Sorry Binksy but you’re going to have to up your game if you want views. It needs a bit of interesting stuff like tales of the ups and downs of £11 dyms, playing golf badly, Derby losing etc
Best of luck with it
Agreed - he's not even said whether or not he has cold showers. Amateur.
im a 2 baths a day man bit OCD when it comes to things like that fk cold showers
good luck with this binksy.!! if you wanna do any TV and go over some handhistories then gimme a shout. how long have you played MTTs for? have you been soley a cash game player up until now or has it always been a mixture. With all the work you do off the table im sure you will achieve everything you want to in poker.. GLGL
Looking forward to following your story , seems the old adage ‘ If your not living on the edge you’re taking up too much space’ is most apt 😊 Good luck in your quest
All of it is fascinating, but I have one special request.
Can you talk more about this, please?
being born in to a Romany gypsies family, pros and cons of that.
It can be on here, openly, or via PM, I don't mind.
My closest friend in life, & for many years, is a Romany Gypsy, in fact he plays now & then on Sky Poker.
Knowing him as well as I do, I have got to know & understand the life of real Gypsies. (Note, capital "G" in Gypsy).
Romany Gypsies are a much misunderstood race. For now, I can say I don't trust many folks, but if I shake hands with a Romany Gypsy, that's all the trust I need. Wonderful, wonderful, people, & unbelievably clean. (Never wash your hands in the kitchen sink etc).
I'm a simple gorger of course. (For those not familiar with the Romany language, "gorger" means non-Romany, just regular people). "Gorger" is not a derogatory term, not at all, though the terms "p ikey" & "gyppo" are extremely offensive to Gypsies, rather like referring to a Pakistani as a "****".
good luck with this binksy.!! if you wanna do any TV and go over some handhistories then gimme a shout. how long have you played MTTs for? have you been soley a cash game player up until now or has it always been a mixture. With all the work you do off the table im sure you will achieve everything you want to in poker.. GLGL
@LnarinOO ty for the good luck, will take you up on studying for sure, I am a firm believer in surrounding myself with smart people in life and poker, I have played you some in poker and found out quickly you have a big edge pre and post flop on me and I have no reservation's on saying that you are a much better player than me.
I have played mostly cash from when I started with small amount of MTTs but with Manchester coming up that's really were I need to focus my time and efforts.
@Tikay wow you know the ins and outs of our life style I'm shocked will for sure answer your post but want to take time and be detailed about it, just getting ready for my grind session but be sure to know I will be posting on here for you I have no problems with that I have a lot of time for you Tikay.
gl in your quest jj fascinating op looking forward to reading more i know a few Gypsies from the camp a few miles from us a good lads they are all the best bud
I was possibly the worst boxer of all time-particularly embarrassing as my great-great uncle was John L Sullivan, one of the great fighters, and an all-round legend.
Good luck chief sure you will make the 50k - what kind of schedule re you looking to keep, used to love MTT’s but since having kids just dont have time to play them regularly. Good luck in Manchester - you going to be playing the 25/25 or any other live comps?
I was possibly the worst boxer of all time-particularly embarrassing as my great-great uncle was John L Sullivan, one of the great fighters, and an all-round legend.
Good luck-will read with interest
Wow, that's incredible, Phil.
I looked up The Great Man on google images & found this. From looking at this photo, hard to guess you two were related.
This is looking like being another fantastic read. Instantly bookmarked. We really are being spoiled this year in terms of quality diaries from interesting chaps- I actually spend more time in the Sky forum than I do at the Sky tables these days...
Maybe your diary will inspire me to get back on the Sky MTT grind @JJBinks, @Duesenberg 's certainly hasn't...
Wow getting a lot of feedback all positive from people which is amazing, seems to be some interest in the way I have lived my life so big thanks for the support of my diary.
