I also blame Charley Hull Why did she just walk off, ok if she said that a gimmie but she said nothing. If your not giving the putt keep still until the ball is in the hole Also put a fiver on USA yesterday USA ( Win ) @ 12/5 Posted by stuarty117
I have a perfectly good golf trolley. Trouble is, I've now seen an amazing one. It's remote
It costs lots and is totally unnecessary. Trouble is, I want one.
Harry brightened up a bit yesterday afternoon and so as a treat for him, I took him golf shopping. They let me have a play with trolley. It's amazing. Even if the golf is terrible, how can I not have a great time every round I play?
Harry got bored of putting balls in the cup on the practice green and meandered over to inspect it for himself. He likes playing with buttons. At home, he'll take the remote control off me and press the pause button. He'll then look over at me and run off. We then play Chase Harry for a couple of minutes and then we do it all again a few minutes later. Anyway I digress. He really liked this trolley, it has buttons. As I was chatting to golf shop bloke we both jumped a little as the trolley went flying past us and into a load of stock. Harry had somehow managed to find the manual override.
They were okayish about it
Got really annoyed with myself at poker. Played the roller sat and I was in great shape throughout. Came 16th. Money for 15th and seats for the rest. Don't normally get bothered too much by these things but last night it pixxed me off.
So, went pub.
Regret it now. Feel lousy today and have got a big cold.
Hopefully Derby can cheer me up tonight with a win
I have a perfectly good golf trolley. Trouble is, I've now seen an amazing one. It's remote It costs lots and is totally unnecessary. Trouble is, I want one. Harry brightened up a bit yesterday afternoon and so as a treat for him, I took him golf shopping. They let me have a play with trolley. It's amazing. Even if the golf is terrible, how can I not have a great time every round I play? Harry got bored of putting balls in the cup on the practice green and meandered over to inspect it for himself. He likes playing with buttons. At home, he'll take the remote control off me and press the pause button. He'll then look over at me and run off. We then play Chase Harry for a couple of minutes and then we do it all again a few minutes later. Anyway I digress. He really liked this trolley, it has buttons. As I was chatting to golf shop bloke we both jumped a little as the trolley went flying past us and into a load of stock. Harry had somehow managed to find the manual override. They were okayish about it Got really annoyed with myself at poker. Played the roller sat and I was in great shape throughout. Came 16th. Money for 15th and seats for the rest. Don't normally get bothered too much by these things but last night it pixxed me off. So, went pub. Regret it now. Feel lousy today and have got a big cold. Hopefully Derby can cheer me up tonight with a win Posted by Jac35
You call this a treat?
Similar to saying 'Penny, as a treat for yr birthday - I am taking you to watch Derby'.
Buy the trolley BTW, you will probably need cheering up tomorrow
Hey Jac35, Dont mean to infiltrate your thread, i sent you msg via the HU call out thread. Do let me know when your ready to rumble... 6-8 usually gd for me but we can sort sonething out. Also, we playing turbo or speed? Posted by MilitantG
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : It's like that day when the clocks change & we get an extra hour in bed, or the extra day in a leap year every 4 years. Rare, but nice. Very rare. Posted by Tikay10
Alright then. A little moan for you. I only caugh the last hour of the show and so if this happened before that then, apologies.
Surely it's missing a trick to not just let LilDave tell us stories for a full show?
In Response to Re: Ramblings of an old man : Alright then. A little moan for you. I only caugh the last hour of the show and so if this happened before that then, apologies. But Surely it's missing a trick to not just let LilDave tell us stories for a full show? Posted by Jac35
If I were king for a day, I'd do a 2 hour special featuring LilDave telling his stories.
The bloke is just extraordinary. Can't say I approve wholly of his degen tendencies, but he's a good friend & I love him to bits. That's a kid who has 6 figure swings in a day & laughs it off.
His day job, in the main, is to buy fish & chip shops, (in & around Leeds) give them a makeover, then sell them on.
Did you notice he has one finger missing? Long story, apparently.
Think he lives with Middy (Tom Middleton), & he runs (not runs, runs), with Stu Rutter a lot.
Different world.
He has a blog/diary on a poker forum, but he's been a bit lax as to updating it lately. I'll give him a nudge.
I got that from a Manager I used to work alongside. "Me old fruit" was another of his sayings that I liked. I learned so much from him. No matter how badly a day was going you'd get the same reply.
"Everything alright Martin?"
