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What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?

ShaunyTShaunyT Member Posts: 619
edited September 2014 in Poker Chat
Happened to me last night. A really really bad one. Now i was fuming. Extremely annoyed. But that's what they want. So i took a deep breath, laughed and said "is that how we play round here?"

Couple of people at the table were mad, even though they weren't in the hand. One guy said to the slow roller "I'd have ripped your head off!" He called the floor and they warned him.

Just made me think, what are peoples experiences?


  • MrWh1teMrWh1te Member Posts: 963
    edited August 2014
    Never had it in real life, I think I would have gone mad.

    On the net, I had a funny one yesterday.  I timed out (the sky tables don't pop to front like other sites and I was on several sites) in a DYM and came back to see aces.  As I clicked 'back', the sb raised my BB trying to steal for free.  I shoved.
    He folded and went mad, calling me a p***k etc and was generally nasty, saying I did it on purpose.

    I did nothing wrong, I don't see I should stay afk just so he can steal my blind.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 32
    edited August 2014
    In a slow game I have to admit I've used the 'I'm away' trick to great effect.  It's really handy when noone is betting and they raise with nothing in an attempted steal. :-)
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited August 2014
    Best reaction is just to take it on the chin imo, it's a pretty scummy thing to do but nothing you can do about some people just not getting how to show a bit of class etc.

    I got slowrolled by a local at one of the SPTs, think it was Aspers maybe or Luton, can't remember the action pre but I had AA ... obv ;) was a 3bet pot I think, I bet a low flop, then put him all in on a King turn, and he tanks for an absolute age on a non-straighty, non-flushy board before the old guy calls with KK. I wouldn't have minded so much but after the big tank he called with a massive smirk on his face obv desperate for a reaction from me. I just sighed and ignored it.
  • jonjo75jonjo75 Member Posts: 999
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In a slow game I have to admit I've used the 'I'm away' trick to great effect.  It's really handy when noone is betting and they raise with nothing in an attempted steal. :-)
    Posted by Riptide

    This is an angle shoot and any angle shoot IMO is low and unjustified.
  • RiptideRiptide Member Posts: 32
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories? : This is an angle shoot and any angle shoot IMO is low and unjustified.
    Posted by jonjo75
    I love low unjustified angle shoots though.
  • jonjo75jonjo75 Member Posts: 999
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories? : I love low unjustified angle shoots though.
    Posted by Riptide

    Not surprising.
    Some people have standards some don't.
  • hagisboyhagisboy Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2014
    Had it happen a few times live, tend to deal with it pretty calmly, much to friends amazement as I have been known to voice my opinions on occasion.
    Usually just say something like 'well placed nice slowroll, at least the table has seen how classy you aren't'
    Something like that but said calmly.

    Cant honestly say I always react the same way online. Some get a barrel load, usually depends how many tables I have up at that time.

    Have seen reactions live come close to physical a couple of times, though on both occasions I didnt think they were slowrolls, just very inexperienced nitty players not even realising they had the nuts
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,704
    edited August 2014
    Out of interest, what do you consider to be a slowroll? Surely, it's only when he is tanking with the nuts, right?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    Out of interest, what do you consider to be a slowroll? Surely, it's only when he is tanking with the nuts, right?
    Posted by Slipwater
    I think many people get confused about the difference between a slowroll & a nitroll.
    A nitroll is when they have, say, AK on a A high board, get set in by someone, & give it some (genuine) thought before calling, as they fear they may be facing better, perhaps a set, or 2 pair. In fact, the bettor has "no hand" & is bluffing, so they get a little uppity when AK man takes a while to call.

    "What took you so long to call?" they whine before flouncing off in high dudgeon.  
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited August 2014
    In Response to What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    Happened to me last night. A really really bad one. Now i was fuming. Extremely annoyed. But that's what they want. So i took a deep breath, laughed and said "is that how we play round here?" Couple of people at the table were mad, even though they weren't in the hand. One guy said to the slow roller "I'd have ripped your head off!" He called the floor and they warned him. Just made me think, what are peoples experiences?
    Posted by ShaunyT
    Never get upset by slowrollers Shauny.

    Instead, try & imagine what sort of person they must be like away from the tables.

    schadenfreude is a dreadful mindset, but very common these days.
  • GCDFGCDF Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    Out of interest, what do you consider to be a slowroll? Surely, it's only when he is tanking with the nuts, right?
    Posted by Slipwater
    Exactly what mrmyagi did to me last night in a £11 BH. Nut flush v my Q high flush all in on river takes his whole time bank to call. dirty really.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories? : Exactly what mrmyagi did to me last night in a £11 BH. Nut flush v my Q high flush all in on river takes his whole time bank to call. dirty really.
    Posted by GCDF
    If true, that's not nice, but it's entirely possible he took time to call because he was on another table, or was distracted. It's not really right to automatically assume he deliberately slowrolled you.  
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,704
    edited August 2014
    A few months ago I raised pre-flop with aces, went off to play my other tables, and when I returned to that table I found a guy had shoved on me and my time was almost gone. I (obviously) called with my aces, and he showed queens. The board came down queen high and he typed in the chat box "you deserved that", because he thought I had slowrolled him.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    A few months ago I raised pre-flop with aces, went off to play my other tables, and when I returned to that table I found a guy had shoved on me and my time was almost gone. I (obviously) called with my aces, and he showed queens. The board came down queen high and he typed in the chat box "you deserved that", because he thought I had slowrolled him.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Sounds like justice to me!
  • SlipwaterSlipwater Member Posts: 3,704
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories? : Sounds like justice to me!
    Posted by MattBates

    Supportive, as always.
  • GCDFGCDF Member Posts: 74
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories? : If true, that's not nice, but it's entirely possible he took time to call because he was on another table, or was distracted. It's not really right to automatically assume he deliberately slowrolled you.  
    Posted by Tikay10
    Yeah TK i get this but he wasn't distratcted during the hand and wasn't multi-tabling, so i can see your concerns about calling people out but it is what is.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories? : Yeah TK i get this but he wasn't distratcted during the hand and wasn't multi-tabling, so i can see your concerns about calling people out but it is what is.
    Posted by GCDF
    Assuming he made a comment in chat and your not watching them while they play to know they were not distracted during the hand?
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories? : Yeah TK i get this but he wasn't distratcted during the hand and wasn't multi-tabling, so i can see your concerns about calling people out but it is what is.
    Posted by GCDF
    I'm not trying to be argumentive, but how on earth could you possibly know he was not distracted?

    I just feel, personally, that before we call folks out, we ought to have some proof. You don't have any proof, just a suspicion.

    I'm not defending the guy, if he did slowroll you, well he deserves a metaphorical slap round the chops, but it happens, we just need to rise above it, & be the bigger man.      
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories? : Assuming he made a comment in chat and your not watching them while they play to know they were not distracted during the hand?
    Posted by MattBates
    Short & to the point.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited August 2014
    In Response to Re: What is an acceptable reaction to being slowrolled?? Any crazy slowroll fights/stories?:
    A few months ago I raised pre-flop with aces, went off to play my other tables, and when I returned to that table I found a guy had shoved on me and my time was almost gone. I (obviously) called with my aces, and he showed queens. The board came down queen high and he typed in the chat box "you deserved that", because he thought I had slowrolled him.
    Posted by Slipwater
    Sick multi tabling brag.

    Wp sir. Just wp.
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