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Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary



  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary:
    cheers kev I will be back playing cash soon :). well not much pokerwise I have played 18 mtts and 38 sats(35 I think allin sats without winning a seat) from the 1st-6th june. I had a few deep runs in some mtt`s but just got to that stage I coudn`t hold or win a flip at the crucial stages which left me crippled and could not get back into it, but heres my results this week. Week`s Results Played=56(inc sats) mtts=+£67.98 sats=- £117.00 overall=- £49.02 Points total=311 Will be back grinding my usual cash games this weekend was good having a little break from cash but tbh I missed playing. Mtts can be good fun but they really stress me out don`t know if that`s the same for others but I guess we prefer and are better at different formats of the game. Life away from poker not much tbf just been spending time with family and friends,the wane was no well for last couple of days so since the mrs been working this week to get weekend off me and liam been playin our computer games and watching load films and eating load of rubbish, hopefully he be better soon cause weather been lovely and want go to park touch up on his footy skills plus he`s driving me mental :). I also finish up college next week suppose to be wednesday but I just need hand in some documents from my work experience and that should be me. I really did let poker get in the way this year from family,friends and college so that defo one the reasons I set targets at start this diary was to get right balance cause poker been good to me over the years but they are more important things in life that I will be putting 1st from now on. sorry ranting on gl at tables folks playing this weekend :)
    Posted by liamboi11
    I am the exact stresses me out and miss mtt's!!! Enjoying your diary though and you couldn't be more right, there is def more to life than poker
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited June 2014
    Loads on atm pal haven't got around to the sats yet.
    Might give it a go this weekend.

    Only catching up on some of the diary.
    Calling time is a classic trying to explain to the other half why im laughing and telling bad beats at the same time.

    Run good my friend

  • craigcu12craigcu12 Member Posts: 3,963
    edited June 2014
    In Response to Re: Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary:
    cheers kev I will be back playing cash soon :). well not much pokerwise I have played 18 mtts and 38 sats(35 I think allin sats without winning a seat) from the 1st-6th june. I had a few deep runs in some mtt`s but just got to that stage I coudn`t hold or win a flip at the crucial stages which left me crippled and could not get back into it, but heres my results this week. Week`s Results Played=56(inc sats) mtts=+£67.98 sats=- £117.00 overall=- £49.02 Points total=311 Will be back grinding my usual cash games this weekend was good having a little break from cash but tbh I missed playing. Mtts can be good fun but they really stress me out don`t know if that`s the same for others but I guess we prefer and are better at different formats of the game. Life away from poker not much tbf just been spending time with family and friends,the wane was no well for last couple of days so since the mrs been working this week to get weekend off me and liam been playin our computer games and watching load films and eating load of rubbish, hopefully he be better soon cause weather been lovely and want go to park touch up on his footy skills plus he`s driving me mental :). I also finish up college next week suppose to be wednesday but I just need hand in some documents from my work experience and that should be me. I really did let poker get in the way this year from family,friends and college so that defo one the reasons I set targets at start this diary was to get right balance cause poker been good to me over the years but they are more important things in life that I will be putting 1st from now on. sorry ranting on gl at tables folks playing this weekend :)
    Posted by liamboi11
    i have a simular level of stress myself with MTTs and think that what causes us cash players to get so stressed is we don't have the dominant deep stack we have in cash, so when all these short stacks are going all in the chips we loose in the cash games will be nothing more that a loosing hand whereas the loss of them chips in an MTT makes us get less  dominant.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,641
    edited June 2014
    Ranting is good! Gl for Juno...
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2014
    thanks for nice comments guys :).

    Craig- Nah it`s not just the deeper stack thing I do prefer deeper stacks but it`s the well imo the unavoidable 50/50,60/40s etc u gotta run well and play well to go deep/win mtt`s.

    A lot of time recently If get to later stages I just don`t seem to be winning my fair share these spots but tbh I don`t play a great deal of mtt`s think played like 2.5k mtts since 2007 and I bet about 800 them are allin sats :) so think I need to increase my volume and then I may get my fair of winning a flip at crucial stage and get me in good shape for a big bink.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2014
    Just a wee update hows things are going I still ain`t played a great deal of cash so far think I`ve played like 5-6 hours and the rest month months played a total of 27 mtts which isn`t a lot either but i`m looking to up my volume this week :)

    07-Jun 20-50nl 2hrs cash +£147.63
    08-Jun 20-50nl 1hr cash -£59.36
    09-Jun 20-50nl 1hr cash -£10.87
    10-Jun 20-50nl 1hr cash/7mtts  +£233.74
    Last night made a few deep runs in mtts(1st-£200turbo, 2nd-£200Gtd, 15th-£2kbounty) also got couple bounties in the £3k bounty which I got in from a £3 allin sat so made nice little profit there too. The month so far is going well even though not played a great deal still in profit and got an ipad air on the way from the prio gadget freeroll last week :).
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2014
    Hey guys no posted in a wee while, just been enjoying the time off as I have finished college and be spending more of my time doing a mix of spending time with friends and family/watching world cup and grinding cash.

    I will also be attempting try improve my fitness in the coming weeks I really have got lazy in the last 12-18 months and lead me to put on the beef which I ain`t happy about :). I used to play football 2-3 times a week and go to gym regularly but now I have lost my motivation but i`m determined to get back playing and be more fit overall.

