WD on your cashes guys.WD bb great stuff.Ul trev and steel i know what you are going through,i'm on a bad run to.Still it will turn soon onwards and upwards.
Had about 3/4 gd chances to take this down when i folded 6 7 spades to a raise and flopped a flush with 2 players going all in with straight draws and top pair, and folding 4 5 off suit to a raise and flopping 2 pair with player going all in with K K. Oh well cant win them all.
Hi guys just a quick post to ask if its possible to play sky on the iPad 3 ? Played extremely bad the other night an was tilting so I ended up putting my fist through my laptop screen so it's in the shop getting fixed and its killing me that I can't play!!!! Does any know if its possible to use the iPad 3 and if I need to download any software ? I have heard spurs say on ere that he uses it but it doesn't seem to work for me ! Any info would be great ! Nice cashes guys keep em coming !!!!
hi all, great cashes all, TPT doing extremely well in the FLOPS at the moment. Just wondering how many smaller BR players will pay the £11 (hi-roller)? (DISCUSS). :-) Posted by chubbers
Well done BB great result well played, and everyone else who has cashed. Geldy I think my 7th place in the PLO was more luck than skill. Lets just say there were some real novices playing. Addo whats an IPad? Is it like a shoulder pad? Chubbers def not 11 quid is way too much so good luck to those who are playing it.
went out sb vs bb shoved my KJs < AT of TommyD - Sky's revenge no doubt for when I took out yoyo when he shoved his BB against my button raise and I rivered a flush.
tks for the rail DivDreams & others
wp cap'n and the rest of the cashes - particularly our new boy George
Well done all nice cashes. Nothing to report for myself. Not been playing badly but last night it all changed. Played the 7-15 deepie, the Mini and a Bh and was out pretty early in all 3 and deserved it. I was awful. Clashed with Sharksbite in the mini and got bit big time! A word of advice. Never call a raise by her with 10 9 suited. When you hit the bottom end of the straight your in trouble lol. Must improve tonight . Good luck all.
so keep the cashes coming and do ya best with the railing of all the guys,run good all TPT thanks all and what a great team we have.
run good all and keep them cashes coming
see you all soon i hope
WD on your cashes guys.WD bb great stuff.Ul trev and steel i know what you are going through,i'm on a bad run to.Still it will turn soon onwards and upwards.
£5k D/Stack Sat
Tournament Complete
Finished at 12:11 - 21 Nov
£25 Guaranteed
Tournament Complete
Finished at 12:11 - 21 Nov
great cashes all, TPT doing extremely well in the FLOPS at the moment.
Just wondering how many smaller BR players will pay the £11 (hi-roller)?
(DISCUSS). :-)
Addo whats an IPad? Is it like a shoulder pad?
Chubbers def not 11 quid is way too much so good luck to those who are playing it.
Not getting much game time atm, but satted in to tonights £15k semi.
Red_King84605Entry to £15k Sky BH Semi.
GL me l8r.
small consolation in £500BH, 10/366
Red_King010£3.66 + £1.79 Head Prizes1
Also wd pom who came 3rd
And thank you jjjach for railing
WD GELDY nice cash!!