uninterupted sleep per night/day or do you just take power naps between sessions? Thanks Tia
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited December 2010

    hi rich, trev, redmond...

    my comedy injury was whilst playing darts. 

    i thought it would be a good idea to give my mate a fright by pretending to stab him with a dart.  i didn't want to hurt, just frighten, so the solution was to hold the dart as normal but use my little finger to cover the sharp end point to cushion the impact. 

    smiling in anticipation, i approached him, showing him the dart and made a quick stabbing movement to his shoulder.   my smile disappeared as i stabbed my own finger instead.

    aka aussie09

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited December 2010
    Hi Rich, Ed

    I was playing darts with one of my mates, first two darts Treble 20, Single 20, next dart, hit the wire, dart sails up into the air and towards me, the dart then drops down, straight into the foot hehehe
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited December 2010
    Lol! I'm not sure if I should be laughing at other people's injuries, but it's quality stuff so far.

    Keep 'em coming in please as well as those questions for Redmond. Some superb ones so far. Gonna be a good show tonight- I can feel it in my water...
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited December 2010
    Gonna be a good show tonight- I can feel it in my water...  Doctor can give you pills for that you know :), who is producer tonight, Mandy???, we may get to see her again if you can get one of the cameras to turn round hehehehe, oh, and can one of you post the result on here please as I wont be watching the show thanks.
  • lozgolozgo Member Posts: 1,124
    edited December 2010
    Hi guys. Good luck for the show tonight.
    Not so much a comedy injury but reaction to an injury. I was working nights and was the first aider on shift. Got called to a guy who had cut his finger badly. Called his boss down to report on the injury. He strode in, took one look at the cut, fainted and went head first into the medical trolley. What made it funny was the fact that the boss was 6 foot 8 inches tall and something of a 'hard man'. His reputation went out of the window once the story got out.
    Have fun.
  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited December 2010

    Hi Rich,
    Can you get Redmond and Trevor to have a look at my hand in the clinic section under the heading of Thoughts Please.
    I would be interested in their opinions.
    The hand was on mastercash 11, hand id 317053668 today at 18.32

    Cheers Col
    P.S i don't normally play this level but gave it a go for an hour

  • IAMALLIN2IAMALLIN2 Member Posts: 561
    edited December 2010
    In Response to Re: Mastercash live tonight at 9pm on 865- with Rich, Trev and REDMOND!:
    Lol! I'm not sure if I should be laughing at other people's injuries, but it's quality stuff so far. Keep 'em coming in please as well as those questions for Redmond. Some superb ones so far. Gonna be a good show tonight- I can feel it in my water...
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Thanks Rich
    Was wondering how was going to turn the topic into the usual more interesting tongue in cheek stuff


  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited December 2010
    Hello Rich, Trev and Redmond,
    Iwas wondering if The Santa's Sack tournement will be featuring on The Sky Poker TV channel
    at any time over the festive season, I mean c'mon lets face it there's only so many times
    we can force ourselves to watch all those so-called family favourites, and i'm sure the entry list
    will be the A-list of Sky Pokers finest
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,661
    edited December 2010

    Good luck with the show in your new place tonight guys.

    Question for Reds.

    I have been a Tournament player on Sky now for over 12 months and remarkable, with variance and down swings, I am still in profit overall. I am considering playing cash in the new year and would like to know what is a decent level to begin at and what minuim BR I should have?
  • Wacko90Wacko90 Member Posts: 906
    edited December 2010
    evening guys, i regularly go running as a kinda hobby thing. One time i went, i trod on a truly humongous pile of dog poo with my trailing leg. my front leg collapsed, my head tipped and i fell, spraining my shoulder somehow and knackering up my ankle. It was a very embarassing, and smelly walk home....
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited December 2010
    mine is the as aussie`s story involving darts me and my bro where throwing dart`s at the board, we where very young at the time, so we were throwing them like javalins, so my brother threw his dart/javalin and it rebounded out off board strate into my manhood, at the time off getting it in the knackers i was standing behind my bro, all i can say my eye`s where not the only things that where watering
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