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StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198


APRIL 2018 LEDGER AS OF 30/04/18




  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    The OP has been updated following the "successful" attempt at SOUTHWELL on 01/04/18 and the unsuccessful attempt at WOLVERHAMTON today (02/04/18)

    Screen shots sent to Dollie and Snuffer.


  • SnufferSnuffer Member Posts: 3,057
    StayOrGo said:


    APRIL 2018 LEDGER AS OF 02/04/18


    Syndicate Members,

    I have received the screenshot of the betting account and can confirm there is £1,364.45 in the account after the successful attempt at Wolverhampton (1/4/18) and the unsuccessful attempt at Wolverhampton (2/4/18).
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited April 2018
    The OP has been updated with the latest standings after the successful attempt at LINGFILED on 06/04/18.

    We have £4,111.00 in the kitty which is equal to £12.42 per share.

    As you know, I am no longer receiving the standing order payments from the syndicate, so we have three choices regarding dividend which I will put to a vote:

    CHOICE A: Do not declare a dividend and continue with the funds we have, so we can potentially continue for a while without further subscriptions.

    CHOICE B: Declare a £5 dividend and continue with the remaining funds in the kitty which would be £2,456.00

    CHOICE C: Declare a £10 dividend and continue with the remaining funds in the kitty which would be £801.00

    Please post your vote on here, bearing in mind that if/when the funds are gone, the syndicate will come to an end.

    Many thanks.

  • zadoczadoc Member Posts: 3,402
    I think we have all enjoyed the ride over the past year and we all appreciate the hard work GRAHAM has put into this, as well as realising the constraint on his POKER schedule.

    MY vote would be £10 DIVIDEND or indeed £12.42 DIVIDEND but will happily accept the majority vote.

  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    I would settle for choice C.
  • mkgunnermkgunner Member Posts: 3,041
    little bit for everyone and a little bit to play with so I vote B
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,663
    My vote is A*

    * only if Graham wants to continue with it all. If not, 2nd choice is B.
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,409
    BEING greedy for as much action on this as poss if Graham willing then A, if not B
  • HANSONHANSON Member Posts: 903
    I would say A if Graham willing to continue the hard work... if not then £12.42 per share
  • IH8UButlerIH8UButler Member Posts: 196
    Happy to leave the decision to you Graham
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited April 2018
    The A's have it, "slightly" atm.

    I am happy to continue. My main concern was that we were not being successful, and it was a lot of effort/sacrifice for something that wasn't going well. It just got a bit demoralising, near miss after near miss, but this "could" be the lift we needed.

    Does anyone object if I DON'T declare a dividend?

    If we are successful again, within the next 5 attempts or so, then a dividend will definitely be declared.

    Also, it's not just my time, we have to consider others too, particularly Roger who has the most time consuming job.

    Roger, are you OK to continue?

    Please note, if we do continue, I will still need everyone to cancel their existing standing orders and we will just see what we can do/where we can go with the existing balance.

    I will still try and keep it to a £400 average stake per attempt, so we potentially have 10 attempts with the existing balance.

    I guess doing this, we at least know that we have a few decent shots at it, for no further financial cost to anyone.

    However I do recognise that some people may want a return.


  • 1981MATT1981MATT Member Posts: 1,776
    I would say that if people are prepared to continue with the hard work to go ahead (Im not sure but thought people seemed to have greater knowledge of jumps) some sort of dividend would be good (but at what dividend would be the ultimate aim) I do enjoy the fun of this unfortunately I haven't been able to contribute as much as I would have liked. I would say maybe C which would still leave 2 attempts for when people are most confident to go for it..
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,528
    I would go for (A) if Graham wants to continue , but I am only in for a couple of quid and can understand if folks want a bit of cash back.
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited April 2018
    Following on from this. If we do go with option A, and anyone wants to cash-out at £12.42 per share (possibly slightly more as cashback is due Monday) they are more than welcome to do so, and would no longer be in the syndicate, but will at least go out on a high.

    Please post here, today or tomorrow if you would like to cash out. No problem either way, but it will need to be clear who's in and who's out before the next attempt.

    This way, people at least have a choice.


  • zadoczadoc Member Posts: 3,402
    I'm ok to continue.

    My comment was to give Graham the option to close now if he wished.

    I also have no problem with anyone cashing in their share.
  • wynne1938wynne1938 Member Posts: 20,572
    I will go with the flow.
    Thanks Graham and Team for all your effurts,
  • vaigretvaigret Member Posts: 16,409
    Go A if you happy graham. and agree if anybody wants the divie they should be able to take it
  • StayOrGoStayOrGo Member Posts: 12,198
    edited April 2018
    Yes, unfortunately it's a bit of an "all or nothing" option, but it isn't easy to facilitate anything else whilst going with the majority (Option A) decision.
  • IrishRoseIrishRose Member Posts: 1,663
    I’d love option A as well please - as long as it’s not too much work for it to continue xx
  • DollieDollie Member Posts: 706
    Some Jackpot Syndicate numbers to ponder
    Jackpot attempts 74 Jackpot wins 10
    Average return £2,418 (4 times above, 6 times below)
    Average stake £433 (17.9% x average return)
    Based on averages 14 wins would have meant break even
    5/6 winners on 36 occasions out of 74 (48.6%) and this includes 21 out of last 32 since Xmas (65.6%)
    With 5/6 winners on 36 occasions it is reasonable to expect to hit 6 winners perhaps 50% of the time, ie 18 times, which would probably calculate to a £7k or £8k profit instead of a £7.4k loss.

    In terms of dividend, I support option A as long as Graham is happy to continue. The above statistics suggest to me that we have been VERY unlucky so far, and if the luck turns slightly more in our favour then maybe with a £4k+ fund we can do quite well in the next 5 to 10 attempts.
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