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Top of the Posts!



  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited August 2012

    i think there could also be a means of de-awarding a place to some contributors.  every now and then a post is puerile and confrontational.  their toys could be taken out of their pram and they should sit on the naughty step and watch the freeroll from the rail.

    so, with this in mind, can i start the week with a minus one for this post please? 


  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2012
    The Poker Clinic   - Grantorino, although never seen him play on the site. If he doesn't play then give it to Rancid.

    General Poker Chat - Lambert180 :p I do try an answer most people's questions and who doesn't love my diary lol (please don't reply to say who doesn't like it, don't want this thread becoming massive)

    Team Talk - Probably Hitman RV.

    The Shed - Maxally for running AL's Bar.

    Area 51 - Is there anyone that posts anything of value here?....

    The Punter's Corner - Never go there cos I don't gamble :p but I hear Splashies does alot for this section.
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited August 2012
    Anyone with the bare faced cheek to nominate himself gets my vote!
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited August 2012
    If it's nomination time
    Wynne1938 & Vaigret always get my attention in Punters Corner!
    Aussie09 and Oynutter always make smiles with their witty comments!
    I'm not a fan of Lambert180 but his tournaments deserve recognition.
    The one person who deserves an award for his diary is EvilPingu one of the best forum threads ever!
    Logdon deserves a plug! Mind her husband would probably prefer ear plugs!. lol
    Sky Sam/Jordan deserve awards for the Caption Contest and Friday Give away
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts!:
    If it's nomination time Wynne1938 & Vaigret always get my attention in Punters Corner! Aussie09 and Oynutter always make smiles with their witty comments! I'm not a fan of Lambert180 but his tournaments deserve recognition. The one person who deserves an award for his diary is EvilPingu one of the best forum threads ever! Logdon deserves a plug! Mind her husband would probably prefer ear plugs!. lol Sky Sam/Jordan deserve awards for the Caption Contest and Friday Give away
    Posted by DUNMIDOSH
    Thanks for giving me a mention despite not liking me (for which I am still oblivious to the reason). I completely forgot about me doing the HU comps and stuff, which has reminded me that I need to hurry up and do the Semi-Final draw for this HU comp.

    Good shout on the EP diary but in true 1984 style, it no longer exists, and so never did exist ;) But yeah give a seat to Evil.
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts!:
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts! : Thanks for giving me a mention despite not liking me (for which I am still oblivious to the reason). I completely forgot about me doing the HU comps and stuff, which has reminded me that I need to hurry up and do the Semi-Final draw for this HU comp. Good shout on the EP diary but in true 1984 style, it no longer exists, and so never did exist ;) But yeah give a seat to Evil.
    Posted by Lambert180
    No rub down intended!
    The time and effort you put into those tornaments is second to none!
    I think you've earned deserved respect and if awards are being handed out, you should be towards the front of the queue if not first!

  • Sky_SamSky_Sam Member Posts: 738
    edited August 2012
    We're reviewing the forums this afternoon so will post the winners of this month's competition soon.

    Stay tuned...
  • Sky_SamSky_Sam Member Posts: 738
    edited August 2012
    Hi all,

    Well here we have August's results. Here are the Top Posters of the month:

    The Poker Clinic - Lambert180
    General Poker Chat - GaryQQQ
    Team Talk Hitman_RV
    The Shed - Donut64
    Area 51 Rancid,
    The Punter's Corner - Wynne1938, "if his tips came in as often as he posts - we'd be millionaires!"

    Congrats all! I will enter you all into the Top of the Posts tournament now so don't forget to turn up and play!

    It was a tough decision and we've spent the majority of the afternoon judging. I think everyone who reads the forum on a regular basis will be able to agree with me that these folk do a cracking job on the forum. I won't embarrass them all by posting reasons why they've been nominated...

    There were some close runners. Couple of shoutouts to other's for their efforts. Maxally, BorinLoner, bearly, vaigret...

    ... there are loads more and I shouldn't have started naming names but...

    Keep the posting going guys, there will be another chance for you to bag a seat into the next Top of the Posts throughout September. 

    good luck to you guys in the tournament!


    P.S Another special thanks to all the guys who have PMd me with their views on who they thought should win. There are some popular people amongst you!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2012
    Thanks Sam, and everyone else for appreciating my input :) Looking forward to the SnG... when is it again?

    Gotta love that 4 out of the 6 are squaddies :P
  • Sky_SamSky_Sam Member Posts: 738
    edited August 2012
    Sorry! The Top of the Posts tournament is on 2nd September at 21:00.

    It's in the lobby now :-)
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited August 2012
    Cheers Sky, thanks a lot................... and thanks to all those who suggested my name.

