I'm playing the Orfordable League tonight as a Challenge Channing event. It will be my first appearance in this one so be gentle with me. Posted by NChanning
Sigh ..... One of the rare weeks I am not playing �� Good luck and have fun
Had a nice fun game tonight. I think karma came in to play as Ben Hur was involved in a pot where he lost with QQ vs AQ and he decided to berate his opponent for making the call. As I usually do in these spots I took the time to explain to him, just for poker reasons alone, why that is not a good thing to do. My getting involved in these spots, which I have now done for 16 years of playing online poker, just gets me a load of abuse for my trouble quite often but Ben Hur kept quiet, then thought for a bit and then apologised and explained he was just frustrated...which is totally understandable...this game can be pretty annoying.
Twenty minutes later he bust me and got the £25 bounty which he hadn't realised was on my head tonight.
Tournament Link - HERE

Best of Luck Everyone (especially Mr Channing)
Not sure about the being gentle with you though
Twenty minutes later he bust me and got the £25 bounty which he hadn't realised was on my head tonight.
Well played to him.
Good Luck Everyone