firstly, well played secondly, the comments of ed are helpful irrespective of whether they are good or critical thirdly, think about poor me, i cashed last night too yet according to lisa-marie, i don't exist. fourthly, well played Posted by aussie09
I thought that sky poker was suppose to be a supportive enviroment? I play for fun and this week managed to get to the final table in the Primo - my first on this site So you can understand why I am not happy with Ed's comments about my play and taking bets with Lisa Marie as to where I will finish. I am happy to take constrive critisms anyday of the week, but Ed and his comments actually put me on tilt. I am not a pro poker player, I dont profess to be, however I feel it is important to support your community not ridicule them. I liked this site prior to this and yes he had some valid comments about calling bets when I was behind but I had over 200, 000 in chips and was enjoying just playing. Disappointed is not the word Gizmotravis Posted by gizmotrvis
The truth is, that nice Mr Kendal and his subordinates are very supportive indeed. What irks you is the fact you obviously thought you were a better player than you actually are!, and hearing what you thought were adverse comments, were in fact said to help you, but being so full of yourself, you have used said comments as an excuse for losing. Whinge your good self to the bank and deposit the cash and be grateful that you did in fact cash. Kind regards
In Response to I thought this was community of support not ridicule? : The truth is, that nice Mr Kendal and his subordinates are very supportive indeed. What irks you is the fact you obviously thought you were a better player than you actually are!, and hearing what you thought were adverse comments, were in fact said to help you, but being so full of yourself, you have used said comments as an excuse for losing. Whinge your good self to the bank and deposit the cash and be grateful that you did in fact cash. Kind regards Posted by ALIVEHAT60
I disagree with this, i dont think the OP came across like this at all and that your comments are very unfair Mr Alivehat.
I dont think making the final table in the Primo can be classed as losing ,i and many others on here would be over the moon to be classed as losers if we could cash for that amount each week . Bravo on a great result Gizmo and good luck at the rest of your tables. Regards Mick.
In Response to Re: I thought this was community of support not ridicule? : I disagree with this, i dont think the OP came across like this at all and that your comments are very unfair Mr Alivehat. Posted by GREGHOGG
+1 Hoggers, Although i'm not sure whats best, agreeing with you or agreeing with Nutter agreeing with you. I would much prefer to ridicule nutter as he is my favourite flopwit, but I have to agree with you both on this occasion.
each and every player is different, and playing a poker game on the tv you have to expect any comments from the commentators and then if you have a disagreement then you either pull them up on it or prove them wrong next time in tournament
I thought that sky poker was suppose to be a supportive enviroment? I play for fun and this week managed to get to the final table in the Primo - my first on this site So you can understand why I am not happy with Ed's comments about my play and taking bets with Lisa Marie as to where I will finish. I am happy to take constrive critisms anyday of the week, but Ed and his comments actually put me on tilt. I am not a pro poker player, I dont profess to be, however I feel it is important to support your community not ridicule them. I liked this site prior to this and yes he had some valid comments about calling bets when I was behind but I had over 200, 000 in chips and was enjoying just playing. Disappointed is not the word Gizmotravis Posted by gizmotrvis
James, congrats on your finish & cash.
I hope all the comments & Ed's reply make you feel more comfortable with the site! Maybe look at it as a bit of a 'tilt' exercise, if you know what i mean, you should see what some of the cash table 'chatbox' warriors comment lol, tho they are few and far between!! Poker Players have to deal with 'people' tryin to unbalence you, esp live, this is rare in the sensible tourneys on this site
Most, in fact, almost all players on this site are very helpful & polite, and as with all the presenters, i would say are a pleasure to listen to, or speak with!!
I hope you continue to enjoy the site, i have very limited experiance, but love it on here when i have the time! In fact remenber well when i was fairley new to poker & this site, I won the Primo, [DEC 09] lookin back, some of the hands i played were prob shockin lol and the presenters hinted as much LOL!! Even more so when i blew the Vegas Final, [More LOL], so i know how it feels to have it splashed across the screen!!!
I look at these things as 'character building', I hope you can move forward too!!
