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Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables!

LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
edited July 2013 in Poker Chat
It would be really good if there were mastercash 2p-4p tables. Even if it wasn't shown on the TV, would be fantastic to be able to play 200bb deep at 4nl.

I've been playing a bit on the 10nl Mastercash tables they are really good fun with a totally different dynamic to the regular 100 bb buy in tables.

Just an idea of something that i feel would benefit the site!


  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited July 2013
    I've been asking for this for ages. Not just for the very rare chance to get a 2p-4p hand on Mastercash, but also to make it possible for hands from 2p/4p Mastercash to be submitted to Poker Clinic etc.  I can't see a downside, but every time it comes up we get things like "No one wants to see 2p/4p cash on TV", "the play at that level is so bad it would be a detriment to the channel to show hands from that level" etc.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013

    lol FCHD you always get the jokers on Sky:P

    Do they think 2p-4p is significantly different to 10 nl haha

    1) the hands shown on the show are selective (interesting hands)

    2) Sometimes bad play makes for interesting hands!

    3) It can't be any worse than some of the play at 10nl /20 nl:D

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited July 2013

    a prime example of why I don't think they will have a master cash for 2p 4p is these tables are just too poor with betting so basically all that means is you get hardly any action at all.
    take this for example

    xSmall blind  £0.02 £0.02 £2.42
    Vidda Big blind  £0.04 £0.06 £5.38
      Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 4
    xCall  £0.04 £0.10 £8.39
    craigcu12 Fold     
    mordaw18 Fold     
    xRaise  £0.06 £0.16 £2.36
    Vidda Fold     
    xCall  £0.04 £0.20 £8.35
    • 6
    • A
    • 3
    xBet  £0.04 £0.24 £2.32
    xCall  £0.04 £0.28 £8.31
    • 9
    xBet  £0.04 £0.32 £2.28
    xCall  £0.04 £0.36 £8.27
    • Q
    xBet  £0.16 £0.52 £2.12
    xCall  £0.16 £0.68 £8.11
    • A
    • Q
    • Q
    • 4
    xWin Two Pairs, Aces and Queens £0.62  £2.74
    min raise AQ preflop the with top pair decent kicker just min bets then does the same on the turn when it is now getting very dangerous then when the chasers will no longer want to call what does he do bet larger.
    a lot of the time it's just button clicking that you would be watching on nl4.
  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited July 2013
    i'm waiting for the master cash table where the big blind decides whether it should be 2-4 5-10 or 10-20 before the carda are dealt lol

  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited July 2013
    I begged for this nack in the day. I think its a good idea for stuff like the clinic, the Poker school etc. 

    Infact its probably good for sky too, 7.5% rake, get 4 of them on the go, I rekon they will run alot of the time, and £16 pots are worth more than £8 pots. 
  • wayne1958wayne1958 Member Posts: 263
    edited July 2013
    why leave there names in. ?. its 2-4p  rec plys having a bit of fun. you wont see any good poker till 50p-£1 onwards, 
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited July 2013

    having a mastercash table for hands to be sent in would be fine

    flip side is I don't think they would play 200bb deep too often, the vast majority of players at that level don't buyin for 100bb nevermind 200bb

  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited July 2013
    Craig this is no evidence at all. I could sit down now and play for 10 mins and I'd probably be able to show at least 1 HH where the money all went i the middle. Some are very passive, some are bad aggro, and some ust over-value weakhands too much. You get all sorts at 4NL, just like you do at 10NL.

    Tbh, if it's really boring TV, then all they have to do is not show it, simple as. But at least have the opportunity.
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited July 2013
    And we often see just outright bad play when they show hands from £1/£2 or £1.50/£3 tables. Does that mean they shouldn't exist either?

    Mastercash on the TV shows what about 15 hands a week? Would it really bother people that much if one of those hands was from a 2p/4p table?
  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited July 2013
    Great idea Larson, some hysterical hands at 4nl
  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables!:
    Great idea Larson, some hysterical hands at 4nl
    Posted by calcalfold

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited July 2013

    when I think about it and after reading what you have said it is something that should be done.
    as you said paul their might be less action but they not forced to show it.

    plus the other side to the story is when people start poker tthey will most likely start on the NL4p so what better way to understand poker than showing hands from a nl4 in the poker school episode and the clinic or analyse my play.

    i should have put more thought into my post because i asked about a hand which had strange play on Thursday and where was that from a 5p 10p

