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  • DAVEYZZDAVEYZZ Member Posts: 1,651
    edited July 2009
    i agree steve should be released,imo he is up there with nelson mandela,mother teresa,bono,bob geldof,and deidre off off corrie!!!!

    FREE THE SKY ONE!!!!!!!

    ps i dunno what he said but one player said he hoped i died of cancer,called me a c*** and called a women player a who re and i reprted him but he never got banned!!
  • bullyfishbullyfish Member Posts: 215
    edited July 2009
    steve is good guy   always in deep stack with him and have not ever had a bad word to say    quite the opposite infact     the fish says release him now
  • tiggerace7tiggerace7 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2009
    Hi Sky Poker

    Maybe if you have a spare minute you could reply to DaveyZZ's comments.
    Which was "why if players are reported do only some get banned."
    I can only repeat that I have played 100's of games with Bigsteve 42 and not once has he sworn. In fact the very opposite, he is usually the one that calms players down. He is always helpful and is totally the opposite to the way a chat ban labels him. Also please reply to the post made by Slowbow which is also way out of order.

    Pam Tiggerace7
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited July 2009
    Hi Sky Poker Maybe if you have a spare minute you could reply to DaveyZZ's comments. Which was "why if players are reported do only some get banned." I can only repeat that I have played 100's of games with Bigsteve 42 and not once has he sworn. In fact the very opposite, he is usually the one that calms players down. He is always helpful and is totally the opposite to the way a chat ban labels him. Also please reply to the post made by Slowbow which is also way out of order. Pam Tiggerace7
    Posted by tiggerace7
    Bigsteve has always been courteous and friendly to me too. i cant believe he got banned
  • tiggerace7tiggerace7 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: GET STEVE42 RELEASED FROM CHAT PRISON NOW : Bigsteve has always been courteous and friendly to me too. i cant believe he got banned
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    Thanks Gregg

    I have never met Bigsteve other than in the chat room. He would be the one player in the sky community that has helped me the most. This is the reason I made the original post. I know you are a very good player too. I have never had the chance to get to know you in the chat box. I have played a lot of deep stacks with some regular players and the other player that has helped me would be Madpatdotc. Strange to think that Steve has been banned he spoke up for me ages ago when a player was getting abusive. I guess that is the reason I am finding it hard to believe. I think the solution should be to name and shame abusive players rather than chat ban them. The sky community would then regulate itself as I do believe that there are more good players than bad and are able to take bad beats and not shame themselves by being bad losers.
    Thanks for the reply.

  • tiggerace7tiggerace7 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2009
    Just read a post under the heading of chat ban.

    There is a player who wants to apologies, why oh why can't we help these people to control their anger and realise that they cause upset to other players. This one obviously does and I say lets forgive and forget. Give them another chance and be seen to be helping players control their anger. It will in the long run improve the site.

    So come on poker players how about we help and shame them in to becoming "gentlemen or ladies" instead of isolating them.

  • NorbitNorbit Member Posts: 490
    edited July 2009

    Hi tigger, thanks for you comments on my thread.

    I havent played with steve, but he seems like a really nice guy by looking at the posts in this thread and i hoped he gets un chat banned.

    I would like a second chance to show that im not like i used to be, that i can be a good friendly player to play with.
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited July 2009
    Ok guys,

    We are currently investigating bigSeve42's chat ban. if he would like to get in touch on the community that would be great. If anyone is in contact with him maybe they could ask him to visit the forums.

    in the meantime he is very welcome to contact customer care directly himself and one of our reps will be happy to discuss this matter with him.

    thanks guys,

  • IAMALLIN2IAMALLIN2 Member Posts: 561
    edited July 2009
    I don`t know Steve42
    But if he is O.K with Tigger then he is O.K with me

    I voted YES

  • tiggerace7tiggerace7 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2009
    Ok guys, We are currently investigating bigSeve42's chat ban. if he would like to get in touch on the community that would be great. If anyone is in contact with him maybe they could ask him to visit the forums. in the meantime he is very welcome to contact customer care directly himself and one of our reps will be happy to discuss this matter with him. thanks guys, Rich
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    Hi Sky Rich

    If I am any judge of character I doubt that Steve will contact a sky rep, he must have said something to get the ban and while i believe he would want to say sorry to whoever he was unkind to I think he will just take his punishment like a gentleman. I know I would.

  • CHIPADEECHIPADEE Member Posts: 25
    edited July 2009
    I cant believe steve banned he is one of the nicest guys you can meet and many times i have been on a table with abusive players and he has calmed the situation down. I think it should be looked into we chat with steve all the time and he is not offensive at all.  from chipadee
  • micky6chinmicky6chin Member Posts: 96
    edited July 2009

    Good on you Tig,

    Steve is a true gent always a pleasure to play him and always enjoy banter. Cant believe people voting know obviously dont know him otherwise 100% yes.

    Release him now sky, need to see him lose all in on pocket jacks.

