I realise now that this thread is just for info on the DTD's and to opt in to the league/teams etc... I've been taking up space with comments that belong elsewhere, my apologies!
Just one more though (last one genuinely) as I've already commented on the people who've joined TEAM ADS so far on this thread feel I have to shout out davidson09 here as well- he is a legitimate micro stakes king! Seriously though (if you're into that sort of thing) look up his stats on SharkScope if you get a chance, absolutely ridiculous ... you're in trouble now MAXALLY and The Hit Squad...
VktrVaughn- Finnish micro stakes MTT end boss
...team is taking shape!
Just one more though (last one genuinely) as I've already commented on the people who've joined TEAM ADS so far on this thread feel I have to shout out davidson09 here as well- he is a legitimate micro stakes king! Seriously though (if you're into that sort of thing) look up his stats on SharkScope if you get a chance, absolutely ridiculous
Welcome and rungolden
couple more for Team ADS on this thread