I thought that sky poker was suppose to be a supportive enviroment?
I play for fun and this week managed to get to the final table in the Primo - my first on this site
So you can understand why I am not happy with Ed's comments about my play and taking bets with Lisa Marie as to where I will finish. I am happy to take constrive critisms anyday of the week, but Ed and his comments actually put me on tilt. I am not a pro poker player, I dont profess to be, however I feel it is important to support your community not ridicule them.
I liked this site prior to this and yes he had some valid comments about calling bets when I was behind but I had over 200, 000 in chips and was enjoying just playing.
Disappointed is not the word
0 ·
Wd on your good finish in Primo
I did not watch the show tonight, but i will look at the repeat
But, in any case, please do not take Eds comments personally, he has a direct style to his analysis which i respect him for. If he likes someone's play he says so, if he hates it he says so.
It is no personal reflection on you, if he disliked some of your play. its his opinion and he is not ridiculing you, i can assure you.
Sky poker tv are there to help, not criticise. Stick with us, you will see what i mean. Good Luck
personal view of one presenter on one particular hand doesn't mean that you are a 'fish'
enjoy the 1.2k...imagine it will come in handy just before christmas!
hope this doesn't stop you from play on Sky Poker.
good luck
Hi Gizmo,
You have 1116 1/2 very good reasons not to let any comments from the TV show get to you. WELL DONE ON A VERY GOOD CASH & RESULT. Please don't take anything personally that any presenters say about your play. You say your are a 'fun' player but, for any improvement you wish to seek for your game, could I suggest your read or post in the clinic which may or may not help your game. Again, well done tonight and I hope it continues.
tbh i no longer watch skypoker whilst playing as the analysis has been so bad at times it tilts me hard. i did however catch the last 45 mins or so when i got in 2nite.
all i can really say is don't let it bother you, you play for fun, why do you care what Ed thinks of you game? if your way of enjoying a poker tournament is to be involved in a high % of hands then gl to you, for all we know, £55 mite mean absolutely nothing to you, however whether it means anything or not, your chips are still yours to play however you wish!
(you haven't mentioned whether you play cash or not - if you do, try and catch mastercash on a saturday night, they normally have a member of Team Sky Poker on there and there advice, and manner for that matter, has been 1st class so far)
Please don't take the criticism to heart. There are a lot of recreational players on Sky (me amongst them) and I'm sure that I speak for all of us when I say that we're very jealous of you tonight. It's a great achievement to reach the final table of the Primo.
The comments of the analyst and presenter are made in real time without the full background knowledge of table dynamics etc. They are made with good intentions but it would be impossible for them to be correct 100% of the time. Different analysts have different styles and we can choose to take on board their comments or just ignore them.
Enjoy your success and congratulations, again.
If Ed criticised your play you need to listen, if you don't like hearing the truth don't tune in when he's on. Ed is one of the analysts who always tells it like it is, if a hand is played badly NO MATTER WHAT THE RESULT he will say so. Hurst05 is right, bad play will affect your long term results. If you watch the cash show from Saturday night you will hear lolufold criticise peoples play - why? Because he is there to do so, when players make mistakes we need good players pointing them out because this is how we learn. You won't improve your game by gaining support for playing badly and nor will others watching.
You sum it up here "I liked this site prior to this and yes he had some valid comments about calling bets when I was behind but I had over 200, 000 in chips and was enjoying just playing." You know he was right and would you enjoy going out in an earlier position if you had not got lucky in a few spots?
Congrats on the cash.
I did watch the show and remember Ed having a bet with Lisa that you would'nt win the primo the way you were playing. The bets are always quite fun and are mainly so one presenter can get one over on the other rather than to ridicule any of the players.
I do understand Ed's comments to a degree, as he knows that in the long run if you keep getting you're chips in when you are behind you are going to lose more hands than you win and on that bases he knows you are likely to take a big hit if you continue to play these types of hands and lose a good proportion of you're chips, however, as he does not have your full table/player history he can only comment on what he see's at the time.
If this is you're usual style of play then that's fine, everyone is entitled to play how they like with their own money and chips, I once remember Trevor Harris telling everyone I was a calling station on a "Master Cash" table once, which I found quite amusing at the time, especially when I felted their studio player lol.
Anyway don't take it too personally and once again well done on your cash in the primo.
What would we learn from this other than the correct move from X position at X point in the tourney and then from X position with X chips remaining. Ed did this last night in a blind on blind situation, sb limped with AA, bb raised with AJ and all the money went in pf. Ed discussed the range of hands the sb could have and how AJ stacked up against them, he did not focus on the sb actual hand he discussed the range he could be doing this with including reference to the effective stack sizes.
firstly, well played
secondly, the comments of ed are helpful irrespective of whether they are good or critical
thirdly, think about poor me, i cashed last night too yet according to lisa-marie, i don't exist.
fourthly, well played
Great result, keep it up
Many, many congrats on your splendid cash last night. MBN!
However, you are clearly not best pleased with how Channel 865 portrayed you, & all of us here would regret that.
I have not seen the Show, & am unlikely to, but let me be quite clear about the policy that we, as Presenters & Analysts, are expected to comply with.
1) It is our duty to try to offer constructive advice, to the best of our ability. It comes under "Educate & Entertain".
How that advice is given & received differs - it's not easy to say someone did not play a hand optimally without offending. The description can vary from "creative play" to "butchered it", or even "absolutely mangled it". The first is likely to be better-received than the last two, but they might all mean the same thing. The point is, each Analyst does it in a different way, & each player reacts differently.
2) We should never, ever, mock or ridicule any player under any circumstances.
I'm sure there is some misunderstanding here, and an off-the cuff comment (under "Entertain") has come across wrong. We are sorry if it took the the shine off your evening, & if we offended you, we apologise.
Hang in there man, go win next week's PRIMO & show us who's the daddy!
PS - You have a PM from me.
btw sky poker is fantastic with very friendly people so lets hope you stay with sky and let the cards do the talking gl on the tables and most of all the 1 word is have FUN