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why all the moaning about sky poker

margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
edited October 2009 in Poker Chat
Hi Guys,

as a lot of you will know, i have only been a member a week or so. I absolutely love this site!! have been doing nothiung but bigging it up everywhere i go and to all of my mates, even to the point when i have my next monthly tournament at my house the show will be on in my studio where the table is on the computer!

As i have delved into the forums more, i keep seeing the same thing coming up quite a lot and that is people moaning about it being rigged ..... why? i have not won every hand and every tournament i have played... sure i aint been happy about losing but i don't get up on the forums straight away and start moaning it is rigged... as it is mainly down to my play or calls most of the time!

so is it because we have players that are not as good as they think they are? or what? i just don't get it :)


  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited October 2009
    Its people who don't really understand poker, and people playing outside of their "Comfort" zone
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited October 2009
    There's a bed for everyone in area51
  • apollo_11apollo_11 Member Posts: 969
    edited October 2009
    Well Said.
    I avoid looking at the area 51 posts as much as possible due to the ammount of moaning there.
    These players should improve there game instead of always moaning the site is rigged.
  • COCASIRFCOCASIRF Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2009
    In Response to why all the moaning about sky poker:
    Hi Guys, as a lot of you will know, i have only been a member a week or so. I absolutely love this site!! have been doing nothiung but bigging it up everywhere i go and to all of my mates, even to the point when i have my next monthly tournament at my house the show will be on in my studio where the table is on the computer! As i have delved into the forums more, i keep seeing the same thing coming up quite a lot and that is people moaning about it being rigged ..... why? i have not won every hand and every tournament i have played... sure i aint been happy about losing but i don't get up on the forums straight away and start moaning it is rigged... as it is mainly down to my play or calls most of the time! so is it because we have players that are not as good as they think they are? or what? i just don't get it :)
    Posted by margatemaf

    I think people moan for the sake of moaning but most of all BAD LOSERS.....I never win and have lost loads but I suppose I'm used to it ( I hope this is'nt counted as
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker:
    Well Said. I avoid looking at the area 51 posts as much as possible due to the ammount of moaning there. These players should improve there game instead of always moaning the site is rigged.
    Posted by apollo_11
    Don't avoid '51 - it's hilarious! Even the real Area 51, with all it's ray guns and captured grey-skinned aliens, has nothing on this one :-D
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited October 2009

    It's just what many poker players do - moan. Honest, on any Online Site, some players moan.

    It's because they want to find someone or something to blame for losing.

    Here's a true story.

    A man told me Sky Poker was rigged - 100%. He knew.

    Got any evidence, I enquired?

    He wrote back & told me that he'd played three SNG's one night, two on Sky Poker, & one on Tilt.

    "And guess which was the only one I won?" he asked........Then went on to tell me.  "The one on Tilt".

    There. All the proof we ever needed.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited October 2009
    I think a lot of it is that people haven't got used to the variances of the game i.e. you win some of the time and lose most of the time.
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited October 2009
    You can't really argue with that evidence - overwhelming!
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker:
    Well Said. I avoid looking at the area 51 posts as much as possible due to the ammount of moaning there. These players should improve there game instead of always moaning the site is rigged.
    Posted by apollo_11
    You dont know what your missing, i have a great laugh reading the hard luck, cheating site, fixed this, fixed that stories the moaners put up, and you get to see some of the best posts on here.Honestly give it a try you'll laugh out loud at some of the stupid comments lol (usually from me)
  • COCASIRFCOCASIRF Member Posts: 439
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker:
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker : You dont know what your missing, i have a great laugh reading the hard luck, cheating site, fixed this, fixed that stories the moaners put up, and you get to see some of the best posts on here.Honestly give it a try you'll laugh out loud at some of the stupid comments lol (usually from me)
    Posted by loonytoons