To answer Tikays question,
All of what you have said is true, it’s my mums side of the family that is Romany Gypsy she married outside ("Gorger") as we would say, I know in our community we have a lot of mixed beliefs about that, I think its becoming more common these days, I did as well I Married a Spanish Lady and wouldn’t change that for the world, she can be bat **** crazy sometimes but she’s the smartest strongest woman I know that always supports me in any thing I do, you cant really ask for more.
I think the more common belief now is that you should do what makes you happy I truly believe that to.
Moving on to the much-misunderstood race, I think you are right even from school I experienced first-hand racism but not from the kids as much at schools mostly from teachers only from the fact of who my family was, I had one situation were this teacher had taught my older brother and cousins in previous years and had some already strong hate towards them, so he came down hard on me from the get go, when I had done nothing at all wrong and truly just wanted to work hard but I never had a chance when he was involved.
I did take a positive from the experience though I always treat people how I want to be treated I am never nasty to people or go looking for trouble, I try to help as many people as I can, and always am a man of my word because truly I believe you are only as good as your word.
Not looking for sympathy in any way as I think it should be looked as a positive because from people showing hatred in many forms its created who I am now.
You shouldn’t fight hate with hate I think that breads more hate, you should break the circle and just keep treating people with respect always and maybe one day it might stop.
Good luck chief sure you will make the 50k - what kind of schedule re you looking to keep, used to love MTT’s but since having kids just dont have time to play them regularly. Good luck in Manchester - you going to be playing the 25/25 or any other live comps?
@IH8UButler thanks for the good luck, as for the schedule, I am kind of a work ahloic (not sure if that's spelt right ) work like 15hr plus days with running jobs as a sparky studying poker and playing so just try to get as much done as possible, learning ICM got some great information on ICM but its very complex so need to do a lot of HR solver situations to get a real understanding for it something I think I am now getting my head around.
Made a massive ICM mistake on a FT a few days back which cost me a lot in EV so looking to really get on top of that.
I was possibly the worst boxer of all time-particularly embarrassing as my great-great uncle was John L Sullivan, one of the great fighters, and an all-round legend.
Good luck-will read with interest
@Essexphil great to hear about your uncle John L Sullivan guy seems a legend, doesn't matter if you are good or bad at boxing it shows proper hart just to step in the ring.
Wow getting a lot of feedback all positive from people which is amazing, seems to be some interest in the way I have lived my life so big thanks for the support of my diary.
To answer Tikays question,
All of what you have said is true, it’s my mums side of the family that is Romany Gypsy she married outside ("Gorger") as we would say, I know in our community we have a lot of mixed beliefs about that, I think its becoming more common these days, I did as well I Married a Spanish Lady and wouldn’t change that for the world, she can be bat **** crazy sometimes but she’s the smartest strongest woman I know that always supports me in any thing I do, you cant really ask for more.
I think the more common belief now is that you should do what makes you happy I truly believe that to.
Moving on to the much-misunderstood race, I think you are right even from school I experienced first-hand racism but not from the kids as much at schools mostly from teachers only from the fact of who my family was, I had one situation were this teacher had taught my older brother and cousins in previous years and had some already strong hate towards them, so he came down hard on me from the get go, when I had done nothing at all wrong and truly just wanted to work hard but I never had a chance when he was involved.
I did take a positive from the experience though I always treat people how I want to be treated I am never nasty to people or go looking for trouble, I try to help as many people as I can, and always am a man of my word because truly I believe you are only as good as your word.
Not looking for sympathy in any way as I think it should be looked as a positive because from people showing hatred in many forms its created who I am now.
You shouldn’t fight hate with hate I think that breads more hate, you should break the circle and just keep treating people with respect always and maybe one day it might stop.
I have a question in relation to ICM on FT if any experienced MTT grinder might be able to help me with?