    It's gonna be a fun game with that list of runners!
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2012
    Am I the only one confused why it says the prizepool is £300 but tha sum of the payouts is £150...

    Also, I dunno if you're going to but would be great if you put a TV icon on this game.

    Good luck to everyone involved.
  • djblacke04djblacke04 Member Posts: 1,778
    edited August 2012

    Rancid.. from Area 51....

    One Post.....

    With 1 Comment

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited August 2012
    The nominee from the Clinic really ought to be favourite for this every time, don't you think Lambert? If you're dishing out poker advice, you ought to be beating people who talk about 'orses, conspiracy theories and ... whatever goes on in the shed.

    No pressure, mate. :)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts!:
    The nominee from the Clinic really ought to be favourite for this every time, don't you think Lambert? If you're dishing out poker advice, you ought to be beating people who talk about 'orses, conspiracy theories and ... whatever goes on in the shed. No pressure, mate. :)
    Posted by BorinLoner
    Well yeah I thought it was already sorted I'd be in this every month ;) lol. But seriously, I think you or grantorino should get a shout for the clinic next month, you and him have replied on pretty much every hand in the clinic for the last god knows how many months.

    Slykllist should be down for one for setting up the whole olympics thing.

    Ditch the Area 51 vote cos no positive input comes from that section and just replacement it with the Lambert180 award ;)

    And definitely one for Michael/Chris who run the DTD, how did they get missed out. Well that's next month sorted  lol.... me, you, Sly, Michael, Chris, Grantorino.
  • EBBERDONEBBERDON Member Posts: 277
    edited August 2012
    hi are we having a priority free tournament for a seat
    in dtd final like last year
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts!:
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts! : Well yeah I thought it was already sorted I'd be in this every month ;) lol. But seriously, I think you or grantorino should get a shout for the clinic next month, you and him have replied on pretty much every hand in the clinic for the last god knows how many months. Slykllist should be down for one for setting up the whole olympics thing. Ditch the Area 51 vote cos no positive input comes from that section and just replacement it with the Lambert180 award ;) And definitely one for Michael/Chris who run the DTD, how did they get missed out. Well that's next month sorted  lol.... me, you, Sly, Michael, Chris, Grantorino.
    Posted by Lambert180
    I've just heard that they're renaming it to "The Lambert180 Forum Award"!

    I've not been posting so much on the Clinic lately, to be fair. I just comment when there's something I disagree with or a point that's been totally missed. I used to spend ages writing some of my posts and they're not really worth it, to be honest.

    I wrote for 40 minutes a while ago about Expected Value and the guy came back calling me a joker and an idiot. Can't be bothered with that.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts!:
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts! : I've just heard that they're renaming it to "The Lambert180 Forum Award"! I've not been posting so much on the Clinic lately, to be fair. I just comment when there's something I disagree with or a point that's been totally missed. I used to spend ages writing some of my posts and they're not really worth it, to be honest. I wrote for 40 minutes a while ago about Expected Value and the guy came back calling me a joker and an idiot. Can't be bothered with that.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    Jesus, what a waste! Well I read all your input whether it's a hand I've posted or not.
  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts!:
    Cheers Sky, thanks a lot................... and thanks to all those who suggested my name. It's gonna be a fun game with that list of runners!
    Posted by GaryQQQ
    what has garyqqq ever posted?

    yeah, ok, apart from the daily diary, what has garyqqq ever done for us?

    yeah, ok, ok, apart from the daily diary, the tournament results thread updated every day, what has garyqqq ever done for us?

  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: Top of the Posts!:
    Hi all, Well here we have August's results. Here are the Top Posters of the month: The Poker Clinic - Lambert180 General Poker Chat - GaryQQQ Team Talk -  Hitman_RV The Shed - Donut64 Area 51 -  Rancid, The Punter's Corner - Wynne1938, " if his tips came in as often as he posts - we'd be millionaires!" Congrats all! I will enter you all into the Top of the Posts tournament now so don't forget to turn up and play! It was a tough decision and we've spent the majority of the afternoon judging. I think everyone who reads the forum on a regular basis will be able to agree with me that these folk do a cracking job on the forum. I won't embarrass them all by posting reasons why they've been nominated... There were some close runners. Couple of shoutouts to other's for their efforts. Maxally, BorinLoner, bearly, vaigret... ... there are loads more and I shouldn't have started naming names but... Keep the posting going guys, there will be another chance for you to bag a seat into the next Top of the Posts throughout September.  good luck to you guys in the tournament! Sam. P.S Another special thanks to all the guys who have PMd me with their views on who they thought should win. There are some popular people amongst you!
    Posted by Sky_Sam
    Thanks for my entry,greatfully accepted.
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