How about tryin for a SPT final, am sure you would enjoy, and am sure Ed will stand you a pint, if I am there i will too!!
ps. Latley, since, I have read a few books, studied the poker clinic, moderated the wine intake during tourneys, I have done nuffin latley LOL!! 33rd last nite primo so well behind you!!
You may have lots more experiance than me, but hopefully this has helped.
In Response to I thought this was community of support not ridicule? : Good morning Mr Gizmo. Many, many congrats on your splendid cash last night. MBN! However, you are clearly not best pleased with how Channel 865 portrayed you, & all of us here would regret that. I have not seen the Show, & am unlikely to, but let me be quite clear about the policy that we, as Presenters & Analysts, are expected to comply with. 1) It is our duty to try to offer constructive advice, to the best of our ability. It comes under "Educate & Entertain". How that advice is given & received differs - it's not easy to say someone did not play a hand optimally without offending. The description can vary from "creative play" to "butchered it", or even "absolutely mangled it". The first is likely to be better-received than the last two, but they might all mean the same thing. The point is, each Analyst does it in a different way, & each player reacts differently. 2) We should never, ever, mock or ridicule any player under any circumstances. I'm sure there is some misunderstanding here, and an off-the cuff comment (under "Entertain") has come across wrong. We are sorry if it took the the shine off your evening, & if we offended you, we apologise. Hang in there man, go win next week's PRIMO & show us who's the daddy! PS - You have a PM from me. Posted by Tikay10
+1 after reading ALL of the replies to the OP i think the way you have worded this comes across absolutely perfect,vvwd tikay,xxx
OK, I am not a member of the Sky Poker community really but just happened to click on the forum whilst playing and read this topic.
As far as the presenter being critical of your play, I understand it annoying you but you honestly should not be worrying about it. Either he is correct in which case you got some free advice which you can use to help improve your game or he is wrong in which case it does not matter except other players may be given a false impression of you which you can exploit.
As far as Sky Poker being supportive of it's players goes, from what I have seen it is very supportive. There are some poker communitys where these sort of comments are common place and expected and some of the comments would go well beyond this and cross the line (this is not only considered acceptable but should be expected). It is very unlickly this would even be allowed on Sky Poker. This thread demostrates to me how supportive Sky is of it's players.
I assume you will continue to play on Sky Poker as it would be a shame to leave after such a good start. Well Done and Good Luck.
In Response to I thought this was community of support not ridicule? : The truth is, that nice Mr Kendal and his subordinates are very supportive indeed. What irks you is the fact you obviously thought you were a better player than you actually are!, and hearing what you thought were adverse comments, were in fact said to help you, but being so full of yourself, you have used said comments as an excuse for losing. Whinge your good self to the bank and deposit the cash and be grateful that you did in fact cash. Kind regards Posted by ALIVEHAT60
Considering your extreme over-reaction to people even recording hands in which you were involved in, this strikes me as an amazing and ill-considered post by you. Please try to consider someone else's point of view before launching into obnoxious posts such as this.
i personally proberly have the harshest time on sky with ed
i know ed and he sayes it as he sees it
ed only trys to help if he sees what he thinks is bad play he sayes it id rather have that than a presenter saying what a wonderous call that was afterflukeing some cards
dont take to heart what is said use it as i have done to improve your game
our another way dont watch the programme then youll never no
giz meny congrates on your cash i personally proberly have the harshest time on sky with ed i know ed and he sayes it as he sees it ed only trys to help if he sees what he thinks is bad play he sayes it id rather have that than a presenter saying what a wonderous call that was afterflukeing some cards dont take to heart what is said use it as i have done to improve your game our another way dont watch the programme then youll never no me personally i enjoy the comments good our bad Posted by sara36dd08
I dont get onto the show often but when i do i take the citism with the utmost respect that ive done something wrong. Theres a reason why Ed, Tikay and Trevor are there and not me. Although i do disagree with the odd thing they say but if i disagree i might post and say, why not this instead of that. I made a similar post when Tikday and lJAMESl said about not limping at any level no matter of hands.
