keysasoze what i think your missing is sky is a building site. We are on the way forward. But we still cant compete with the FTP and Stars in terms of traffic and therefore garentees. Sky are building in huge leaps and bounds to improve and catch up with these bigger sites. However you have to also remember sky aim their area for United Kingdom players only which actually means its harder for them to get the numbers of Stars and Full Tilt. Have a look at a site like PKR for example - it offers the closest to live play online than any other site. As a result its managed to boost huge impacts with traffic. How many people had heard of the site a few years ago? I must then also take you attention at how much the site values its community. This is way most players do play here - Sky is like one big family. Posted by The_Don90
skys traffic is low in comparison but without a big (well advertised) mtt they arent going to attract many new players in a great hurry apart from micro stakes because of the appeal.