    I dont think I should go to area 51 because it will be too tempting to reply to some of these sarcastically
  • repton3repton3 Member Posts: 185
    edited October 2009
    That's what those posts are there for, surely?
  • TorryladdTorryladd Member Posts: 503
    edited October 2009
    My reply to this is always tip the dealer in our case the 52 card shuffler, they like dog biscuits.
  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker:
    It's just what many poker players do - moan. Honest, on any Online Site, some players moan. It's because they want to find someone or something to blame for losing. Here's a true story. A man told me Sky Poker was rigged - 100%. He knew . Got any evidence, I enquired? He wrote back & told me that he'd played three SNG's one night, two on Sky Poker, & one on Tilt. "And guess which was the only one I won?" he asked........Then went on to tell me.  "The one on Tilt". There. All the proof we ever needed.
    Posted by Tikay10
    On full tilt lol :) i couldn't win on full tilt if the computer gave me the winning hand!! lol :)

    true story this ....

    played a game on full tilt once and had a royal flush and still got beat!!  you know what by? .....

    the computer decided the other guy deserved to win and gave him 6 kings ;) .... i guess that's what they call a bad beat :)
  • razorkevrazorkev Member Posts: 1,364
    edited October 2009
    coz its fi xed,, only kidding but had my aces cracked twice 2 nite both times to QUAD JS grrrrr turn off time .lol im off now for 3 weeks until my internet is up n running in my new home will miss it , B LUKKY all
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker:
    coz its fi xed,, only kidding but had my aces cracked twice 2 nite both times to QUAD JS grrrrr turn off time .lol im off now for 3 weeks until my internet is up n running in my new home will miss it , B LUKKY all
    Posted by razorkev
    gl with the move razor mate and look forward to you coming back
  • Taller_GuyTaller_Guy Member Posts: 289
    edited October 2009
    There are any number of 'moaning' threads in this Forum - bad players, bad calls, bad beats, bad players making bad calls, good players making good calls but getting bad beats, bad players making on...oh, anyway, you get the drift.

    As Mr Kendall says: poker is a microcosm of life.  They'll both throw a curve ball at you many a time, it's how you handle them that counts.  Yes, it's very frustrating being favourite pre and post flop, but coming out second best because someone chanced their arm (or should that be hand) and won, but you've got to be philosophical and say, okay, his turn that time, mine next.

    The one and only thing to remember is that poker is just a card game.  All card games involve a little skill, but are primarily decided by luck (in my opinion, anyway).  The skill comes in playing the right hands in the right position, knowing when to bet, when to call and when to fold and trying to out-think your opponent.  Making him believe your hand is the nuts and there's no point in him continuing.  That lot play a big part in it, as you all know, but the luck factor will outweigh all of that sometimes.  One of us will get what we're hoping for and the others won't - a bit like 

    Others have said it more eloquently and succinctly, but it's all about staying calm and getting on with the next hand, unless you've just been knocked out of The Open on the bubble after going all-in with AA and losing to a runner runner straight.  You might then be permitted a mild expletive before typing the immortal letters 'nh.'

    Anyway, I'm starting to ramble, so I'll take my leave.

    Good luck at the tables.

  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited October 2009
    You shouldn't get too serious about the conspiracy theorists. Most are just blowing off steam and the others are all tucked up safely in area51. The unprecedented sales of bacofoil hats have paid for a new wing in area51 where we have facilities to help these poor unfortunates. Nurse noseybonk and doctor looneytoons do a marvelous job down there and should bee applauded. If you're lucky you can get a window bed like mine and they even let you out to play the deepstack occasionally.
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker:
    You shouldn't get too serious about the conspiracy theorists. Most are just blowing off steam and the others are all tucked up safely in area51. The unprecedented sales of bacofoil hats have paid for a new wing in area51 where we have facilities to help these poor unfortunates. Nurse noseybonk and doctor looneytoons do a marvelous job down there and should bee applauded. If you're lucky you can get a window bed like mine and they even let you out to play the deepstack occasionally.
    Posted by elsadog
    Is that when your not in the doghouse??

    Sorry couldn't resist
  • BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
    edited October 2009
    People moan about the site because they want someone to blame. Don't we live in a society when someone is ALWAYS to blame?

    Your aces lose to kings. It's not your fault, it's not the kings' fault, there's only the software left! It must be to blame!
    And when this software, this randomised variance, keeps kicking you in the teeth (which it will at some point, trust me) you will feel like blowing off a bit of steam too.

  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker:
    In Response to Re: why all the moaning about sky poker : Is that when your not in the doghouse?? Sorry couldn't resist
    Posted by Kiwini4u

    I'm ALWAYS in the doghouse :(
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