Sorry, but once again tonight's Show has had to be cancelled.
It's a Health & Safety issue really. Sky Poker have a Duty of Care to it's Staff, & with the Show not wrapping until 1am, & overnight temperatures expected to go to -plenty, it's just not right to ask Staff to take the risk.
I'm sure you all understand. If not, blame Mother, she is responsible for cancelling the Show, for the bad weather, & for employing Orford & I. She has a lot to answer for when you think about it.
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tk did you make it home yesturday?
bit worried you still stuck there mate if you are ill send help lol
I just had a message from Sue & Dave Norsden - KidGrimsby & KidGirlGy - who are in Vegas for their annual jaunt.
They were due to fly home a few days ago, but cannot get a fkight as all Long-Haul flights to the UK are cancelled, pending better weather & UK Airports re-opening.
It's starting to look like they will not get home for Christmas, now. Kinda sad really, as they have a big family Xmas.
Still, I suppose there are worse places to be stranded!
No chelsea vs united, now no primo!
Makes you wonder why we bother paying car/road taxs doenst it.
I havnt seen one gritting lorry around here!
I drove into Central London via the M40/M4 this morning.
Was totally fine. One lane closed on the M40 but otherwise London was moving perfectly.
In this politically correct nation of ours I bet that's not far from the truth!