The 'FOSP' League Holdem Tournament!!!! 7.30pm, Weds July 2nd, £5.50. 5000 starting chips, 1 hour late reg, Blinds 12 mins
Here is Tournie lobby description!!
""" This is an 'Open' Tournament for ALL Sky Community, All are Welcome!! A Monthly League will be run by The FOSP, Friends of Sky Poker Group. ...with added value Monthly Prizes from Sky Poker!!! Enjoy!!"""
Get In....[limited to 1000 runners, be quick, lol!!]
Me & PokerTrev are First to be registered...DOUBLE VALUE!!!!
Team phoenix!!
Thanks and Good Luck all
In Lobby NOW!!!
The 'FOSP' League Holdem Tournament!!!!
7.30pm, Weds July 2nd, £5.50.
5000 starting chips, 1 hour late reg, Blinds 12 mins
Here is Tournie lobby description!!
""" This is an 'Open' Tournament for ALL Sky Community, All are Welcome!!
A Monthly League will be run by The FOSP, Friends of Sky Poker Group.
...with added value Monthly Prizes from Sky Poker!!!
Get In....[limited to 1000 runners, be quick, lol!!]
Me & PokerTrev are First to be registered...DOUBLE VALUE!!!!
GL ALL Enjoy!!
Very enjoyable.
Also very Well Done to :-
2nd Place MONKEY123 (THS) who had a score of 18pts (made 1x FT) & Wins Entry to next weeks Forum DTD
3rd Place SAMANTHA25 (OUTLAWS) who had a score of 21 pts & Wins Entry to next weeks Forum DTD
Well done to Boxster (Team 51) who won DTD2
and Johnfrum that won DTD1 (IND)
Well Done to all that made Final Tables & to Everyone that Cashed
Yet again another Great Night of Poker & we'll see you all next week