"All smiles here"
He made sure that he knew a little bit away from work of every member of staff. No mean feat with 70odd people
"How did your lad get on at 5-a-side at the weekend Chris?"
"Really good Martin. Got a hat trick"
It's amazing the response you get from people when they think you care, and Martin did. I know someone else who does this as well.
As I say, I learned a lot from him. It's why I'm always so happy
You know those occasions when you see someone fall over and it's really funny? Well, it wasn't funny yesterday, because it was me. Tripped over a **** kerb and cut me knee. Hurt like xxxx.
Colds proper kicked in.
Harry awake between 2am and 4am.
Am knackered
In better news, trolley arrived a day early. Debuts Saturday. Odds on me putting it in a pond?
Forgot to mention yesterday that Fatlad won the 9.30 on Monday of Tuesday night, I forget which. Hate to say it but he actually played quite well, or so he told me anyway.
Friday was my biggest ever losing day at Dyms. Made around 2k points in 3 hours l . Wasn't too despondent though as I felt that I played fine. Was annoyed with myself for mixing in some cash when the dyms died though. Fortunately although I was dreadful at cash I made a bit there to at least claw back a bit of the dym losses.
Saturday was better. Derby were hideous but somehow got the win. Played really well at golf. 2 over for 16 holes. Played for a short while last night and won just under £100.
Need haircut but can't be bothered. Dislike hairdressers. Can't they just cut hair? Why the need to ask questions that they couldnt care less about the answers to?
Off for Sunday lunch. Considering £30 rebuy at Derby tonight. Pub as an alternative might win
By Tuesday I'd recovered the £307 I lost on Friday night plus a bit. Very pleased with that. Last night I pretty much lost all that again - £285 down on the night. In truth I played terribly. Add to that I only won 1 of the £50's I played and it's a bad night. Winning/Losing flips in £50's soon changes things dramatically.
I have weird nights with dyms where I just do things differently to the norm. I know I'm doing it but can't stop myself.
The £55 9pm was a chance to turn it all around but it was typical of the night that my 3bet shove for 12 or so bigs was snapped by K9 who quickly made trips. 11 left at that stage and it would have put me right in it.
Still, the month has only just begun and so I've plenty of time to turn it around.
Match on Saturday to make me even more miserable and then a little op next week (nothing serious). I'll be taking a bit of time of work and so will have a chance to put in some volume before going to Portugal on the 18th.
I was quite interested in the Punta Cana promo. I wouldn't be able to win it but thought I might be able to place reasonably high on the leaderboard. Not so sure that'll be possible now that Russian roulettes are included. The aim is to make around 15k points before I go away and we'll see where that puts me. Might just sneak into the money, not sure.
Played for a couple of hours tonight and got £210 back. Chuck in rakeback and i'm only about £35 down for the 2 nights now.
Think i played a lot better. Only remember one real bit of spew and i got lucky on that occasion.
Swings are big when playing the £50's. I scraped through in the first one tonight but had an AK v Timmys AQ go a bit wrong in the 2nd. Win that one and suddenly i'm in profit for the month.
I should probably carry on now as i've been running pretty well tonight but i'm knackered. Got another 540 points and i'm up to 1695 for the month. Looking at the leaderboard i'm going to struggle to make any decent amount from that. Think i'll revise the plan already and just make sure on making priority by the time i go away.
Busy weekend lined up. Work tomorrow morning and then i'll watch the Mighty Rams slaughter Tikays lowly Brentford tomorrrow afternoon. Going out with Mrs J Saturday night and she's decided she's going to have a drink for the first time all year. She'll be hammered after a couple
Right, House of Cards for an hour. Only got about six episodes left so any ideas on a new one to watch would be appreciated.
Similar to saying 'Penny, as a treat for yr birthday - I am taking you to watch Derby'.
The bloke is just extraordinary. Can't say I approve wholly of his degen tendencies, but he's a good friend & I love him to bits. That's a kid who has 6 figure swings in a day & laughs it off.
His day job, in the main, is to buy fish & chip shops, (in & around Leeds) give them a makeover, then sell them on.
Did you notice he has one finger missing? Long story, apparently.
Think he lives with Middy (Tom Middleton), & he runs (not runs, runs), with Stu Rutter a lot.
Different world.
He has a blog/diary on a poker forum, but he's been a bit lax as to updating it lately. I'll give him a nudge.
Who is "Fatlad" please?
Well I've met hhy, & he is definitely not fat.
Pleasantly plump, robustly rotund, monstrous moobs, but fat, no way, that's an insult.