Thinking it might be a good idea, as we're such a strong community here, to have someone, or should I say "one of us" to have a say in how the forum is run, or in other words, moderate the forum.
The elected member will obviously have to be able to communicate with his fellow forum-ites, but also have the discipline to be able to stick within the rules of the community.
I've suggested a few names below.
Feel free to show your support, and also add any other names that you feel would do a good job.
Night pplz

Dohhhhhh for Mod!
Or Mickjenn, obv:)
That'll teach you to put your money where your mouth is ;o)
2- Irishrover(although i dont think he would want this tbh)
3- Anyone but dohhhh seriously?? lol you have to be drunk to put you in charge of anything, oh you probably was ;-)
if merenovice became a moderator wouldn't there be a significantly increased probability that any response outwith one standard deviation from the middle ground would be deleted?
Actually has a mind of his own and not afraid to speak out