Thanks everyone for the messages. I managed to qualify for a UKPC seat through the best of the best promo, abosultely phenomenal !! It was a great promo and was really lucky to win the tuesday main when i did, giving me a great chance at the promo. If anyone is on scope, could you please search my MTT results for May, all results and £5 plus games, thanks:) Posted by LARSON7
Thanks everyone for the messages. I managed to qualify for a UKPC seat through the best of the best promo, abosultely phenomenal !! It was a great promo and was really lucky to win the tuesday main when i did, giving me a great chance at the promo. If anyone is on scope, could you please search my MTT results for May, all results and £5 plus games, thanks:) Posted by LARSON7
very well done mate with all the effort. wish you the best of luck in the UKPC event and hope you enjoy it.
Miby organise a game again Larson, there is a few good casinos around with ok prize structures, there are 3 gala casinos, the alea and the genting all within a few miles of each other,
I like the genting for gtd prizes compared too the others, but the merchant city has a fantastic poker room and very nice casino aswell.
alea for space and walking around and nice views ..... well the clyde with some lights normally destroyed by the sound of couples arguing over how much they've blown on roulette.
anyway if you fancy it u could try and organise a a couple of games on the build up to the ukpc.
Cheers Gazza and Craig. Can't wait, it's going to be a great time and awesome experience. In the last year i've only played live in a casino twice, at the SPT in newcastle and a game at the start of the year with Liamboi, and Slipwater. Thought it would be really easy to get reads live, but it was more confusing than anything lol In the next couple of months i'm going to play a few live games to get ready for the UKPC. Posted by LARSON7
I have never played live so gonna have to try a get a game in too!!
Thanks everyone for the messages. I managed to qualify for a UKPC seat through the best of the best promo, abosultely phenomenal !! It was a great promo and was really lucky to win the tuesday main when i did, giving me a great chance at the promo. If anyone is on scope, could you please search my MTT results for May, all results and £5 plus games, thanks:) Posted by LARSON7
Congrats on priority mate, hate to think how much time / tables it took to get there!
Do you have any notes on the villain in the hand you posted?
On the face of it I feel like I should be folding turn here... but then when the river is checked to me it sort of feels like my hand must be good and I'd kick myself if I didn't shove for value... but will AQ/AJ (Ax?) call or is this a player that could get creative with a made flush / full house?
Continuing to play back, with your calling the bet on the turn is there a possibility that they have semi-bluff raised with a flush draw and then maybe slowed down thinking that you could have the house if you were willing to call... will take the pot as it is and would sigh call if you do shove the river?
Meh, I'm exploitable, but I prob shove and then swear / find a local cat to kick when I'm snap called with a full house.
I know shakin, 2 many hours to be fair lol I was 10 tabling for the first time ever, with major overlap, it was pretty fun i'm sure the tables were meant to pop up when it was my turn, which it seemed to do for a while, and then I was getting timed out on a couple of tables.
Player in the hand has been solid. He is not a reg, 1 tabling, has not been getting out of line/ pretty quiet.
Me and the guy I was playing are total golf fish. So, decided the winner would be based on who lost the least balls.
Good thing is I only lost one, but feel a bit cheated tbh cause he found a whole tone, which were counted:P
With Pokerz
After getting priority last month, where 85% of my volume was cash I've not really played much cash this month,just 3 sessions on cash. When playing it's most been HU Sit and Go's fiver 1s.
Poker points to date is like 600 which pretty much shows the volume I've put in!
I joined last weekend to get me all expired to play HU Sit and Go's, not really used their site yet, mostly just checked out a couple of their free vids on you tube. Really enjoying playing these at the moment.
These are my graphs as of Thursday for these games (for the month) cheers Evilpingu legend!
Yesterday had a nice wee heater winning 9/10 of them on the trot.
Day 1: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii won the main (again), MB and TD who are you?