I am starting to get a good understanding with risk premiums, future game and collision likelihood and how that effects our range at standard final tables, but what I am struggling with is how bounty's would change the ICM factors and what adjustment's I should be making or taking in to account with bounty hunter FT. @Itsover4u @Jac35 @FeelGroggy @MattBates @IH8UButler @LnarinOO
if I have not put your name on the list its just that I am pushed for time so doing this very quick, but would put a lot more players who I think are great Mtts players and could help me
how long have you played MTTs for? have you been soley a cash game player up until now or has it always been a mixture.
With all the work you do off the table im sure you will achieve everything you want to in poker.. GLGL
Good luck in your quest
All of it is fascinating, but I have one special request.
Can you talk more about this, please?
being born in to a Romany gypsies family, pros and cons of that.
It can be on here, openly, or via PM, I don't mind.
My closest friend in life, & for many years, is a Romany Gypsy, in fact he plays now & then on Sky Poker.
Knowing him as well as I do, I have got to know & understand the life of real Gypsies. (Note, capital "G" in Gypsy).
Romany Gypsies are a much misunderstood race. For now, I can say I don't trust many folks, but if I shake hands with a Romany Gypsy, that's all the trust I need. Wonderful, wonderful, people, & unbelievably clean. (Never wash your hands in the kitchen sink etc).
I'm a simple gorger of course. (For those not familiar with the Romany language, "gorger" means non-Romany, just regular people). "Gorger" is not a derogatory term, not at all, though the terms "p ikey" & "gyppo" are extremely offensive to Gypsies, rather like referring to a Pakistani as a "****".
I have played mostly cash from when I started with small amount of MTTs but with Manchester coming up that's really were I need to focus my time and efforts.
@tomgoodun thanks for the best wishes,
@Tikay wow you know the ins and outs of our life style I'm shocked
i know a few Gypsies from the camp a few miles from us a good lads they are
all the best bud
I was possibly the worst boxer of all time-particularly embarrassing as my great-great uncle was John L Sullivan, one of the great fighters, and an all-round legend.
Good luck-will read with interest
Great first post. Don’t worry about the spelling, no one should be judging you on that
Run well mate.
I looked up The Great Man on google images & found this. From looking at this photo, hard to guess you two were related.
Maybe your diary will inspire me to get back on the Sky MTT grind @JJBinks, @Duesenberg 's certainly hasn't...
To answer Tikays question,
All of what you have said is true, it’s my mums side of the family that is Romany Gypsy she married outside ("Gorger") as we would say, I know in our community we have a lot of mixed beliefs about that, I think its becoming more common these days, I did as well I Married a Spanish Lady and wouldn’t change that for the world, she can be bat **** crazy sometimes but she’s the smartest strongest woman I know that always supports me in any thing I do, you cant really ask for more.
I think the more common belief now is that you should do what makes you happy I truly believe that to.
Moving on to the much-misunderstood race, I think you are right even from school I experienced first-hand racism but not from the kids as much at schools mostly from teachers only from the fact of who my family was, I had one situation were this teacher had taught my older brother and cousins in previous years and had some already strong hate towards them, so he came down hard on me from the get go, when I had done nothing at all wrong and truly just wanted to work hard but I never had a chance when he was involved.
I did take a positive from the experience though I always treat people how I want to be treated I am never nasty to people or go looking for trouble, I try to help as many people as I can, and always am a man of my word because truly I believe you are only as good as your word.
Not looking for sympathy in any way as I think it should be looked as a positive because from people showing hatred in many forms its created who I am now.
You shouldn’t fight hate with hate I think that breads more hate, you should break the circle and just keep treating people with respect always and maybe one day it might stop.
Made a massive ICM mistake on a FT a few days back which cost me a lot in EV so looking to really get on top of that.
I am starting to get a good understanding with risk premiums, future game and collision likelihood and how that effects our range at standard final tables, but what I am struggling with is how bounty's would change the ICM factors and what adjustment's I should be making or taking in to account with bounty hunter FT.
if I have not put your name on the list its just that I am pushed for time so doing this very quick, but would put a lot more players who I think are great Mtts players and could help me