Great night tonight!
Sarah Champion did PTP, ran very well & accumulated a big stack in the tikay Sleepie, then played Cash, with a huge Rail!
Rich Orford, off duty, played the tikay Sleepie & the 7,30 Deepie, & ran deep in both, making the Final in the 7.30 £22 Deepie, playing just great.
And Lisa Marie Long, off duty, but playing for experience, Finalled in the 156 Runner 9.30 BH, after being Chip mummy at several times. Her Exit Hand was KK v JJ - The Jacks Quadded!
She did brilliant, & like Sarah, she had a huge Rail cheering her on.
Rich & I had to manage with a Rail of Mere Novice & Greg Hogg, sigh.

Delighted for Lisa, Sarah, & even Rich.
Very proud of all of them.
The sky presenters are all great fun and it turns out they are not too bad at poker either!
What another great night of fun on the sky poker tables
... and some old guy won the 7:30 Deepie.
As Tikay mentioned I played two deepstacks: final tabled in one of them and came mighty close to final tabling in the other...which I thought was a pretty good achievement. Until that is, all the other presenters did even better!
Congrats to Lisa, Sarah and Tikay. Very impressive stuff.
PS- Seriously, if you want to know how to win a tournament- there's free lessons going every night in the deepstacks- just watch Tikay. He won the £22 again tonight and I've lost count of the number of final tables he's picked up in these events. Simply awesome.
Had the absolute pleasure in railing you all, and congratulations to you all for the cashes and win.
I must admit im going to have to try a deepie at somepoint i think it would suit my style of play better than alot of the faster games im used to entring.
Why the need for this thread? Did some low life say the presenters dont run at a profit about a month ago? ha ha ha.. Well done guys and gals. See you all in Manchester! Cant wait
Give one of the Deepies a try - there's a 6 seater selection from £2.20, through all price ranges up to £110, & there is a nightly 10 Seater (Monday, 6 Seater) at 7pm, where the buy-in ranges from £3.30 up to £11. The 7pm jobbie is much faster structure (but identical 5k starting stack) than those that run at 15 minutes past every hour.
To cash, or win, the "15 minutes past the Hour" Deepies regularly, you just need.....
1) Abundant patience. Ignore all the helter-skelter boys playing every hand & bluffing early doors - they all exit early.
2) A basic competence at the technical skiils that poker requires - they are very straightforward.
3) Luck.
Hope to see you in a few Deepies Mr Don.
It's what it says on the tin. Lisa & Sarah had a little session in the Office on Tuesday to learn the Website ropes, & last night was the sort of "live Test" of what they had learned.
As any of the Railers will confirm, it was one of the most fun nights we've ever had on Sky Poker, & I was beaming with pride at how the girls conducted themselves. Even after Lisa's exit hand - KK v Jacks which quadded up, she was gracious in what must have been a bitterly disappointing bad-beat.
I was so thrilled with how they did, I wrote to the Sky Suits, too.
I think Lisa plans to be OnLine again tonight, actually.
It's good to be proud of our little Team, & I am.
See you tonight fella.
I think youll find Lisa is online now, just bin railing her
You in the deepy, or are you "Take on"?
So yes, I'll be Online in the Deepies tonight!
It's not always realised that there is a huge difference between Presenters & Analysts.
Analysts are expected to be able to play a bit. My Thread was specifically to say well done to the Presenters.
"Presenting" a Show is an incredibly tough gig, & the Presenters are chosen for Presenting skills, rather than poker ability. See, for example, Rich Orford.
PS- Might be in the Deepstacks again tonight!
You are multiskilled innit
God Bless you Rich.
I cast a little bait, & there you were, within moments, back of the net.
See you later I hope. And I promise not to make any spite calls with K-9 tonight. Promise myself tht is - you musta loved it!