Day 3: Wow running so bad, played loads of MTT's no cashes, been like 2 days sinse I won a tournie:|
Day 4: Played loads more tonight, no cashes poker is....
Day 5: Tilt played 1000nl, lost it all when I ran epic bluff versus Stylez, he called with 4th pair:|. That's it done, finished, finito, over, finished, through, never again, finished, did I say finished? Done with poker, never playing again.
Day 6, Didn't play cause i'm finished, no more pokerz ever.
Day 7, Getting them poker withdrawels, decided to deposit £33 to play the main. I won, ah won the main again WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, Back in the Game
The ramblings of a young man (gazza127 diary) Day 1: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii won the main (again), MB and TD who are you? Day 2: Sick bad beats, SICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, Lost AA to 27 AIP, flop 2A4, 22:( Not 1 Cash. Day 3: Wow running so bad, played loads of MTT's no cashes , been like 2 days sinse I won a tournie:| Day 4: Played loads more tonight, no cashes poker is.... Day 5: Tilt played 1000nl, lost it all when I ran epic bluff versus Stylez, he called with 4th pair:|. That's it done, finished, finito, over, finished, through, never again, finished, did I say finished? Done with poker, never playing again. Day 6, Didn't play cause i'm finished, no more pokerz ever. Day 7, Getting them poker withdrawels, decided to deposit £33 to play the main. I won, ah won the main again WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, Back in the Game BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmm Posted by LARSON7
Hahaha. Leave me alone!
I'm fickle. I know this.
Thought I was going mental when I saw the thread title under your name.
These are my stats (cheers Andy and Wullie!) for the HU Sit and Go promo, fingers crossed its enough!
Really hard to tell, could get some sicko's pulling in amazing results.
Count: 50 Av Profit: £1.15 Av Stake: £5 Av ROI: 21.9% Profit: £57.43 Ability: 71 Active Days: 2 Av Entrants: 2 Av Games / Day (when playing): 25 Best 100 Streak Av Profit: - Best 500 Streak Av Profit: - Total Break Even Days: 0 Total Cashes: £320 Early Finishes (10%): 36% Early/Middle Finishes (20%): 0% Late Finishes (10%): 64% Middle Finishes (40%): 0% Middle/Late (20%): 0% First Game Date: 07/17/2014 00:06 AM ITM%: 64% Last Game Date: 07/17/2014 03:24 PM Total Losing Days: 0 Max Cashing Streak: 6 Max Losing Streak: 4 Max Winning Streak: 6 Most Games / Day: 43 PokerStars Tournament Leaderboard Points: 0 Av % Field Beaten: 64% Total Rake: £12.59 Total Stake: £250 Total ROI: 21.9% Wins: 32 Turbo Ratio: 100% Total Winning Days: 2 Worst 100 Streak Av Profit: - Worst 500 Streak Av Profit: - 32 Wins
Thanks everyone for the messages.
I managed to qualify for a UKPC seat through the best of the best promo, abosultely phenomenal !!
It was a great promo and was really lucky to win the tuesday main when i did, giving me a great chance at the promo.
If anyone is on scope, could you please search my MTT results for May, all results and £5 plus games, thanks:)
Can't wait, it's going to be a great time and awesome experience.
In the last year i've only played live in a casino twice, at the SPT in newcastle and a game at the start of the year with Liamboi, and Slipwater.
Thought it would be really easy to get reads live, but it was more confusing than anything lol
In the next couple of months i'm going to play a few live games to get ready for the UKPC.
I like the genting for gtd prizes compared too the others, but the merchant city has a fantastic poker room and very nice casino aswell.
alea for space and walking around and nice views ..... well the clyde with some lights normally destroyed by the sound of couples arguing over how much they've blown on roulette.
anyway if you fancy it u could try and organise a a couple of games on the build up to the ukpc.
gl aswell at DTD
Wd mate and see you there!!!!!
Very well done on the results last month.
