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My story



  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited January 2017
     Good luck again Tom, I know t's hard for you atm, but, as well as a good diet and vitamins, your mood is a lot more important than you might think, and it cannot be overstressed how much a positive outlook will help your recovery after treatment ---- so do everything you can to keep your sense of humour active. --- do you like Bill Bailey?---- look him up!---- brilliant man-- he is an ambassador for prostate cancer uk, and will cheer you up whenever you need it --- he'll say things like------ cheer up you dyslectic old git--- it's not the end of the word !
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    In Response to Re: My story : That's the sort of stuff. I can't stress how good the apricot kernels are. They taste a bit bitter (like marzipan) but they are one of the reasons why the Hunza tribe are so healthy and long lived. They are very cheap, about £30 for a kilo, which is enough kernels to last a loooong time. we get ours from . (Shalkur 'Baby Hunza' Apricot Kernels).   The whole diet thing is crucial, if you want more detail look into Phillip Day's book 'Cancer why we're still dying to know the truth'. Vitamen C, multi vits, etc are good too.
    Posted by Enut
    Don't listen to him Tom, he only uses them for fishing bait------ the carp in his pond taste like jam tarts I tell you!
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,669
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    In Response to Re: My story : Don't listen to him Tom, he only uses them for fishing bait------ the carp in his pond taste like jam tarts I tell you!
    Posted by oynutter
    I hadn't though of that!
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    In Response to Re: My story : I hadn't though of that!
    Posted by Enut
    Well, those carp really know what's good for them! ---- I would get my rod out and dance around with it in my hand singing "I'm going fishing", if I were you!
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
     Good luck again Tom, I know t's hard for you atm, but, as well as a good diet and vitamins, your mood is a lot more important than you might think, and it cannot be overstressed how much a positive outlook will help your recovery after treatment ---- so do everything you can to keep your sense of humour active. --- do you like Bill Bailey?---- look him up!---- brilliant man-- he is an ambassador for prostate cancer uk, and will cheer you up whenever you need it --- he'll say things like------ cheer up you dyslectic old git--- it's not the end of the word !
    Posted by oynutter
    Hah yea bill bailey is a very funny chap,I watched qi the other night when he was on, very funny ,especially when he puts his pipe in his gob and talks like a " posh" bloke. I can see what you mean about mind over matter malarkey and I am trying not to let things get on top of me,very tough when they gang up though.
    Poker wise I reckon I should revert back to chat on tables cos I seem to play and run better when iv 4 tables,watching television,chatting to wife n kids and in the chat box,prob can't see that I'm making all the wrong moves and gettin lucky:)
    In mini bh tother night I'd called a raise wi 67 sooted ,flop 76x called cont bet,turn 6 I check oppo shoves I snapcall,he's 99 ,river 9 gg. Doh.

  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    In Response to Re: My story : I am certainly not saying anyone should refuse expert opinion and 'proven' treatments just that anyone going through this owes it to themselves to be as well informed as possible. My other half had chemo. They used 4 drugs, 3 were artificial copies of natural remedies!
    Posted by Enut
    Thank you both for your caring posts. I guess both of you have fair points,my good lady wife is scouring the web and reading up on treatments/ dietary requirements etc etc,I also go to a chiropractor who is well versed on this subject and has offered his knowledge also so I am trying to get as informed as my old brain can take in:) 
    I am trying to come to terms with other issues also and I will try my best not to make this thread all doom and gloom as it seems to be turning that way.
    Reading other threads I was reminded of my youth when I was brought up on a council estate and my mates and I were in bookies regularly,I had a Canadian bet(5 horses multiple ways) first 4 won and I had a Jenny Pittman horse to run,big favourite it was,first outing of season though,borough hill lad it's name was,I think the term " schooling" sums up how it ran,I was pretty miffed and never backed a horse of hers again,even the national winner !
  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,669
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    In Response to Re: My story : Hah yea bill bailey is a very funny chap,I watched qi the other night when he was on, very funny ,especially when he puts his pipe in his gob and talks like a " posh" bloke. I can see what you mean about mind over matter malarkey and I am trying not to let things get on top of me,very tough when they gang up though. Poker wise I reckon I should revert back to chat on tables cos I seem to play and run better when iv 4 tables,watching television,chatting to wife n kids and in the chat box,prob can't see that I'm making all the wrong moves and gettin lucky:) In mini bh tother night I'd called a raise wi 67 sooted ,flop 76x called cont bet,turn 6 I check oppo shoves I snapcall,he's 99 ,river 9 gg. Doh.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Don't you hate it when that happens? I ran soooo bad yesterday evening I stopped after about an hour and actually posted the hands in BBV this morning to give an example of variance. Couldn't win with dominating hands AIP over and over again and then, to rub salt in the wounds, went out of a DYM to a one outer, having flopped top full house.

