there's some very ignorant people about tom manners cost nothing was one of the mantras I was brought up with. the first table i was on tonight I wished everybody good luck before we started as i always do, not a squeak out of anybody not even when I added a sarcastic good luck blondie to myself. maybe i was unlucky and stumbled on the agm of the trappist monks society. don't let the odd miserable sod get to you as you know yourself there's loads of nice friendly people play on sky poker. the very first comment I received in the chat box when I first started to play on here came after making a dodgy call was "you are" obviously a reference to my nom de plume and sadly my poker skills. keep your chin up tom and don't let the odd bad apple get to you your better than them. Posted by dumb_blond
That's a great Post.
Tom, ignore that nonsense, every barrel contains a bad apple or two.
As you know, because you play a few PLO8 DYM's with "the gang", almost every one of them wishes the others "good luck" when it starts, & exchange a few pleasantries. It's just good manners.
there's some very ignorant people about tom manners cost nothing was one of the mantras I was brought up with. the first table i was on tonight I wished everybody good luck before we started as i always do, not a squeak out of anybody not even when I added a sarcastic good luck blondie to myself. maybe i was unlucky and stumbled on the agm of the trappist monks society. don't let the odd miserable sod get to you as you know yourself there's loads of nice friendly people play on sky poker. the very first comment I received in the chat box when I first started to play on here came after making a dodgy call was "you are" obviously a reference to my nom de plume and sadly my poker skills. keep your chin up tom and don't let the odd bad apple get to you your better than them. Posted by dumb_blond
Hi Db, thanks for the kind words, yes you are right I suppose.tbh I was feeling a bit low on the evening in question and was rather sensitive to sarky comments, usually I would just laugh it off and baffle them with my outrageous play Oh I just won the 2qd deepstack btw (brag) Good luck to you on the tables and keep smiling.x
In Response to Re: My story : That's a great Post. Tom, ignore that nonsense, every barrel contains a bad apple or two. As you know, because you play a few PLO8 DYM's with "the gang", almost every one of them wishes the others "good luck" when it starts, & exchange a few pleasantries. It's just good manners. There's plenty of lovely people in poker. Posted by Tikay10
Good evening, yes of course you are right, as I mention above I think I was being a bit sensitive and he was trying to impress his mate with his posts. it was a bit like walking into a pub and there are 2 blokes chatting and you say hi and they just look at you and say "who are you and what do you want "sort of thing, I just couldn't resist biting back, I really should have kept my counsel and moved on. PL08..great game , lovely folk, I was doing quite well at the start of maca's challenge , then the variance set in luckily enough I have balanced it out by winning the 2 qd deepy tonight, I seem to do well in that particular one,, suits my game I guess. Is there any way I can check how many times I have won it? (just to boost my flagging ego of course good to see you are on the mend, tc and good luck.
Puts everything into perspective. I wish you all the best with your treatment and I'm sure you'll come out the other end fighting fit and taking down more mtts.
Great result in DTD1 tonight Tom. Really pleased for you Sir. 188 runners and you did ok...;) tomgoodun 940000 1 £101.52 Posted by MAXALLY
Thank you Alan (I remembered this time) or have I just broken your seal of anonymity I really enjoy this game and last night was particularly good as I am off work this week due to the doctor insisting I take time off to rest, I rang the boss at work to ask if it would be ok to work in the office and he told me to stay at home on full pay, lovely gesture. I hope it's still there next week, I mean how will they manage without me;)
I appreciate you taking the time to post, good luck on the felt my good man.
Just caught up with your thread Tom. Puts everything into perspective. I wish you all the best with your treatment and I'm sure you'll come out the other end fighting fit and taking down more mtts. James Posted by Donttelmum
Hi James, thank you so much for your best wishes, it means a lot to me, especially as you prob only have a 30 second window between crushing / grinding and sleep take care my good man and look after yourself, good luck at the tables.
Oh I just remembered, well done on your punta Cana trip/ experience, I read your blog on the subject and it was most informative and a great read, sounds like you had a wonderful time, unlucky with the k 10, that's the way it goes ey, but it's hard at the time to take in, I mean, when I was at wsop ( cue audience leaving lol )
can I add my congratulations on your hard fought win in dtd 1 last night well done tom Posted by dumb_blond[/QUOT
Thank you very much, and ta for the rail,I find I get a bit tired and bored at that time of night and tend to lose focus and just shove any 2, but as I had a cheerleader I couldn't let you down when it got down to the last 3 I felt I had an edge and was super confident of taking it down, that's 2 in a week now,I'm great me aaand I'm back in the room. Good luck to you and take care. X
cheer leader that sounds a posh title tom, I've got the blond hair and the bust just need the bubble gum now. Posted by dumb_blond
Haha, I believe the blonde bit but I reckon you should provide proof of the attributes ,I ran pretty well tonight, cashed in 3 bounty hunters. , hows your game going?
