Game 3 was the main tonight, ended up taking it down for £1370. It's biggest tournament win so far, before that my biggest win was in the xmas cracker where i came 2nd for about 300. Abosultly chuffed, knew it was inspired starting this thread! The whole tournie went in rapid, till it got 2 3 handed lol we seemed to be 3 handed for ages. At the time i was deep in the £1 deepstack, i was about 4/8-10, i just downsized the window to concentrate on the main haha Thanks a lot everyone that railed, phenomenal:) Posted by LARSON7
wp mate, u most likely wont sleep for a bit tonight, knock a few cans into you to take the edge off
Game 3 was the main tonight, ended up taking it down for £1370. It's biggest tournament win so far, before that my biggest win was in the xmas cracker where i came 2nd for about 300. Abosultly chuffed, knew it was inspired starting this thread! The whole tournie went in rapid, till it got 2 3 handed lol we seemed to be 3 handed for ages. At the time i was deep in the £1 deepstack, i was about 4/8-10, i just downsized the window to concentrate on the main haha Thanks a lot everyone that railed, phenomenal:) Posted by LARSON7
WP Henrik, nice bink that. Bet you where buzzing last night. I'm very pleased for you.
Very well done! It's a great tourny that I wish I could play but Tuesday is a bad night for me. Sigh. Enjoy the feeling, cash maybe more profitable but there is no other feeling like winning an MTT!
Well done mate.
Really pleased for you
Well done, mate.

I guess there must have been HUGE overlay
It'll help your ROI for best of the best too:)
Absolutely buzzing last night.
UKPC would be nice:)
Dale i was in the same tournie as you last night, i was 3/8 and downsized it at 11 to try and concentrate on the main lol
Well done on winning it.
Now freerolling for the remainder of the challenge, what a feeling.