Stop digging James! The average is useful because it allows a simple comparison of people who have played eight (or more) events already with people who have played seven or less. It's VERY simple - Ed seemed to grasp it instantly until you muddied the waters. :-))) Posted by MereNovice
This was entirely my fault, for poorly explaining the league to James before the show.....apologies.
In Response to Re: THE BH IS BACK! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : This was entirely my fault, for poorly explaining the league to James before the show.....apologies. Posted by Sky_Mandy
hi james, pokertrev wants to know did your mum do your hair, i put down to knew studio and lot`s off static ? nice to see your back sky mandy Posted by spornybol
In Response to Re: THE BH IS BACK! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : This was entirely my fault, for poorly explaining the league to James before the show.....apologies. Posted by Sky_Mandy
Mandy, Its good to have you back, hoping you are feeling better xxx
In Response to Re: THE BH IS BACK! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : Absolutely no need to apologise. It's fun to watch James squirm! Posted by MereNovice
Well in that case, what would like me to tell him next???
In Response to Re: THE BH IS BACK! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : Mandy, Its good to have you back, hoping you are feeling better xxx Posted by acebarry10
During the last test match at lunch the presenters including David Gower etc were debating the aussie tail and how bad they were They said there were no England tails that could compare except one, they included you in that tail Ed,
In Response to Re: THE BH IS BACK! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : Well in that case, what would like me to tell him next??? Posted by Sky_Mandy
You could tell him that Lisa-Marie's "Little Merry League" will be won by the person with the longest name. Second place will go to the person with the best hair-style.
In Response to Re: THE BH IS BACK! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : You could tell him that Lisa-Marie's "Little Merry League" will be won by the person with the longest name. Second place will go to the person with the best hair-style. Posted by MereNovice
pokertrev was busy playin poker and not watchin tv, we were chattin in chat box, he also asked did ed look more awake tonite than he did in sunday`s nites show with orford, my reply was off course it`s the presenter with common sense ????
nice to see your back sky mandy
It's fun to watch James squirm!
Question for Ed
During the last test match at lunch the presenters including David Gower etc were debating the aussie tail and how bad they were
They said there were no England tails that could compare except one, they included you in that tail Ed,
Your chance to respond
Second place will go to the person with the best hair-style.