Hi guys,
Would be fun to organise a casual charity last-longer for the High Roller tomorrow night. Idea being that anyone playing the event who is interested could post in this thread with the charity of their choice, and whoever lasts the longest in the tournament out of everyone who posted is the 'winner'. Everyone then makes a donation to the winner's chosen charity. No rules on size of donations - can be as little or as much as you can spare, and send all donations direct to the charity obvs - most charities will have a page online where you can send something at the click of a button.
If not enough interest, will open it up to people not playing the event. So even if you normally play freerolls, you could pick Matt Bates or whoever, as long as you're willing to make a charity donation. Would be first come first served - only one pick per person and one person per pick if that makes sense (?!)
If zero interest whatsoever, I will still be making a donation

but the more Easter cheer the merrier!
Gl tomorrow!
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