Thought I'd offer up an idea for a tournament for the site - apologies if its ben suggested before, I haven't seen it.
Its basically a weekly tournament (something with a reasonable buy in and chip size/blind structure), and it is named after the person that won it the week before. So each week the winner not only gets the biggest payout they also have the next tournament in their name and a free buy in to it. (Ladbrokes do a similar thing called 'The Daddy')
So eg first week it runs its just called "The invitational", "The Daddy", or "The Big Chip Love Fest", and then say I won the first one, week 2 it is now called "Repton3's Invitational", "Repton3 is The Daddy" or "Repton3's Big Chip Love Fest", week 2 is won by someone called MrCheese so week 3 the tournament is called "MrCheese is The Daddy" etc etc
I always loved the idea of this tournament setup when i saw it at ladbrokes.
What does anyone else think?
0 ·
Love it.
An interesting concept - My only Q's are what should the entry fee be, and to appeal to the masses, should it be a 10 min blind level or a more DS one and on which day do you want it to run on?
Also do we put a bounty on the previous weeks winners head?
I'll also open it up to all to come up with the name for the first week. Prize for the winner is a seat in the next £15k Primo.....
So get busy, the closing date is 5pm Monday.
All the best,
Deep stack 12 min blinds format starting at 19.30 Thursdays or Sundays £5 buy in for those who can't afford the Five 00 or the Open!
Well assuming this idea is for the masses, as it would be about getting your name on the event and free entry etc.. then prob (even though we all love the DS structures) it should be say 10 min blinds? Not sure, maybe others can comment too
Not sure if putting a bounty on the previous winners head then makes it closer to the bh format?
Sky poker "The one" tournament = flashflush is THE ONE - this would prob work better if the winner had a bounty on their head.
'the Sky Masters Series' = Phil12UK is the MASTER. Master series could be more of a DS event - or you could have it 10 min but create it's own mini league. If you went this route you would prob want a buy in from £5 -£10. I can see a league structure focused on one tournament being popular.
"Sky Fire" tournament = Tikay10 is on fire.... that would be more just about who is running well. I.e. won the week before.
or on a jokey angle.
The Sky 'Takeaway' - Mickjenn1's Takeaway etc.... implying you takeaway the top prize and freeentry to the next week. Ok I am all out of creative ideas for now lol
Why not just call it The Champ, then the next week it would go, hopefully lol, Mr-Mbro is the champ.
I think that it is proved that a smaller buyin will attract a bigger field(Mickjenn's tourny is an example), so i would pitch it at £5.50 with 10 min blinds, you could run it on a Saturday night 7pm start.
i will only offer one this time, since i think Grimstar's suggestions are really good and will be hard to top
my suggestion is Schools out, the winner is then top of the class i.e schools out. Grimstar is top of the class.
i know, i know, i'll get my coat.
How about initially it's called "Sky Name The Game" and the weekly winner then has to name their tourney for the next week? They can then go on a Mickjenn promotional campaign with some sort of prize (Sky T shirt?) if the runners get above a certain number?
Well i have a mtt sir tkay has 1 and quite right 2, wat about rich top geezer, had a great laff at dtd wiv him, so i think it shud be called just 1 word, ORFORDS, he gets sum stick about his poker but hes not as bad as every1 makes out, whenever hes in the chatbox you are guaranteed a laff. so sky ORFORDS MTT?
I have to say I totaly agree with what you say, I have had the pleasure, yes pleasure of watching Richard play poker under his alias, and no I am not telling, Richard will give it out if and when he wants, allthough there are a few who know it, there is nothing I like better than watching my mates win.
So come on lets have a tourny named after Richard
Name of the Game
Winner name's it all
The name fame game
I'd say a lowish buyin to attract quite a few runners, say £5.50, reasonable stack 2500 chips and 9/10 min blinds.

A bounty on previous winners head was a great suggestion I like that idea. - Maybe an amount equal to a full buy in (e.g £5.50) to reward the successful killer.
Ideas for names:
Sky Rocks - e.g "repton3 Rocks"
Beat the Winner - e.g "Beat repton3"
Watch out! - e.g "Watch out repton3 is about"
Quake in Fear - e.g "Quake in fear of repton3"
I'll have to think of some more, this is exciting
make the following week a bounty on last weeks winner
id say £5.00 buy in with 10 mins blinds