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lovejunkylovejunky Member Posts: 76
edited July 2014 in Poker Chat
can somebody explain to me,why certain players,who already have a seat to the ukpc in nottingham,
are  still entering satellites to the event.
when it clearly explains in the ts and cs ,a maximum of 1 seat is eligable to all players?


  • REDARROW61REDARROW61 Member Posts: 443
    edited July 2014
    Because if they win a seat they get the cash equivalant of the buy in as they have already qualified
  • lovejunkylovejunky Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    Because if they win a seat they get the cash equivalant of the buy in as they have already qualified
    Posted by REDARROW61
    there is no mention of this in the ts and fact ,it clearly states a seat has no cash equivalent and cannot be sold to a third party,
  • REDARROW61REDARROW61 Member Posts: 443
    edited July 2014
    What that means if u win a seat first time round u cannot  trade that seat in for cash  etc.Satalights  always pay the cash equivalant if u already have a seat.
  • mac24mac24 Member Posts: 242
    edited July 2014

    this issue was raised last week with both opinions for and against the issue of playing for a second seat and taking a cash value - see the thread called "a wee bit flawed".

    no real right or wrong answer, as as stated in the thread it would take a rule change which could then be detrimental to the satellite prize structure
  • LARSON7LARSON7 Member Posts: 4,495
    edited July 2014

    If you have bought into  any event on sky, then play a sat for the same event, you will be awarded the cash equivalent of the buy in. 

    People do it across all different levels of games, from £33 main events to indeed the UKPC sats.

    Some people dislike it, but it's only natural if someone has an edge in Sat's they will play them for the cash.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2014
    Sats for cash.
  • lovejunkylovejunky Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    lovejunky If you have bought into  any event on sky, then play a sat for the same event, you will be awarded the cash equivalent of the buy in.  People do it across all different levels of games, from £33 main events to indeed the UKPC sats. Some people dislike it, but it's only natural if someone has an edge in Sat's they will play them for the cash.
    Posted by LARSON7
    its wrong pal,i intend to raise the issue with sky.
    a sat for the ukpc,should be only that,not too be a tool by some regulars on sky to boost their bankrolls.
    its just abusing what they were put there for.
    there is probably alot of players on this site who are generally trying there best to win a seat for this event,
    also how is that giving players a fair chance to get too nottingham?its not in the ts and cs at all.
    if i was running it,i would say ok,you win another seat,fair enough,you will have to play two seperate seats throughout the tournament,and cannot designate it to a third party,
    that would stop their shennnagins
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2014

    The only problem is sky don't advertise that you can play sats for money. Why, I don't know. 

    So only the minority that know about it, do it, otherwise the sats at all levels would get more runners.

    It isn't as though players are spoilt for choice on here for tournaments with £1,000 to the winner.
  • lovejunkylovejunky Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    The only problem is sky don't advertise that you can play sats for money. Why, I don't know.  So only the minority that know about it, do it, otherwise the sats at all levels would get more runners. It isn't as though players are spoilt for choice on here for tournaments with £1,000 to the winner.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    do you agree with the point im making though?
    its just morally wrong
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited July 2014
    Perhaps the answer is to have 2 different sats,1 for folk who have already won their seats and one for those who haven't,see how many enter who have won then:)
  • cenachavcenachav Member Posts: 2,682
    edited July 2014
    To quote Aussie09 from the "wee bit flawed" thread

    to help and to add some data to this issue....

    if once a player had qualified they were not allowed to try a second time.

    there would have been 51 fewer entrants into sunday's semi-finals.
    of these, there were 10 winners of a second place.

    a rule would have been harmful to all players seeking to qualify.

  • lovejunkylovejunky Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    To quote Aussie09 from the "wee bit flawed" thread to help and to add some data to this issue.... if once a player had qualified they were not allowed to try a second time. there would have been 51 fewer entrants into sunday's semi-finals. of these, there were 10 winners of a second place. a rule would have been harmful to all players seeking to qualify.
    Posted by cenachav
    its an easy solution,
    save sky overlay,you have 5 players tonight,then just one seat is avialable!
    may not suit least it would not then be abusing what its there for.
    a ukpc sat,not a ladder up to £1000 for some sky reg.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    In Response to Re: ukpc : dougie,dougie,douglas do you agree with the point im making though? its just morally wrong
    Posted by lovejunky
    haha, quality !

    But, no. still think it's fine. Ts and Cs should make it clear though.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    In Response to Re: ukpc : dougie,dougie,douglas do you agree with the point im making though? its just morally wrong
    Posted by lovejunky
    I play poker to win the money other people have put in.  Now we can have a healthy debate on the morality of poker as a whole of course, but to single out this and only this facet of a player, like myself, and his game selection is absurd.