  • calcalfoldcalcalfold Member Posts: 978
    edited July 2013
    Mastercash at 4nl would be great entertainment
    siarc Small blind   £0.02 £0.02 £3.94
    calcalfold Big blind   £0.04 £0.06 £4.50
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    skyeguy08 Raise   £0.16 £0.22 £2.09
    lukyflinty Fold        
    tworussell Fold        
    Davebl Call   £0.16 £0.38 £2.63
    siarc Fold        
    calcalfold Raise   £1.16 £1.54 £3.34
    skyeguy08 Call   £1.04 £2.58 £1.05
    Davebl All-in   £2.63 £5.21 £0.00
    calcalfold Raise   £3.18 £8.39 £0.16
    skyeguy08 All-in   £1.05 £9.44 £0.00
    calcalfold Unmatched bet   £1.59 £7.85 £1.75
    calcalfold Show
    • A
    • A
    skyeguy08 Show
    • Q
    • Q
    Davebl Show
    • 8
    • J
    • Q
    • 6
    • 10
    • 7
    • A
    Davebl Win Flush to the Ace £7.26   £7.26
    This kind of play makes note taking so easy, no need for full notes, just type "sen"
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    Hopefully someone from Sky can have a look at this!
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,191
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables!:
    I've been asking for this for ages. Not just for the very rare chance to get a 2p-4p hand on Mastercash, but also to make it possible for hands from 2p/4p Mastercash to be submitted to Poker Clinic etc.  I can't see a downside, but every time it comes up we get things like "No one wants to see 2p/4p cash on TV", "the play at that level is so bad it would be a detriment to the channel to show hands from that level" etc.
    Posted by FCHD
    Hi Richard.

    Nobody from Sky Poker, or Channel 861, has ever said that. Other players may have - the business has not.

    Good & bad play exists at every level - it is all relevant.
  • Batkin88Batkin88 Member Posts: 1,682
    edited July 2013
    There are some better players at NL4 than NL100 not loads but there are some. So to argue you wont see good poker from NL4 is redonkulous you may have to filter most of the hands but a lot would be fine.

    I think the fact of it is most people like watching big money cross the felt regardless of how good the play is.
  • FCHDFCHD Member Posts: 3,178
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables!:
    In Response to Re: Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables! : Hi Richard. Nobody from Sky Poker, or Channel 861, has ever said that. Other players may have - the business has not. Good & bad play exists at every level - it is all relevant.  
    Posted by Tikay10

    Yes of course you're right Tikay, it was other players making those responses, not a Sky employee/representative. Sorry if that wasn't clear in the previous post.
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables!:
    In Response to Re: Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables! : Hi Richard. Nobody from Sky Poker, or Channel 861, has ever said that. Other players may have - the business has not. Good & bad play exists at every level - it is all relevant.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Just to recap it seems everyone would be behind it, overwhelming support for this. They have these tables at al other higher levels, so would make sense to include 4nl in this.

    From a business perspective, like Don said, it's more rake and more profit for the business.

    It could even be a segment on the show, trying to promote amongst new players, a "poker school" type segment. Not only would sky be saying that you can play 4nl up to 100nl, you would be able to show the lowest limit on the show, where as usually it is just the higher tables that are shown.

    I just think overall, not talking about it being shown on tv (not many hands are shown anyway) but it would be a good dynamic to have games where people are sitting 200 bigs deep. I love it, and right now have to get my fix at 10 nl lol
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2013
    In Response to Re: Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables!:
    In Response to Re: Dear Sky, Please Introduce MasterCash 2p-4p tables! : Hi Richard. Nobody from Sky Poker, or Channel 861, has ever said that. Other players may have - the business has not. Good & bad play exists at every level - it is all relevant.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Just to recap it seems everyone would be behind it, overwhelming support for this. They have these tables at al other higher levels, so would make sense to include 4nl in this.

    From a business perspective, like Don said, it's more rake and more profit for the business.

    It could even be a segment on the show, trying to promote amongst new players, a "poker school" type segment. Not only would sky be saying that you can play 4nl up to 100nl, you would be able to show the lowest limit on the show, where as usually it is just the higher tables that are shown.

    I just think overall, not talking about it being shown on tv (not many hands are shown anyway) but it would be a good dynamic to have games where people are sitting 200 bigs deep. I love it, and right now have to get my fix at 10 nl lol
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited July 2013
    I think if they were to put on an NL4 Mastercash table (or 2 ) it would get more new players involved who see it on TV and realise you can play for pennies instead of pounds. 

    On the other hand it they were to do it at NL4 , wouldn,t they have to do it at NL8 as well to make things fair
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