I WANT TO STRESS AT THE START THIS IS NOT A MOAN BUT A QUESTION TO DISCUSS. I AM NOT MOANING ABOUT BEATS I know how J3 feels at the mo funny enough had a very simular conversation on 2 tables last night with players I knew.
I have in the last few days had anything from floping the nuts flush to AA AK QQ str onwards and lost every time to stupid 1 outers.
The hands that have won agaisnt me include 42 off 92 off j3 off j2 10 5 off etc I have no problems when the player is bluffing and getting lucky but that has not been expect on 1 occasion the case I have never limped you guys know that I will pre raise between 3 upto 5 times then on flop bet on average 3/4 of pot size and they just call call call call to the river and I drown more often then I hold.
Now an intresting therory of why in the last 6 months the stanard of bad play on here has got out of controll in my view. One of the players siad he had noticed ever since a lot of the ipad free poker apps have become popular there is a new group of players just calling down every hand due to the fact they have learnt the game in a non risk way and transfer that to the game.
Now we all agreed there is not 1 or 2 players just winning and of course we all know long term you cannot win like that however Poker is an ever changing game and though a decision on how poker players like us change the way we play.
Now if J3 3/5 pre raises agaisnt me (unless I am trying to bluff you m8 lol) I am not going into that pot unless I am strong same with a lot of you guys Trev Unb FD etc.
But these very very large group of lets be kind and call them bingo players are going to call you down to river with as just happend 54 v my AK in the hope that even though the turn was AK2 they can call my large raise flop raise that they get runner runner to a flush does it make sence to still pr raise anymore agaisnt these players.
I know the trouble is there could be bingo player in 4 out of the 6 seats so if I do limp the poker player will quite rightly use that agaisnt me and have a edge if they get involved in the pot.
So what is the teams thoughts on this and any strategy you have tried to counter act these moves. I know I am fairly well know on the site and an agrument could be made back that players just want to bust me expect these are players I dont know and I locked my SharpScope Stats after Blackpool after I was suprised at the number of people that mentioned they seen my stats and how well I doing.
Could I ask the team 1 favour I do not want any bad beat moans not the idea of the posting it is a ever changing game discussion.
I may also start a tread on GC to see what the comunity thinks as well
Hi MrB. I have also been caught out a few times just lately. I have had one of my worst bad beat weeks this week.
I have also noticed the type of hands that players are calling with, but at the moment I am putting this down to the volume of Newbies joining the site.
How can we change our game to compensate for this? Well I just don't think I have the answer at the moment.
Everything tells us to keep playing ABC Poker and it will pay off in the long run. I'm sure this is quite true on the cash tables, but in MTT's with the volume of new players joining the site, which I think accounts for most of the "any 2" callers, maybe we do need to come up with a better strategy.
Ok, its easy to say we want these bad callers but, we don't have the option to reload in an MTT and it usually costs us our tourny life.
Its certainly worth discussing in my opinion and may help all of us in the long run.
I'm deffinately up for a positive debate on this subject.
I WANT TO STRESS AT THE START THIS IS NOT A MOAN BUT A QUESTION TO DISCUSS. I AM NOT MOANING ABOUT BEATS I know how J3 feels at the mo funny enough had a very simular conversation on 2 tables last night with players I knew. I have in the last few days had anything from floping the nuts flush to AA AK QQ str onwards and lost every time to stupid 1 outers. The hands that have won agaisnt me include 42 off 92 off j3 off j2 10 5 off etc I have no problems when the player is bluffing and getting lucky but that has not been expect on 1 occasion the case I have never limped you guys know that I will pre raise between 3 upto 5 times then on flop bet on average 3/4 of pot size and they just call call call call to the river and I drown more often then I hold. Now an intresting therory of why in the last 6 months the stanard of bad play on here has got out of controll in my view. One of the players siad he had noticed ever since a lot of the ipad free poker apps have become popular there is a new group of players just calling down every hand due to the fact they have learnt the game in a non risk way and transfer that to the game. Now we all agreed there is not 1 or 2 players just winning and of course we all know long term you cannot win like that however Poker is an ever changing game and though a decision on how poker players like us change the way we play. Now if J3 3/5 pre raises agaisnt me (unless I am trying to bluff you m8 lol) I am not going into that pot unless I am strong same with a lot of you guys Trev Unb FD etc. But these very very large group of lets be kind and call them bingo players are going to call you down to river with as just happend 54 v my AK in the hope that even though the turn was AK2 they can call my large raise flop raise that they get runner runner to a flush does it make sence to still pr raise anymore agaisnt these players. I know the trouble is there could be bingo player in 4 out of the 6 seats so if I do limp the poker player will quite rightly use that agaisnt me and have a edge if they get involved in the pot. So what is the teams thoughts on this and any strategy you have tried to counter act these moves. I know I am fairly well know on the site and an agrument could be made back that players just want to bust me expect these are players I dont know and I locked my SharpScope Stats after Blackpool after I was suprised at the number of people that mentioned they seen my stats and how well I doing. Could I ask the team 1 favour I do not want any bad beat moans not the idea of the posting it is a ever changing game discussion. I may also start a tread on GC to see what the comunity thinks as well Posted by MRBURNS4
You've just described my play !!!!!!!LOL
Seriously - perhaps its just that you remember the occasions when this happensbecause they stick in your mind and not the probable hundreds of times when your hand hold - Dont know the answeer just guessing really.