tom I passed your concern on to my management team who would like to issue the following statement. tom we can assure you that db's assets are of a good size and shape also to put our insurers an indeed db herself at ease her bra straps have been subject to the same rigorous stress tests that were applied to the concords wings to ensure that there will be minimal chance of her suffering from a whiplash injury in the unlikely case of reinforced bra strap failure' we hope this puts your mind at rest. Posted by dumb_blond
Concorde ey, I would be a smidgen concerned if I was you I have a better testing device to hand ....
tom I passed your concern on to my management team who would like to issue the following statement.
tom we can assure you that db's assets are of a good size and shape also to put our insurers an indeed db herself at ease
her bra straps have been subject to the same rigorous stress tests that were applied to the concords wings to ensure that there will be minimal chance of her suffering from a whiplash injury in the unlikely case of reinforced bra strap failure'
tom on the subject of your worries reference to the suitability of concords reliability we believe that the problems were with
air france were our suppliers are british based.
we tried binns but they rattled so other leading suppliers are being experimented with.
the offer of a better testing device you have is intriguing because when we tried to head hunt you on the 1/11/14.
(I.m always on the look out for a fella who's good with his hands keep me in mind tom) we were very surprised you did
not grasp the opportunity with both hands unfortunately due to the approach of winter and the onset of cold
hand syndrome we will not now be looking to fill this vacancy before the month of may.
we will keep your details on file but hope you realise you may be expected to start at the bottom and work your way up. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
i hope your not feeling to bad and enjoying the banter theres lots of people rooting for you tom xx
tom on the subject of your worries reference to the suitability of concords reliability we believe that the problems were with air france were our suppliers are british based. we tried binns but they rattled so other leading suppliers are being experimented with. the offer of a better testing device you have is intriguing because when we tried to head hunt you on the 1/11/14. (I.m always on the look out for a fella who's good with his hands keep me in mind tom) we were very surprised you did not grasp the opportunity with both hands unfortunately due to the approach of winter and the onset of cold hand syndrome we will not now be looking to fill this vacancy before the month of may. we will keep your details on file but hope you realise you may be expected to start at the bottom and work your way up. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i hope your not feeling to bad and enjoying the banter theres lots of people rooting for you tom xx Posted by dumb_blond
Thanks for making me smile ,I need it ATM ,see below. Gd luck on the felt.x
I have been running pretty good/ lucky on the pokeramo front lately, my sister wants to go Brighton dogs on 20 th dec so I withdrew some funds and said I would pay for us all, yikes there's now 11 of us and at £34.50 each that's a bit of a hit lol.,I haven't seen her for a while as she lives oop north so it will be really nice to catch up.
The above was written before the postman arrived, I received a letter today bearing good? News.
I have my date for the brachytherapy op, it is the 18 th December , I also have a pre radiotherapy planning meeting at hospital on 4 th December , and a pre op appointment at haywards Heath hospital on the 8th December.
How am I feeling.? Well,,, nervous,scared, but on the other hand grateful that I have a condition that potentially can be treated, also I feel very lucky to have a wife and family that support me through these testing times.
It seems I will have to cancel the trip to Brighton dogs,shame but hey oh I think the treatment out kicks it.
Just won the £2 deepstack again tonight, 3 times in a week... is this a record Well played to all on ft and thx for making it such an enjoyable tourney, no griping all night.. splendid.
B DAY imminent. I have been running pretty good/ lucky on the pokeramo front lately, my sister wants to go Brighton dogs on 20 th dec so I withdrew some funds and said I would pay for us all, yikes there's now 11 of us and at £34.50 each that's a bit of a hit lol.,I haven't seen her for a while as she lives oop north so it will be really nice to catch up. The above was written before the postman arrived, I received a letter today bearing good? News. I have my date for the brachytherapy op, it is the 18 th December , I also have a pre radiotherapy planning meeting at hospital on 4 th December , and a pre op appointment at haywards Heath hospital on the 8th December. How am I feeling.? Well,,, nervous,scared, but on the other hand grateful that I have a condition that potentially can be treated, also I feel very lucky to have a wife and family that support me through these testing times. It seems I will have to cancel the trip to Brighton dogs,shame but hey oh I think the treatment out kicks it. Thanks for all the best wishes and be lucky all.x Posted by tomgoodun
Morning Tom.
