Hi Rich spornybol has asked me to put a post up as he is unable to post on the forum. He has contacted customer services but they said they can see no reason why he is unable to post or see his new posts.
I bet some how he blames this on his long suffering wife. That poor woman deserves a break from his jibes on the forum! Posted by Donut64
Lol - I did ask him about his missus and he said "Which One?" I said "well how many you got" he said "too many" - Personally I think he may be suffering from a multiple personality and just thinks he has more than one.
tell me guy`s can you see post i put - yesterday`s deepy for darlo???? just need to be sure can post as it`s come up pink highlighted again ?? Posted by spornybol
tell me guy`s can you see post i put - yesterday`s deepy for darlo???? just need to be sure can post as it`s come up pink highlighted again ?? Posted by spornybol
I will PM spornybol.
Well - at least it might stop him stalking me in the chatboxes lol.
Come back soooooooooon sporny we loooooove youuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome Home M8y.