Easy game if you can tick the checklist - I failed on step one :p You need to be an advanced climber with: Altitude experience of at least 7000m (a summit of Aconcagua is sufficient) Technical famili… (View Post)
Mystic Shane or Statto signs predict :p Tourney to open up quite fast with lots of goals - over 2.5 market good in group stage. Consider the draw in the 1X2 coupons in a lot of games, over a tad of v… (View Post)
PF(Pre-Flop) - Ur raise itself is totally fine especially 4 handed(and 6) but sizing I would go bigger if you are 3betting playing roughly 100bbs deep when u just double his bet i.e. make it 6bbs aft… (View Post)
Unless you were both 1 and 2 in stack size with everyone else a distance behind this could be a situation to make an ICM fold, but this is highly unlikely. Most times unless this was a very unique si… (View Post)