In Response to Re: I thought this was community of support not ridicule? : +1 I dont get onto the show often but when i do i take the citism with the utmost respect that ive done something wrong. Theres a reason why Ed, Tikay and Trevor are there and not me. Although i do disagree with the odd thing they say but if i disagree i might post and say, why not this instead of that. I made a similar post when Tikday and lJAMESl said about not limping at any level no matter of hands. They later understood my point and agreed. Posted by The_Don90
hi don... maybe best to just let it go?
mind you, there was a comment James H said about a hand i played. it went like this....
Great show last night, and Ed, I agree with LM, you are a winker
Kind regards
Bravo on a great result Gizmo and good luck at the rest of your tables.
Regards Mick.
Although i'm not sure whats best, agreeing with you or agreeing with Nutter agreeing with you. I would much prefer to ridicule nutter as he is my favourite flopwit, but I have to agree with you both on this occasion.
So you owe me a fiver if i win it... and i never have to pay you.
I hope all the comments & Ed's reply make you feel more comfortable with the site! Maybe look at it as a bit of a 'tilt' exercise, if you know what i mean, you should see what some of the cash table 'chatbox' warriors comment lol, tho they are few and far between!! Poker Players have to deal with 'people' tryin to unbalence you, esp live, this is rare in the sensible tourneys on this site
Most, in fact, almost all players on this site are very helpful & polite, and as with all the presenters, i would say are a pleasure to listen to, or speak with!!
I hope you continue to enjoy the site, i have very limited experiance, but love it on here when i have the time!
In fact remenber well when i was fairley new to poker & this site, I won the Primo, [DEC 09] lookin back, some of the hands i played were prob shockin lol and the presenters hinted as much LOL!! Even more so when i blew the Vegas Final, [More LOL], so i know how it feels to have it splashed across the screen!!!
I look at these things as 'character building', I hope you can move forward too!!
How about tryin for a SPT final, am sure you would enjoy, and am sure Ed will stand you a pint, if I am there i will too!!
ps. Latley, since, I have read a few books, studied the poker clinic, moderated the wine intake during tourneys, I have done nuffin latley LOL!! 33rd last nite primo so well behind you!!
You may have lots more experiance than me, but hopefully this has helped.
Good Luck at the tables!!
May the Quads be with you!!
Dave 'Hitman' Harvey
As far as the presenter being critical of your play, I understand it annoying you but you honestly should not be worrying about it. Either he is correct in which case you got some free advice which you can use to help improve your game or he is wrong in which case it does not matter except other players may be given a false impression of you which you can exploit.
As far as Sky Poker being supportive of it's players goes, from what I have seen it is very supportive. There are some poker communitys where these sort of comments are common place and expected and some of the comments would go well beyond this and cross the line (this is not only considered acceptable but should be expected). It is very unlickly this would even be allowed on Sky Poker. This thread demostrates to me how supportive Sky is of it's players.
I assume you will continue to play on Sky Poker as it would be a shame to leave after such a good start. Well Done and Good Luck.
Please try to consider someone else's point of view before launching into obnoxious posts such as this.
giz meny congrates on your cash
i personally proberly have the harshest time on sky with ed
i know ed and he sayes it as he sees it
ed only trys to help if he sees what he thinks is bad play he sayes it id rather have that than a presenter saying what a wonderous call that was afterflukeing some cards
dont take to heart what is said use it as i have done to improve your game
our another way dont watch the programme then youll never no
me personally i enjoy the comments good our bad
I dont get onto the show often but when i do i take the citism with the utmost respect that ive done something wrong. Theres a reason why Ed, Tikay and Trevor are there and not me. Although i do disagree with the odd thing they say but if i disagree i might post and say, why not this instead of that. I made a similar post when Tikday and lJAMESl said about not limping at any level no matter of hands.
They later understood my point and agreed.
A blatant bragging post is the normal way to bring attention to one's successes. This is very novel.
mind you, there was a comment James H said about a hand i played. it went like this....
A good payout and some constructive criticism from Ed.
He always says it as he sees it, and he has knocked my play on a few occasions.
But it is not a personal insult, and some comments have made me think about my game.
Take it that way, and you may gain from it too.
If you do I hope to run into you on a Primo final table soon.
Well done m8