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The manner's of some people?



  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2009
    i'm just saying its not a massive deal like people are making it out to be, now and again people get frustrated and might swear, people want wrapping up in cotton wool too much imo. for all we know he could be one of the nicest guys on the planet and just needed to let off some steam, were old enough and ugly enough to ignore this kind of stuff and not run to the head teacher everytime somebody swears
  • UrdadiUrdadi Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: The manner's of some people?:
    to be fair you need to be 18 to play poker so young children shouldnt be on, if your not allowed to get emotional and sometimes use bad language then we may aswell rename poker to scrable or chess.
    Posted by webby234
    I've actually seen a fight at a chess match. Punches thrown.

    Don't get me started on scrabble. In my house not unusual to see the board go flying, just because someone cannot spell. Pictionary is worse.
  • COCASIRFCOCASIRF Member Posts: 439
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: The manner's of some people?:
    i'm just saying its not a massive deal like people are making it out to be, now and again people get frustrated and might swear, people want wrapping up in cotton wool too much imo. for all we know he could be one of the nicest guys on the planet and just needed to let off some steam, were old enough and ugly enough to ignore this kind of stuff and not run to the head teacher everytime somebody swears
    Posted by webby234

    so in a nutshell you are condoning abuse?...there are other ways to show your frustation. many people get frustrated BUT they dont start calling people very abusive names.

  • webby234webby234 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2009
    no i dont condone abuse but just lets try and stop running to headteacher all time everytime someone swears, its the real world it happens
  • COCASIRFCOCASIRF Member Posts: 439
    edited November 2009
    Sorry disagree again

    In contemporary culture the C word is considered to be one of, if not the most offensive word in the English language.

    I dont think of it as a swear word
  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2009
    In Response to The manner's of some people?:
    I just played a 30p DYM......I cant believe that losing 30p would make people so rude.....a person who I will not name went out  after losing a hand to me and then called me a see you next tuesday. I believe that people like that should not be playing poker or should they be allowed to chat, so I've reported that person and I hope they get chat banned. I dont think anyone should put up with this and should report these sort of people straight away.
    Posted by COCASIRF

    Keyboard heroes!! never in a million years will these people have the bottle to say it ya your face ;)
  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009
    a person who I will not name went out  after losing a hand to me and then called me a see you next tuesday
    LoL, as rude as this was of the guy, the way you phrased it made me chuckle! Took a few seconds to register, similar to loony, then I genuinely LoL'd in my seat. Never heard sum1 say that :)
  • SirFrankSirFrank Member Posts: 197
    edited November 2009
    In Response to The manner's of some people?:
    I just played a 30p DYM......I cant believe that losing 30p would make people so rude.....a person who I will not name went out  after losing a hand to me and then called me a see you next tuesday. I believe that people like that should not be playing poker or should they be allowed to chat, so I've reported that person and I hope they get chat banned. I dont think anyone should put up with this and should report these sort of people straight away.
    Posted by COCASIRF
    Sorry to enlighten you ...but its not the 30p....but its the time we all spend playing ...only to get fizzed out a ridiculous flop...Its not your fault if you are a lucky player selected to win by the softwhare, it players blame you for it! I have had terrible thing said to me ...and attacks on my family to ..but you just have to ignore it ...a lot of these players need to let off steam...and so you become the punch bag!
    I never report these people, why would i deprive myself of a charactor....personally it makes me laugh at them...And if you repond in an inteligent way makes them worse! tata chap!
  • LadyFingrsLadyFingrs Member Posts: 613
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: The manner's of some people?:
    i know its not very nice but come on how old are we here, so he used that word i dont think the person deserves to be chat banned for showing a bit of emotion and getting a little upset. he prob knows what he did was wrong but if stuff like this is gonna get reported and people over exaggerating all the time then we may aswell block the chat full stop.
    Posted by webby234

  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited November 2009

    The rules of chat are in place for this sort of thing for a reason, I feel it is up to each and every one of us make sure that the rules are stuck to, however, I also think that a better way to deal with an issue like this is to ask the player/railer politley to stop as people may find it offensive, (This does depend on confidence, some players may not feel they are able), then depending on the reaction of that player/railer, would then of course depend what action was taken next, should they apologise, then maybe let it go, should they carry on,  say unless you stop I will report you to Customer Care, and of course should they still refuse to stop then start a live chat/send an email, and yes, I have had to do this and a player stopped and appologised, but also had a player refuse and reported.
  • DiggerManDiggerMan Member Posts: 1,027
    edited November 2009
    Showing a bit of emotion??? Getting a little upset???
    What happened here and what happens quite often is that this person was just very abusive because they lost a hand of poker - very low stakes poker - and there is absolutely no need for it!
    If it was a hand worth thousands of pounds then "showing a bit of emotion" may be understandable buy those kind of childish and forgettable people will thankfully never get the chance!!
    The best thing to do with these people of course is to type "LOL" in the chat box, turn off chat for ten minutes and then go and find them on a cash table donking off all their money!! :-)
  • Kiwini4uKiwini4u Member Posts: 3,830
    edited November 2009
    Personally if someone wears at me in the chat box I ignore them because if you react in any way you are only going down to their level. 

    With regards to reporting someone, I will only do that if the abuse is long term ie they are still cursing and swearing at me 10 minutes later
  • borobabe09borobabe09 Member Posts: 327
    edited November 2009

    Hi all,
    many diff opinios her, i personaly wouldnt swear at some1 online, its a lack of intelligence for a start....he prob had a realy bad day & losing to you was the icing on the cake. Certainatly doesnt mean i agree with his behaviour. There are a lot of rude ppl on this site, bad losers, but for every rotten 1 there is nice 1's.
    It is prob best to just ignore these ppl.

  • Hogg321Hogg321 Member Posts: 260
    edited November 2009
    definetly, just ignore them. Dont reply, and report them
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited November 2009
    Belch guff guff belch guff.

    Someone mention manners?
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