    Bill Bailey is a very funny man, watch his one man show when he plays the keyboards a lot, haven't got a clue what the title is but it's very funny.
  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited January 2017
    I'm pleased your switching the chat back on again but  when the day comes when I get my revenge on the green beige
    or the beatings you've given me it wont be needed  as you'll here the get in shout live down in Brighton

    life can be very cruel at times and I hope you can find the strength to battle through both your personal problems  and medical problems

    keep your chin up tom were all rooting for you and happy anniversary to you and your good lady
  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited January 2017
    for the
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    Well things are moving along, I rang the hospital for the results of my forgotten blood test and the good news is my p.s.a. level has gone down to 0.9 which means the hormone therapy is doing its job. My good lady wife rang me at work today to say the hospital at Brighton had left a message on our phone that I have an appointment tomorrow (Thursday),apparently they sent a letter which I haven't received. I am pleased that things are happening but on the other hand feeling a bit apprehensive about the upcoming treatment which we shall be discussing at the meeting. I don't think the consultant got my humour last Friday when we were chatting about my condition ( It is my way of coping to give flippant jocular comments although to be honest I can say really inappropriate things at times). He was going through the possible side effects and mentioned what every bloke does not want to hear, lets just say my duvet would no longer be nearer the ceiling than the bed in the morning :) anyway after saying that he handed me a dvd and said "watch this" to which I replied "oh thanks a p0rno film that may help "...I didn't even get a snigger.

    The poker has not been going to well at the moment, I have been going deep in tourneys but not getting on the final table which is a shame but my time will come :)

    Good luck to all you chaps and chappesses, thanks for the kind words and I shall post more news when I get it.x
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    Well things are moving along, I rang the hospital for the results of my forgotten blood test and the good news is my p.s.a. level has gone down to 0.9 which means the hormone therapy is doing its job. My good lady wife rang me at work today to say the hospital at Brighton had left a message on our phone that I have an appointment tomorrow (Thursday),apparently they sent a letter which I haven't received. I am pleased that things are happening but on the other hand feeling a bit apprehensive about the upcoming treatment which we shall be discussing at the meeting. I don't think the consultant got my humour last Friday when we were chatting about my condition ( It is my way of coping to give flippant jocular comments although to be honest I can say really inappropriate things at times). He was going through the possible side effects and mentioned what every bloke does not want to hear, lets just say my duvet would no longer be nearer the ceiling than the bed in the morning :) anyway after saying that he handed me a dvd and said "watch this" to which I replied "oh thanks a p0rno film that may help "...I didn't even get a snigger. The poker has not been going to well at the moment, I have been going deep in tourneys but not getting on the final table which is a shame but my time will come :) Good luck to all you chaps and chappesses, thanks for the kind words and I shall post more news when I get it.x
    Posted by tomgoodun
    They say a lot of medical staff use humour to relieve the stress, obviously not yours Tom! FWIW I lolled.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited January 2017

    Good luck today, Tom, good vibes SENT.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited January 2017
    hope it all went well Tom
    and humour is a great stress reliever
    keep it up
    (or not as the case may be)
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    hope it all went well Tom and humour is a great stress reliever keep it up (or not as the case may be)
    Posted by GELDY
    Thank you kind sir I shall try to keep it up as long as I can :)
    The consultant at Brighton told me that I can have the brachytherapy, there is a bit of a waiting list and he thinks I shall be starting in January...ish. Good news is that when I rang the hospital to enquire about the missing blood test results for my psa level they informed that it has come down from 30 odd to 0.9 so the hormone therapy is doing its job.

    He told me all about the treatment I am to have, brachy followed two weeks later by 23 sessions of radiotherapy, I wont bore you with the details of the aforementioned as it is a little bit can I say...hurty.

    My darling Daughter has got a job, she did her induction today and starts on Tuesday, 5am til happy and proud, she seems to be really positive about it and talking about having driving lessons and saving up., happy happy.

    The poker may be turning the corner as I mentioned above, I had a few cashes and tonight entered the freeroll for puntasumatorother, I made the top 9 to win a seat in quarter final, finished 2nd in that so now in the semi :)

    good luck to all you you splendid folk. tc.x
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,663
    edited January 2017

    Hi Tom,

    I reckon you are the world's proudest Dad.

    23 sessions of radiotherapy? Jeez, sounds awful - but if it does the trick as well as the hormone therapy did, it'll be worth it.
    Talk about "these things are sent to try us"..........

    Good luck with the Punta Whatsit!

  • dumb_blonddumb_blond Member Posts: 308
    edited January 2017
    great to hear your positive attitude towards the challenge ahead tom. keep your spirits up

    you've got a lot of folk on here  thinking about you wishing you to get well soon.
  • tomgooduntomgoodun Member Posts: 3,758
    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: My story:
    great to hear your positive attitude towards the challenge ahead tom. keep your spirits up you've got a lot of folk on here  thinking about you wishing you to get well soon.
    Posted by dumb_blond
    Thank you miss ,I appreciate your posts,hope to meet at the tables soon. Take care and the very best of luck.x
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,665
    edited January 2017

    Still following this thread and thinking of you and your family at this time Tom.

    And hey, GL on the tables when you get to play too.
  • DTWBANDITDTWBANDIT Member Posts: 6,451
    edited January 2017

      So Sad tom, i wish you all the best for the future, i'll look in on this thread from time 2 time see how you are getting on P:)
  • FLASHJONNYFLASHJONNY Member Posts: 2,537
    edited January 2017
    I haven't been on this thread for awhile so when I seen this post by 1 of the people I really like on sky this upset me gl pal all the best john
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