Oh - and I want to bust you everytime i see you so that parts TRUE lol
Hi mrb i know where your coming from about these players.The way i look at it,even though i've had the worst 2 months on here,i still want those bad players calling with nothing and going all in on the turn with a gut shot.Just an example of what i've had recently,although it has always happened.You get bad players on your level as well as mine.The way i look at it, i limped in all the time for about 2 years but now i'm not going to do it just because the whole table is doing it.I may be on a bad run at the moment, but that's ok i understand varience,but these bad players,if they continue to play the way they are,will always be on a bad run.Let them get lucky and give me a bad beat with a 1 outer,i'll see them tomorrow and the next day etc etc.You get my point mrb.Anyway that's just my opinion mrb.Gl at the tables m8.
Great to see sensible reply thanks guys and look forward to seeing how this discussion moves forward.
I agree with what Trev says and I do think a change of stragergy is needed whic is a positive thing as it means we keep ahead of the trend.
The main reason for starting this is not the odd bad beat moan but it has started to become a real trend in the game (had quiet a few very good regulars who not in our team talk about this with me) that its not just forgetting hands that hold its a trend quite a few notice.
Dont get me wrong I do not want to educate these people I do not want to have a go I actually want to encourage them to keep playing this way as I will long term take their bankroll but just want to take a step back and think how I counter act this to turn it from me keep losing to the mr 92 off to wining again agaisnt them.
Off now to see the great Dundee Utd v Dymano Moscow for jj benifit when a team is not as rich and powerful as THFC we start our season while your lot are still getting their hair cut on their private resorts and being man pampered the hard core real football fans are on the terraces lol
Good luck all at the tables and I may join you latter after the match!
Hi MRB what you are discussing here is nothing new. I had a really bad run late last year for at least a month and on 2 separate occasions I lost allins to 42 off calling. This was just 2 examples out of many. Part of the problem is that these players are so bad at poker ( I blame Zynga poker on FB too as well as these apps whatever they are) that they don't realise that they are not getting the right price to call and they have no understanding of pot odds or implied odds. I think the only way to combat these players is to identify them in the first place and make notes, and try and play any future hands a little more cautiously perhaps. I know I have got carried away by hitting top pr top kicker say only to see they have hit the set or even stronger hands. By the way if there is an increase in traffic to the site then there will be an increase of bad players in proportion to that.
sorry guys just not hitting or holding anything,thanks jj,dagg.no medals with hands like this PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemrparish82 Small blind 30.00 30.00 2100.00 steelrod Big blind 60.00 90.00 1485.00 Your hole cards A K mrparish82 All-in 2100.00 2190.00 0.00 steelrod All-in 1485.00 3675.00 0.00 mrparish82 Unmatched bet 585.00 3090.00 585.00 mrparish82 Show K Q steelrod Show A K Flop Q 4 Q Turn J River 5 mrparish82 Win Three Queens 3090.00
I now have a big mother of a sat dish on the back of my quaint little thatched cottage in the irish countryside... if this does't stop me gettin disconnected it'll be goodbye sky.... we shall see.....
absolute joke tonight getting rivered almost every big pot i play was chip leader on the 2k bh first my trip 8s get cracked by flush then my aq gets cracked by flush then my ace 10 gets cracked by a river flush almost in consecutive hands. not just one tournament but 3 or 4 in a row never seen anything like it played poorly in the lucky 7 thoug just entered bh first hand ace kinghe shoves all in with 10 9 lands 2 tens on turn and river chubbers had a good stack so gl to him. edit:finally managed a cash in a timed tourney 5 th for 15.75
trip 3s cracked by flush on the river now this cant be normal varience surely may aswell just play russian roulette
Jas Great debate! As you well know 70%- 80% of the pots i win/lose are decided pre flop. So if i have a hand you know and if i fold well nowt. The folding does lead to the odd strange situation i.e in unraise pot and i check my bb, the flop comes i miss and just fold to NO bet which i think is a MASSIVE TOOL in my game. Have noticed it does put the odd player on TILT. I also refuse to make up the small blind if i have junk even if im getting 12/1, then i do get slapped in the face when i would of flopped 2 pair But this never puts me on tilt RULE OF THUMB IF I DONT RAISE IT PRE FLOP: I DON'T PLAY IT POST. I obv still 3 bet with AIR but thats another Debate. I guess its all bout knowing what you want to flop, if i have jt i dont want a j high flop i want a j t or kq flop. Just got to have another gear now, and push anyflop when ahead cos if u and 2 are in it 1 WILL CALL? Example had kk earlier flop 568 pot bout 600 had 2k back 1st 2 act so pushed and had 2 callers what they have???? A9 and Q9 lol Back to you guys
£200 Freeroll (Main Event) - FR (Qualified by playing Wednesday M/Eventsrawley01686883.75Jibbz231116.25POKEY201103£10boggo04£8 3rd place dedicated to the whole of TPT
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : great playing with u, still in but last as have been for 30min, least cashed j3ono 5042.50 0 £5.00 MacMonster 0 20 £7.75 + £18.99 Head Prizes 3 COBWEBSJ 0 21 £15 Head Prizes 4 kirbsuk83 0 22 £16.88 Head Prizes 4 Posted by j3ono
and u mate well played and great chatting bud and gl
I know how J3 feels at the mo funny enough had a very simular conversation on 2 tables last night with players I knew.