THREE appointments before Christmas? Yikes. Not sure if that is good or bad. I suppose, on balance, you'd rather not spend Christmas worrying about when they will be.
Anyway, it looks like the Hossie are well and truly on your case, so that's good.
Maybe your poker run-good (I see you have been on a bit of a HEATERRRRR!) will transfer across to those medical tests, & you get some good results. Fingers well & truly crossed.
Hove Dogs? Well there's a thing. I go there around 4 or 5 times per year, & book a table, & a meal, in that lovely trackside restaurant. My young lady LOVES going to Hove Dogs, & having the meal. It's actually quite a nice evening. Expensive though - I give her £60 (£5 per race) to bet with, & never get a penny back......
there's some very ignorant people about tom manners cost nothing was one of the mantras I was brought up with. the first table i was on tonight I wished everybody good luck before we started as i always do, not a squeak out of anybody not even when I added a sarcastic good luck blondie to myself. maybe i was unlucky and stumbled on the agm of the trappist monks society. don't let the odd miserable sod get to you as you know yourself there's loads of nice friendly people play on sky poker. the very first comment I received in the chat box when I first started to play on here came after making a dodgy call was "you are" obviously a reference to my nom de plume and sadly my poker skills. keep your chin up tom and don't let the odd bad apple get to you your better than them. Posted by dumb_blond
I think when people say 'good luck' at the beginning of a tourament the other players are probably thinking, you don't mean it. For example, if you have all your chips in the middle with AA and someone calls with QQ then you want to win, you don't want them to get lucky and out draw you with a Q coming so i suppose it comes back to the point of not really wanting them to have luck, certainly not when they maybe getting lucky against you.
It's like when people say 'sorry' after putting a bad beat on you, they aren't really sorry, they are happy they have won and probably were shouting out for the one card to come that gave them the win.
I'm sure your post was meant as friendly, i just think people tend to think the person saying it doesn't really mean it and that's why they don't say anything.
Anyway sorry to bust in on the thread but your post rang a bell with me as a guy said it last night on a table I was on and no one said anything, including me I'm afraid.
If I'm in a good mood and feel like saying something i might say 'Hi all', or 'good evening' and then people don't really have any excuse not to say 'hi' back
the first table i was on tonight I wished everybody good luck before we started as i always do, not a squeak out of anybody
not even when I added a sarcastic good luck blondie to myself.
maybe i was unlucky and stumbled on the agm of the trappist monks society.
don't let the odd miserable sod get to you as you know yourself there's loads of nice friendly people play on sky poker.
the very first comment I received in the chat box when I first started to play on here came after making a dodgy call was
"you are" obviously a reference to my nom de plume and sadly my poker skills.
keep your chin up tom and don't let the odd bad apple get to you your better than them.
Tom, ignore that nonsense, every barrel contains a bad apple or two.
As you know, because you play a few PLO8 DYM's with "the gang", almost every one of them wishes the others "good luck" when it starts, & exchange a few pleasantries. It's just good manners.
There's plenty of lovely people in poker.
tom we can assure you that db's assets are of a good size and shape also to put our insurers an indeed db herself at ease
her bra straps have been subject to the same rigorous stress tests that were applied to the concords wings to ensure that
there will be minimal chance of her suffering from a whiplash injury in the unlikely case of reinforced bra strap failure'
we hope this puts your mind at rest.
air france were our suppliers are british based.
we tried binns but they rattled so other leading suppliers are being experimented with.
the offer of a better testing device you have is intriguing because when we tried to head hunt you on the 1/11/14.
(I.m always on the look out for a fella who's good with his hands keep me in mind tom) we were very surprised you did
not grasp the opportunity with both hands unfortunately due to the approach of winter and the onset of cold
hand syndrome we will not now be looking to fill this vacancy before the month of may.
we will keep your details on file but hope you realise you may be expected to start at the bottom and work your way up.
i hope your not feeling to bad and enjoying the banter theres lots of people rooting for you tom xx
THREE appointments before Christmas? Yikes. Not sure if that is good or bad. I suppose, on balance, you'd rather not spend Christmas worrying about when they will be.
Anyway, it looks like the Hossie are well and truly on your case, so that's good.
Maybe your poker run-good (I see you have been on a bit of a HEATERRRRR!) will transfer across to those medical tests, & you get some good results. Fingers well & truly crossed.
Hove Dogs? Well there's a thing. I go there around 4 or 5 times per year, & book a table, & a meal, in that lovely trackside restaurant. My young lady LOVES going to Hove Dogs, & having the meal. It's actually quite a nice evening. Expensive though - I give her £60 (£5 per race) to bet with, & never get a penny back......