thanks for the analysis enjoying the show and have just had a shocking regret which became a massive relief in the mini what happened was one guy mini reraise then their was a 3 bet but it didn't stop their because a 3rd villain then shoved so I thought their has to be an AA or KK so folded QQ preflop but as it happens it was actually 1010 and Ax so I was ahead but the 1010 hit a set. if you want to see it this was the number 672474850 and it was from tonight's mini
Enjoying the show guys!!! The mrs has just come home from work after a 12 hour shift, i had her bath run (with bubble bath) a cup of tea & the dinner a desperate hope to keep you guys on the telly!!! were now watching the highly entertaining (NOT!!!) sex and the city!!! so am now watching the show on the webstream!!! Fantastic show guys!!!! keep up the good work!!!
You know it's too hot when you work outside everyday in overalls, hard hat and gloves........then find out you have lost over a stone in weight due to sweating soooooo much!!! Who needs diets!!
Hi guys great show. I may have spotted Tikay at licester sevices on the M1 yesterday mornging buying a coffee? If it was not Him then it was his twin. You now when it is too hot when you drink 3lts of water to get through a work day. Loving the show guys. Keep up the good work .
In reply to the bath other half does not feel the heat!!! at all!!!! she insists that the weather were having at the moment is not hot....And refuses to have any of the windows open because we'll get jonny spinners in the house( mr citrone would know what one of those is). so you can imagine how much sleep i get at the moment!! Think i may have to kip on the front lawn 2nite!!! #Hot & Bothered!!
Watched Tikay's clip of the Rio. He mentioned why do they have a florist in The Rio and who would buy flowers. Well my hubby Asmodeus bought me flowers last year from that very florist because I was railling him in the WSOP for a few days, so yes people do buy flowers when they are there.
Enjoyed watching the clip. Reminded me of last year and even the press room where we met Tikay.
what happened was one guy mini reraise then their was a 3 bet but it didn't stop their because a 3rd villain then shoved so I thought their has to be an AA or KK so folded QQ preflop but as it happens it was actually 1010 and Ax so I was ahead but the 1010 hit a set.
if you want to see it this was the number 672474850 and it was from tonight's mini
I don't mind you watching my play in the main advice would be welcome
thanks drrungood
...I do now, though.
Loving the show.
You know it's too hot when you work outside everyday in overalls, hard hat and gloves........then find out you have lost over a stone in weight due to sweating soooooo much!!! Who needs diets!!
Two suggestions:
1) Buy a fan and place it at the foot of your bet.
2) Don't announce on national TV that you sleep in the buff with the windows open. Lots of Joe Stapleton types out there (sorry Joe).
...this is a thrilling conversation, even by my standards.
Watched Tikay's clip of the Rio. He mentioned why do they have a florist in The Rio and who would buy flowers. Well my hubby Asmodeus bought me flowers last year from that very florist because I was railling him in the WSOP for a few days, so yes people do buy flowers when they are there.
Enjoyed watching the clip. Reminded me of last year and even the press room where we met Tikay.
Love the show.