    Now if Sky set up tournament cash as a payout for sats when you have a seat I would be happy with that.  If they set up the software where you cannot register for a satellite if you are registered for the target event and vice versa, I wouldn't complain about that either.  Heck, Skypoker can ask nicely and publically, while I wouldn't condemn anyone else for continuing to grind Sats I would probably desist.  They of course couldn't use the examples of people who win a dozen+ WSOP main packages as a glowing example of satellite grinding as they have done on occasion but thems the breaks.

    The fact is I pick games I think I have an edge in with a top level prize I want to win with a buy in I can afford.  To say that, and only that part of poker, is morally wrong deeply offends me and I consider it to be utterly without cause.

    Skypoker last month laid on a huge amount of promos for the UKPC, they did put in the T & C you can only win one of the promo packages and that is completely fair with protection for smaller bankrolled players.  I would never argue against that.  And I would welcome more of them even though I would not play them.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited July 2014

    The guys can do what they want. Nothing ''morally wrong'' with it whatsoever.

    Difficult to elaborate on what Tommy has said so I'll just do a +1 and leave it at that :)

  • ACEGOONERACEGOONER Member Posts: 1,435
    edited July 2014

    Not really a lot to add to all of these posts, but as you run your own business how would you like to be told where you can and cant put your rubber johnny vending machines?? Surely that is a restraint of trade, no?

    Its the same for playing sats on sky. Some players do this for a living and as long as they are not doing anything against the rules of the site, you can't really have a pop. 

    BTW, if you want to go double or quits on Norwich to finish above us again this season I'm game. Ohhh wait your lot got relegated!

  • DUNMIDOSHDUNMIDOSH Member Posts: 1,473
    edited July 2014
    I blame the MP's from the expenses scandal?
    if it doesn't say you can't, do it!

    We all have our own standards and often they differ from others.

    Personally, I've given up on ethics but whether it be TommyD, Dohhhhh, donttellmum, lovejunky or especially spornybol
    I just hope the tournament goes to a forum regular not a pro!

    Good luck guys take it down!!
  • lovejunkylovejunky Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    In Response to Re: ukpc : I play poker to win the money other people have put in.  Now we can have a healthy debate on the morality of poker as a whole of course, but to single out this and only this facet of a player, like myself, and his game selection is absurd. Now if Sky set up tournament cash as a payout for sats when you have a seat I would be happy with that.  If they set up the software where you cannot register for a satellite if you are registered for the target event and vice versa, I wouldn't complain about that either.  Heck, Skypoker can ask nicely and publically, while I wouldn't condemn anyone else for continuing to grind Sats I would probably desist.  They of course couldn't use the examples of people who win a dozen+ WSOP main packages as a glowing example of satellite grinding as they have done on occasion but thems the breaks. The fact is I pick games I think I have an edge in with a top level prize I want to win with a buy in I can afford.  To say that, and only that part of poker, is morally wrong deeply offends me and I consider it to be utterly without cause. Skypoker last month laid on a huge amount of promos for the UKPC, they did put in the T & C you can only win one of the promo packages and that is completely fair with protection for smaller bankrolled players.  I would never argue against that.  And I would welcome more of them even though I would not play them.
    Posted by TommyD
  • lovejunkylovejunky Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    In Response to Re: ukpc : I play poker to win the money other people have put in.  Now we can have a healthy debate on the morality of poker as a whole of course, but to single out this and only this facet of a player, like myself, and his game selection is absurd. Now if Sky set up tournament cash as a payout for sats when you have a seat I would be happy with that.  If they set up the software where you cannot register for a satellite if you are registered for the target event and vice versa, I wouldn't complain about that either.  Heck, Skypoker can ask nicely and publically, while I wouldn't condemn anyone else for continuing to grind Sats I would probably desist.  They of course couldn't use the examples of people who win a dozen+ WSOP main packages as a glowing example of satellite grinding as they have done on occasion but thems the breaks. The fact is I pick games I think I have an edge in with a top level prize I want to win with a buy in I can afford.  To say that, and only that part of poker, is morally wrong deeply offends me and I consider it to be utterly without cause. Skypoker last month laid on a huge amount of promos for the UKPC, they did put in the T & C you can only win one of the promo packages and that is completely fair with protection for smaller bankrolled players.  I would never argue against that.  And I would welcome more of them even though I would not play them.
    Posted by TommyD
    you guys seem to have got the wrong end of the stick
    im not having a go at you,tommy,for exploiting these sats
    im saying its morally wrong for sky to let you!
    heck,i might play them agian my self if i wrap up a seat
  • lovejunkylovejunky Member Posts: 76
    edited July 2014
    In Response to Re: ukpc:
    Junky,  Not really a lot to add to all of these posts, but as you run your own business how would you like to be told where you can and cant put your rubber johnny vending machines?? Surely that is a restraint of trade, no? Its the same for playing sats on sky. Some players do this for a living and as long as they are not doing anything against the rules of the site, you can't really have a pop.  BTW, if you want to go double or quits on Norwich to finish above us again this season I'm game. Ohhh wait your lot got relegated!  
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    i was wondering when you would start chirping
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