Hey all
I am fairly new to skypoker, I played on PKR for many years, but recently got sky tv, found channel 861, and got addicted here instead.
I am a low stakes player, up to now been mainly in SNG and dabbled in cash, but recently started playing a few mtt. Best result so far is 7th in a £50 freeroll (350ish players), but that was probably more luck than anything. Hoping to enter my first Monday night DTDs this coming Monday.
I would describe my play as "unpredictable", and my main job at any table seems to be to help everyone else by hoovering up all the bad hole cards

I have run into a few team members, but had most fun talking with Team Dragons. Hope they will have me, always wanted to breath fire at hobbits... erm, I mean win with the dragons!
Anyway thanks for reading, apologies if i have missed some etiquette somewhere.
Oh well, will be in the dtd hopefully as independent, at least briefly, then will maybe hunt around some more for teammates
Happy new year.
let me know if you still looking?
Dave Hitman Harvey
Team HitSquad Founder & Capo!!
Will hopefully be in the tourneys tonight, tho my laptop went bang last night so i have about an hour beforehand to replace the fan / cooler before they start.
Will send you my facebook info, but I dont tend to log in there overly often.
GL in your New Team!!!