  • MH45706MH45706 Member Posts: 164
    edited July 2009
    Not sure why you are all going so crazy about this..Its not like this guy is some kind of hero..just another player who has been naughty and got banned.
  • BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
    edited July 2009
    Good on you Tig, Steve is a true gent always a pleasure to play him and always enjoy banter. Cant believe people voting know obviously dont know him otherwise 100% yes. Release him now sky, need to see him lose all in on pocket jacks.
    Posted by micky6chin
    Steve's one of The Originals. A couple of years ago, Sky Poker was in its infancy. A few of us logged onto this site and met no-one but each other - it is not surprising that there should be some cameraderie between us.

    Now I don't know what's happened in this instance. But I will say that if someone has made racist or homophobic comments, they should be banned. But as in Steve's case that clearly hasn't happened, his long membership should be taken into consideration.

  • tiggerace7tiggerace7 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2009
    Hi everyone

    I hear on the grapevine that the forum is not the place to discuss chat bans

    At first I thought I agreed and could understand the point that was made.

    Firstly iI did not know there was a yellow card system at sky.

    Since I have thought it through further and now decided the following:-

    If the  community forum is not the place for such discussions where is? When surely how we treat each other has to be at the heart of any community,

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,583
    edited July 2009
    Hi everyone I hear on the grapevine that the forum is not the place to discuss chat bans At first I thought I agreed and could understand the point that was made. Firstly iI did not know there was a yellow card system at sky. Since I have thought it through further and now decided the following:- If the  community forum is not the place for such discussions where is? When surely how we treat each other has to be at the heart of any community, Tigs
    Posted by tiggerace7
    That happens to be my personal view Tig, but I don't know what the Official line is.

    In my view, it's about "dispute resolution" - in other words, solving a problem.

    In my experience, if I want to solve a problem, I don't shout about it in the strreet, I discuss it quietly in the back garden, where the points can be made fairly & properly. That way, I'm hugely confident I can solve it. When the whole street joins in the debate - most of whom don't know the facts, the problem becomes extremely tricky to handle.

    Anyway, Sky Poker are listening. One Chat Ban has been rescinded, another is being investigated. That's a result, I'd say. But if I were involved, for either party, I'd have gone about itit quietly, below the Radar, & I think that night have solved it quicker. We'll never know now!

    The Yellow Card System? When something goes off, the member gets a warning, a "Yellow Card".. If they repeat offend then they get a chat ban. It's actually quite tough to get a proper Chat Ban, because in all but the most serious casews, they get a warning first. It can NEVER be in Sky Poker's interests to Chat Ban players unfairly, so they do all they can to avoid it.

    I do think it's rather wonderful the way you have presented the case, persistently, & consistently, right across the Forum, & it's pretty cool that the Community is working together now to solve problems.

    Together, we are building a nice place here.

    Hope you have a quite splendid weekend.
    edited July 2009
    have played bigsteve numerous occasions he is a true gentleman never a cross word to say about anyone so in protest against steves chatban ihave decided to leave sky poker for the month of august isuggest people should follow suit i will be playing on another site and i might not come back so good luck to all                                                                                             MAD PAT
  • tiggerace7tiggerace7 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2009
    Hi Mad

    Just now been playing against a previous abusive bad loser. Who again I did not report but tried unsucessfully to get to apologise.

    So I will put my money where my mouth is.

    I also will not play for the month of August.

    I feel that if you are making that gesture then as the instigator I must do the same.

    I will find myself a quite spot and read hundreds of books on poker.


    Pam  Tigsxx
  • mickjenn1mickjenn1 Member Posts: 740
    edited July 2009
    Hi Mad Just now been playing against a previous abusive bad loser. Who again I did not report but tried unsucessfully to get to apologise. So I will put my money where my mouth is. I also will not play for the month of August. I feel that if you are making that gesture then as the instigator I must do the same. I will find myself a quite spot and read hundreds of books on poker. I'LL BE BACK Pam  Tigsxx .
    Posted by tiggerace7

    guys can i just say 1 thing............. i think ur beein silly not playin for a month, i no ur stickin up for steve. and i think steves sound aswell, but not playin poker isnt goin 2 do any of u any good surely u must realise theres new people openin new acounts everyday, so if i was u pair i wud stop beein silly like they say there lookin into the matter, 
  • tiggerace7tiggerace7 Member Posts: 93
    edited July 2009
    In Response to Re: GET STEVE42 RELEASED FROM CHAT PRISON NOW : guys can i just say 1 thing............. i think ur beein silly not playin for a month, i no ur stickin up for steve. and i think steves sound aswell, but not playin poker isnt goin 2 do any of u any good surely u must realise theres new people openin new acounts everyday, so if i was u pair i wud stop beein silly like they say there lookin into the matter, 
    Posted by mickjenn1
    Mike it is nothing to do with Steve' ban anymore.

    I have tagged dozens of players and many have now apologised to me, many still have not.

    I think Tikay is the coolest gentleman on the site.

    I will use my time in August wisely and read and come back refreshed.

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