I have also been caught out a few times just lately. I have had one of my worst bad beat weeks this week.
I have also noticed the type of hands that players are calling with, but at the moment I am putting this down to the volume of Newbies joining the site.
How can we change our game to compensate for this? Well I just don't think I have the answer at the moment.
Everything tells us to keep playing ABC Poker and it will pay off in the long run. I'm sure this is quite true on the cash tables, but in MTT's with the volume of new players joining the site, which I think accounts for most of the "any 2" callers, maybe we do need to come up with a better strategy.
Ok, its easy to say we want these bad callers but, we don't have the option to reload in an MTT and it usually costs us our tourny life.
Its certainly worth discussing in my opinion and may help all of us in the long run.
I'm deffinately up for a positive debate on this subject.
I'm out Tonight with the darting fraternity
If any of you are about Tonight can you please give Steelrod as much support as possible in his Olympic attempt for Gold.
6. Table Tennis 2nd Aug 7.20pm £4.40 £100GTD Heads Up Shuffle Tourny
Best of Luck Steel - TID
Hi mrb i know where your coming from about these players.The way i look at it,even though i've had the worst 2 months on here,i still want those bad players calling with nothing and going all in on the turn with a gut shot.Just an example of what i've had recently,although it has always happened.You get bad players on your level as well as mine.The way i look at it, i limped in all the time for about 2 years but now i'm not going to do it just because the whole table is doing it.I may be on a bad run at the moment, but that's ok i understand varience,but these bad players,if they continue to play the way they are,will always be on a bad run.Let them get lucky and give me a bad beat with a 1 outer,i'll see them tomorrow and the next day etc etc.You get my point mrb.Anyway that's just my opinion mrb.Gl at the tables m8.
By the way if there is an increase in traffic to the site then there will be an increase of bad players in proportion to that.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemrparish82 Small blind 30.00 30.00 2100.00 steelrod Big blind 60.00 90.00 1485.00 Your hole cards A K mrparish82 All-in 2100.00 2190.00 0.00 steelrod All-in 1485.00 3675.00 0.00 mrparish82 Unmatched bet 585.00 3090.00 585.00 mrparish82 Show K Q steelrod Show A K Flop Q 4 Q Turn J River 5 mrparish82 Win Three Queens 3090.00
not just one tournament but 3 or 4 in a row never seen anything like it played poorly in the lucky 7 thoug
just entered bh first hand ace kinghe shoves all in with 10 9 lands 2 tens on turn and river chubbers had a good stack so gl to him.
edit:finally managed a cash in a timed tourney 5 th for 15.75
trip 3s cracked by flush on the river now this cant be normal varience surely may aswell just play russian roulette
But this never puts me on tilt
Great debate!
As you well know 70%- 80% of the pots i win/lose are decided pre flop. So if i have a hand you know and if i fold well nowt. The folding does lead to the odd strange situation i.e in unraise pot and i check my bb, the flop comes i miss and just fold to NO bet which i think is a MASSIVE TOOL in my game. Have noticed it does put the odd player on TILT. I also refuse to make up the small blind if i have junk even if im getting 12/1, then i do get slapped in the face when i would of flopped 2 pair
RULE OF THUMB IF I DONT RAISE IT PRE FLOP: I DON'T PLAY IT POST. I obv still 3 bet with AIR but thats another Debate.
I guess its all bout knowing what you want to flop, if i have jt i dont want a j high flop i want a j t or kq flop. Just got to have another gear now, and push anyflop when ahead cos if u and 2 are in it 1 WILL CALL?
Example had kk earlier flop 568 pot bout 600 had 2k back 1st 2 act so pushed and had 2 callers what they have????
A9 and Q9 lol
Back to you guys
£200 Freeroll (Main Event) - FR (Qualified by playing Wednesday M/Event srawley01686883.75Jibbz231116.25POKEY201103£10boggo04£8
3rd place dedicated to the whole of TPT