I'll see you there:)
Wise poker player also say, poker is like a circle...(never ending game />??)
Just begs the question, what shape is poker not like lol
Poker has been really bizarre so far this month, 2 day's ago ended up down 5/6 buy ins! Lost 3 hands with set over set.
Can't remember the last time before this where i lost with a set over set, nevermind that often in the one day.
Then yesterday was the total opposite, i couldn't miss, ending up about 8/9 buy in's up.
Swingy old game is poker.
Congrats on the UKPC and fingers crossed you bink at least a cash in that as well.
Is the 100 MTT plan essentially defunct now after the early success, back to BAU?
It does!
Cheers buddy, will be some experience.
Still want to play 100 MTT's only thing is i've lost track how many i've played now lol
And i'm not on sharkscope so it's hard to check.
Results outside of that win in the turbo have been pretty poor though (in £10 games). I played one last night and lasted a massive 5 minutes lol
Been a while!
This month havn't played many MTT's at all.
Decided early on I was going to go for priority this month, which I just completed this morning.
It's been hard going! just glad to have got there. I don't think i'm playing cash ever again, or until next week at some point anyway lol
Player in the hand has been solid. He is not a reg, 1 tabling, has not been getting out of line/ pretty quiet.
Had a game of golf yesterday.

Me and the guy I was playing are total golf fish. So, decided the winner would be based on who lost the least balls.
Good thing is I only lost one, but feel a bit cheated tbh cause he found a whole tone, which were counted:P
With Pokerz
After getting priority last month, where 85% of my volume was cash I've not really played much cash this month,just 3 sessions on cash. When playing it's most been HU Sit and Go's fiver 1s.
Poker points to date is like 600 which pretty much shows the volume I've put in!
I joined last weekend to get me all expired to play HU Sit and Go's, not really used their site yet, mostly just checked out a couple of their free vids on you tube. Really enjoying playing these at the moment.
These are my graphs as of Thursday for these games (for the month) cheers Evilpingu legend!
Yesterday had a nice wee heater winning 9/10 of them on the trot.
Day 1: Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii won the main (again), MB and TD who are you?
Day 3: Wow running so bad, played loads of MTT's no cashes, been like 2 days sinse I won a tournie:|
Day 4: Played loads more tonight, no cashes poker is....
Day 5: Tilt played 1000nl, lost it all when I ran epic bluff versus Stylez, he called with 4th pair:|. That's it done, finished, finito, over, finished, through, never again, finished, did I say finished? Done with poker, never playing again.
Day 6, Didn't play cause i'm finished, no more pokerz ever.
Day 7, Getting them poker withdrawels, decided to deposit £33 to play the main. I won, ah won the main again WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, Back in the Game
Really hard to tell, could get some sicko's pulling in amazing results.
Count: 50
Av Profit: £1.15
Av Stake: £5
Av ROI: 21.9%
Profit: £57.43
Ability: 71
Active Days: 2
Av Entrants: 2
Av Games / Day (when playing): 25
Best 100 Streak Av Profit: -
Best 500 Streak Av Profit: -
Total Break Even Days: 0
Total Cashes: £320
Early Finishes (10%): 36%
Early/Middle Finishes (20%): 0%
Late Finishes (10%): 64%
Middle Finishes (40%): 0%
Middle/Late (20%): 0%
First Game Date: 07/17/2014 00:06 AM
ITM%: 64%
Last Game Date: 07/17/2014 03:24 PM
Total Losing Days: 0
Max Cashing Streak: 6
Max Losing Streak: 4
Max Winning Streak: 6
Most Games / Day: 43
PokerStars Tournament Leaderboard Points: 0
Av % Field Beaten: 64%
Total Rake: £12.59
Total Stake: £250
Total ROI: 21.9%
Wins: 32
Turbo Ratio: 100%
Total Winning Days: 2
Worst 100 Streak Av Profit: -
Worst 500 Streak Av Profit: -
32 Wins