    Poker as been goin well so far in profit for the month for cash and slightly in profit with mtt`s but I have won 2 prizes from freerolls(ipad air+Table football) value them together are around £480 and I would strongly advise people play these world cup freerolls at 7pm every night they are very fast paced but a little bit of run good and u make the final table they are a lot of great prizes imo to be won.

    Poker Results



    Limits=20-50nl(played £-22 worth mtts+sats no return)

    Limits=20-50nl(played £-44 worth mtts+sats no return)
    Points total=2091

    GL at the tables

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited June 2014
    wow hey guys no realised it was that long from my last post. I`m alos considering stopping the diary end of this month feel i`m not given it 100% but will wait and see what happens.

    Right just start off i`m loving this time off college atm also with the world cup it`s been awesome. I have a few bets on for winner/top goalscorer and them both combined so looking promising atm will keeps yous posted :).

    poker the last 9-10 days have been up and down tbh had my worst day of the month and also the best day in these days but i`ve posted results from my spreadsheet.(On the 21st june I came 2nd in the mini and 10th in main for a total of +£300 and rest was cash that day).

    volume still hasn`t been great this month but this week i`m going into mega grind mode I currently have 5796pts

  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2014
    hey guys sorry no posted in ages just been playing some pokerz spending time with family and also watching the world cup. All my bets for world cup failled no bothered was only a few quid and kinda glad the germans won it they were the best team by far imo.

    The mrs and wane been driving me crazy lol but been good spending time with them and we been getting good weather so its a bonus I`ve kinda slacked poker wise this month just been playing the odd cash session and donking around in mtts but going to go hard at it in the next couple of weeks.

    June overall months stats

    Monthly Stats    
    Total Profit/Loss+£785.14   
    Total Hours117   
    Days Played29   
    Winning/Losing Days14W/15L   
    Rakeback/Promos10025£289.32 (ipad air+football table(£480)
    This month I`m around +£600ish but currently down on cash not a lot but as said earlier no put in a great deal of volume so confident turn that round.

    The good news this month sky put up a few great promos for priority this month and one was a world cup freeroll with £2k prizepool and 1st place gets a place on team sky poker +£1k ukpc seat and £740. There was only 59 runners in total and we played down to final 4 players then the final 4 had to play a semi final hu match and then hu final I ran really well in the whole mtt and hu matches so was lucky enough to win overall so I will be in nottingham next month :).

    Will keep yous up to date how next month goes wish me luck.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited July 2014
    Nice going mate,
    run good,
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2014
    Well done was a fantastic result coming from one of the shortstacks with 4 left.

    Good luck mate!
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2014
    cheers kev and dev :)
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited July 2014
    Super stuff pal best of luck in Notts.
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary:
    Super stuff pal best of luck in Notts.
    Posted by day4eire76
    cheers pat you going ? need to get a pint or 10 if you are :)
  • Matt237Matt237 Member Posts: 1,785
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary:
    hey guys sorry no posted in ages just been playing some pokerz spending time with family and also watching the world cup. All my bets for world cup failled no bothered was only a few quid and kinda glad the germans won it they were the best team by far imo. The mrs and wane been driving me crazy lol but been good spending time with them and we been getting good weather so its a bonus I`ve kinda slacked poker wise this month just been playing the odd cash session and donking around in mtts but going to go hard at it in the next couple of weeks. June overall months stats Monthly Stats         Total Profit/Loss +£785.14       Total Hours 117       Days Played 29       Winning/Losing Days 14W/15L       Rakeback/Promos 10025 £289.32 (ipad air+football table(£480) This month I`m around +£600ish but currently down on cash not a lot but as said earlier no put in a great deal of volume so confident turn that round. The good news this month sky put up a few great promos for priority this month and one was a world cup freeroll with £2k prizepool and 1st place gets a place on team sky poker +£1k ukpc seat and £740. There was only 59 runners in total and we played down to final 4 players then the final 4 had to play a semi final hu match and then hu final I ran really well in the whole mtt and hu matches so was lucky enough to win overall so I will be in nottingham next month :). Will keep yous up to date how next month goes wish me luck.
    Posted by liamboi11
    You mind expanding on this a little bit? As you know i'm fairly new to the game and poker world :-)
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary:
    In Response to Re: Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary : You mind expanding on this a little bit? As you know i'm fairly new to the game and poker world :-)
    Posted by Matt237
    Hey mate what happens is sky buy me in direct to the ukpc main event in august and I represent sky in a way I will prob be wearing sky merchandise like a polo/hoodie with a sky poker logo promoting/advertisng for the site. I must agree to wear the sky merchandise and sign an agreement to claim my seat that`s all I really knmow will find out more in the next couple of weeks.

    they have done this kind of promo in the past so someone that has been on TSP before could expand a bit more it would be appreciated. thanks.
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited July 2014

    Everything is up in the air atm with work and general life stuff.
    Haven't even tried a sat yet.

    The pints might just sway my mind though : )

    In Response to Re: Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary:
    In Response to Re: Liamboi''Luckbox''11 Diary : cheers pat you going ? need to get a pint or 10 if you are :)
    Posted by liamboi11
  • liamboi11liamboi11 Member Posts: 2,141
    edited July 2014
    hope you can make it mate if its just for the drink poker is over-rated anywayz :)
  • jdsallstarjdsallstar Member Posts: 1,675
    edited September 2014
    This thread is probably due  an update ;) 

    Congrats sir!! 
  • joesman1joesman1 Member Posts: 2,053
    edited September 2014
    Well done 'Wullie'
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