I looked away for a split second and saw you were gone so I missed it, but I know you know how to play early stages of a DYM so knew you had probably just got unlucky.
Third time lucky for me, only took me 3 goes to win the 60p game. I'm tired so will play level 2 tomorrow.
Paul,did you see my qq get beaten by 7 10 call. My fault for not raising pre flop,hit th e wrong button, and th eflop was 689! Never mind,got back and have got through 2 levels, time for bed , will get back to level 3 tonight! See you in the dTD tonight,lets take it down again! Posted by wynne1938
In Response to Re: DYM Laddering Challenge --- Turn 60p into £200 --- 3x £55 Primo Seats!! --- 185 Runners So Far! : Yup, just verified it and wow didn't know you were so new to Sky/played so few games. Very impressive effort to get to the £22 game. EDIT: You're on the leaderboard. Posted by Lambert180
Thanks Lambert, new to the site, not so new to the game although I've not played regularly for over 5 years. Got some hassle for my SS stats the other day - it can't cope with the fact I've won through into some big tournaments. Still trying to find the format that suits my game (found out quite quickly it wasn't cash!), enjoyed this DYM challenge might give it another go sometime.
Never mind,got back and have got through 2 levels, time for bed , will get back to level 3 tonight!
See you in the dTD tonight,lets take it down again!
Third time lucky for me, only took me 3 goes to win the 60p game. I'm tired so will play level 2 tomorrow.
Good night peeps!
EDIT: You're on the leaderboard.
equalled with my best hopefully can get through it this time
never really got into the game then my 10s ran into bullets!!
*Update level 5 done and dusted
Do i make it on the leaderboard?
trying this tonight again onto level 3
I have just registered for omaha dym by mistake will this game count or not?
had a break from this for a while but today is the day i take this challange down!